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Everything posted by tom3kb

  1. tom3kb

    [CAMP] Blood On The Sand

    Zipper5 is now Bi developer and work on Arma 3 so i dont think he have time for something for arma 2.
  2. tom3kb

    User mission requests!

    @Wiki Mini campaign for I44 maybe you dont played this one: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=16618 for Unsung campaign we must still wait, probably for next mod release, but you know about that ;)
  3. You unpbo/repbo oryginal OA campaign and put in addons\missions.pbo or did you cut that campaign and copy to arma2\campaigns. Did you change campaign name in description.ext. I know that many russian user made campaigns are made like bis one. You must put them in addons folder not in campaigns folder. If you put them in campaigns you cant run them and you dont see campaign title only empty place.
  4. If you know that weapons class names you can unpebo user made campaign and add them to all missions in campaign (in description.ext file check bi wiki). Now before all missions, during briefing you can change weapons. ---------- Post added at 02:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:33 PM ---------- The same situation with missions, you must add weapons to description.ext and that all.
  5. Almost all servers ~99% run on Arma 2 CO (Arma 2+OP.Arrowhead) there are few servers that run only arma 2 or only Arrowhead. Arma 2 Reinforcements is Baf and Pmc dlcs on dvd + op. Arrowhead Lite (all units/vehicles without arrowhead missions/campaigns, im not sure if units from arrowhead lite are in low texture like baf/pmc lite version). So if you buy only RFT you should join OA servers.
  6. Ok, so if you dont wont to people that have only baf/pmc lite see blurry units: dont put on map units/vehicles/planes/helicopters/war buldings from Baf/PMC and that all.
  7. You dont have to worry about Baf/PMC dlc. If you make mission for arma 2 CO we all can play it, becose we all have Baf/PMC Lite added in game patches. So you dont have to "remove" them from your mission. ---------- Post added at 10:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:45 AM ---------- I see Orcinus was faster.
  8. tom3kb

    Civilian kill punishment?

    Here you can find thread "check for civilian casualties with civilian module active" maybe few more threads about this. Maybe there you find something that will help you.
  9. And you must remember that if you run mission with mods folders on, even if that mission dont need any addons you must run game next time with the same mods or you will have that message "can not edit play etc". I have few shortcuts for arma. 1 with all weapons, units, islands etc needed for all campaigns. Few with only 1mod+sounds+fx, for example: @cwr;@jsrs;@blastcore;@cba or @ofrp;@jsrs;@cba.
  10. You should check Dap ai first aid support (check armaholic), ai can drag/carry units that was hit.
  11. Ok, for troubles with vanilla missions/campaigns that needs only arma 2 co i can suggest only 1 thing, run clean arma 2 co without any mods and restart mission/campaign from last save or in case of campaign: from start or from last mission you played. Or you can load mission with all mods you have on hdd. About rki_ i think R0adki11 can help you with this becose he is the expert in this part :).
  12. Im not 100% sure but i think its something from Nogovan Armed Forces Project made by R0adki11. Now he release all stuff in 1 pack. But earlier he release small packs with: tanks,units etc. Maybe its something from 1 off older packs becose i dont see rki_base in new release. ---------- Post added at 01:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:33 PM ---------- Earlier he released: nogovan light infantry soldier pack, nogovan paratroopers, nogovan craw pack, nogovan rifles pack, nogovan tank pack, nogovan backpacks etc. Now its all in one. Maybe this will help you little.
  13. @up No, Mi 8/17 and Mi24 dont have working winch for lifting cars etc. Mission author use AttachTo command (check bi wiki)-like in Domination where choppers tranansport Mhq. He use also Addaction commend to add that Lift/Drop action. Hip Hip Hooray mission you can find on Armaholic, i like this mission becose there are not to many transport mission in arma 2, this mission is great scripting work.
  14. I think that 99% servers run on arma 2 co (arma 2 and operation arrowhead). So if you want play MP buy arma 2 and Op. arrowhead. ---------- Post added at 07:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:44 PM ---------- Or if you allready have RFT buy only arma 2
  15. Maybe this idea is not 100% good for Ah64 mission but if in future you will make mission for Mi24 :) you can check Hip Hip Hooray mission. In this mission you have random tasks in random places on map, you lift and transport cars, objects, barrels and other stuff. You transport/evacuate: soldiers,pmc contractors, support them from air etc. Maybe you find there couple ideas for tasks.
  16. @up w1 dotarget pow1 ~1 unit w1 will target unit pow1 for 1 sec, w1 dofire pow1 ~1 unit w1 will shot to pow1 for 1sec. Last night i play 2 very good pilot missions Hellfire(ah 64) and Thunderbolt (a10) you should check armaholic, you can find there few good plane/heli missions (for ideas for tasks), 2 plane campaigns: Carrier operations Duala, and Wings-this one is mine, its very easy and short. ---------- Post added at 04:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:25 PM ---------- You can add also for your mission that ULB drone (like in Bis Apache missions from Arrowhead campaign), its very easy to do in editor, check youtobe for guide. ( Ulb drone is good for recon and with him you can shot Hellfire missiles from very long distance, enemy units will not know who hit them :)
  17. Weapon selection before mission: you must add weapons classnames to description.ext file in your mission (check bi wiki or here how to do this) or you can unpebo someone else mission and copy his description.ext with weapons and add what you want :). Fade black- for example use command titlecut ["","black out",1] ~1 ---------- Post added at 07:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:36 AM ---------- To end mission after all opfor are dead remember to set up in that trigger: end1 or end2 etc. After you kill all enemy units in that trigger are mission will end.
  18. Making missions for plane/heli is not so easy, you dont have to many type of task to chose. Maybe escort mission: you must escort convoy on road, search and destroy enemy ambush in few places. Or escort and support blackhawks with infantry when they attack something. You must support them when they unload infantry etc. Nothing special but i dont have to many ideas for pilot missions. ---------- Post added at 11:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:24 PM ---------- About hostage mission. If you dont have to many units you can make trigger. In condition: (not alive w1) or (not alive w2) or or (not alive w3) in on act: [] exec kill.sqs and in that script write for example: w1 dotarget pow1 ~1 w2 dotarget pow1 ~1 w3 dotarget pow1 ~1 w1 dofire pow1 ~1 w2 dofire pow1 ~1 w3 dofire pow1 ~1 exit w1-3 enemy units, pow1-hostage, ~1 time, 1sec for targeting and shot
  19. Here on forum you can find thread: Changing uniform. And you can see something like this in campaigns: Blood on the sand-in last mission or in Gambit royale in mission gr1.chernarus search for actions.sqf file and line with code ian and ianchdk (unit change his uniform from civil->chdkz). Maybe this help you little.
  20. Maybe something like this. Player starts mission 400m from radar and have few more tasks on map. Create trigger. In condition: (alive radar1) and unit1 distance radar1 >410 radar1-radar, unit1-your unit. Now you can synchronise that trigger with few enemy groups that wait on map (with waypoints). They will move to mission sector only if player dont destroy radar and he go more >410m from radar.
  21. Rescue mission: create 2 triggers. In 1st you write: in condition: unit1 distance pow1 <5 in on act. : [pow1,pow2] join unit1 pow1,2 etc units that you must rescue they join to your squad, unit1 your unit. 2nd trigger: condition: pow1 distance evac1 <50 or pow2 distance evac1 <50 on act. Hint "You save our soldiers" evac1-name of object on map where you must bring pow1 or 2 to end task ---------- Post added at 05:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:02 PM ---------- If you use "and" not "or" in 2nd trigger you must rescue pow1 and 2. In 2nd trigger you can add: [pow1,pow2] join unit2 unit2 soldier in evac point pow1 and pow2 will join to him. About steal airplane: in condition: plane1 distance evac1 <200 on act: hint "You steal the plane" plane1-name of plane that you must steal, evac1-object on map where you must bring plane, for example invisible airfield
  22. I think arma 2 will be alive many years after a3 will be released. Even now people are making missions/campaigns/mods for OFP (released in 2001) so you dont have to worry about a2. And making campaigns for a2 in 2012 and later, its not a waste of time. :)
  23. Check Armaholic, this forum, youtube for arma 2 tutorials or guides about mission editor and oder stuff. Check bi wiki for all commands. Unpbo someone else missions and load them in editor to see how people make missions. You will lern very fast how to make simple missions. ---------- Post added at 04:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:04 PM ---------- With script files (*.sqf or *.sqr files in mission) you can make almost all you want in your mission. You can download many scripts from armaholic add them to your mission to see what they do and how they work.
  24. Use search function. Search for Domination thread. Check armaholic or some arma 2 clans site etc
  25. Arma 2 reinforcements is Baf and Pmc dlcs (full versions with missions/campaigns and all units in high res) on dvd + Op arrowhead lite-no missions/campaign just units. If you have Op arrowhead or arma2 CO just install from that dvd baf and pmc. If you have only arma 2 you must install all stuff from reinf dvd, baf/pmc need (OA or OA lite) for working.