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Everything posted by tom3kb

  1. When you create mission in editor dont save it as *.pbo, just use save. You will have a mission folder with "yourmissionname". In this folder you put all scripts/briefing/description/init files. In the end you can pack your mission to*.pbo but you dont have to. If you dont know how to make briefing the best way is to unpebo someone else mission, copy briefing file and then change him to your needs
  2. I remember that i clear that hill in this mission (i dont finished this campaign yet). Maybe take only part of your team (if you dont want to lose to many people), go prone and move slow. Use grenades, throw them at hill. Ps: use search first, im sure you can find here thread about this campaign, you dont have to start new thread then.
  3. I just finished this campaign, great work: long campaign with many v.good missions, nice cutscens, new music(i love that main theme from 28 days later), few endings, i like that yellow sky effect, all missions ends with no problems, no bigger bugs only few mistakes in texts and blue sky bug in fallout mission but you know about this. I like that in many missions we are not the teamleader. ---------- Post added at 06:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:51 PM ---------- 1 suggestion: after all endings we have debriefings before we jump to credits (i think its better if after endings we jump to credits cutscene without that debrhefing window), if you want to do this in all ending missions in description.ext write: debriefing = 0. Its nothing big and its only suggestion. Thanks for this great campaign yogdogz :).
  4. No, OA campaign is made this way, 1 guy is soldier, 2nd is pilot etc, and they all have different task. Maybe try Harvest red campaign from arma2, all players in one team with the same tasks. Or check Armaholic there you can find few coop campaigns where all players are in one team.
  5. Maybe you should write campaig title :) how we can know in what campaign you play. If it is Op.Arrowhead campaign all players have different tasks.
  6. I can suggest JSRS sound mod, and WarFX Blastcore for effects: explosions etc.
  7. Sometimes in countries such as: Poland, Russia we have games in lower prices but our version have only on language. That is made ​​especially so that people from other countries (for example England, Spain, France etc) dont buy cheaper versions and do not sell them in their home countries for a higher price.
  8. You can start collecting money, you cant change language in Russian version of A2 and OA. Ps: dont buy Polish version, we cant change language too :)
  9. tom3kb

    [CAMP] Chesty Puller

    Yes put in campaigns folder ONLY pullercamp.pbo (file with arma2icon). Dont put there nothing else and dont create there any other folders. You dont have to use capital letters in folder name but you can it not make any difference.
  10. tom3kb

    [CAMP] Chesty Puller

    No,no,no in arma 2\campaigns you must put ONLY pullercamp.pbo and nothing else For exampale: C:\arma2\campaigns\pullercamp.pbo if you create any oder folder in arma2\campaigns and you put there the pullercamp.pbo campaign will not work. for example (this is wrong dont do that): C:\arma2\campains\pullercamp\pullercamp.pbo Dont do like this!! Ps: try 7-zip or use newer version of winrar or winzip
  11. tom3kb

    Change skin

    I know two campaigns where player "change" his skin you can check them for script parts. Blood on the sand by Zipper5 last mission and Gambit royale by AZcoder second mission player change skin from civil to chedkz after he steal uniform from chedk insurgent in WC (toilet search for trigers on map) :). In Gambit royale campaign check mission GR1.chernarus and check folder scripts. You can find there action.sqf with lines: search for something like this: ian setPos (getPos ianchdk); selectPlayer ianchdk; ian that was player unit in civil close and ianchdk is player in insurgent uniform (maybe i write the names wrong becose i played this campaig long time ago) And here info from bi wiki: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/selectPlayer
  12. tom3kb

    [CAMP] Chesty Puller

    It seems that you doing all good, but to be sure do you put pullercamp.pbo file in your Arma2\campaigns or maybe after unziping that campaign you put folder pullercamp (with pullercamp.pbo in it in to Arma2\campaigns) and you have something like this Arma2\campaigns\pullercamp\pullercamp.pbo, if yes this is wrong. You must put only pullercamp.pbo in Arma2\campaigns folder :)
  13. tom3kb

    Wiki's Creations

    Thanks Wiki :), now few missions with Czech ACR and you will be my favorite mission maker in Arma 2 :D
  14. Ok i understand :) PS: If you want to check my campaigns i suggest to play Battlefield Takistan (i think this is the best), if you like zombies try Biohazard, and if you bored playing still as American soldier try Desert Fever. :) But first finnish FALLOUT camapign this one is great. :)
  15. No problem :) You play few years and never played usermade campaign? That strange for me. :) (I have ~100 campaigns on my hdd, made by community for arma 2)
  16. Very nice, i missed rifle grenades in arma 2 (i remember them from OFP i always liked to use them, and now i can in CWR2 and in OFrP mod)
  17. @becubed This is campaign not a mission so you must create in your arma2 folder new folder called campaigns and put this campaign file there (For example: C:\arma2\campains\Campaignfile.pbo). Then run the game go to Menu->Campaigns and search for this one. :)
  18. Last patch for A2/OA fix many bugs in both campaigns/and in sp missions. If you have bad luck you can always got script error or something but now campains are very good imo. Ps: dont use Ai mods with bis campaigns, they can break missions. Ps2: i played a2/OA campaigns after games was released and i dont found any bugs, but maybe im lucky guy :)
  19. Ok, thanks W0lle. @Sander If i find any problems i send feedback for sure :)
  20. Hi Sander, if i want to use this mission pack with whole CWR2 mod there will be no problems right? I just want to be sure :)
  21. tom3kb

    Ghost Recon - Island Thunder campaign

    You can put them all in one @modname\addons folder or put them in two separate @mod1\addons and @mod2\addons folders. Its up to you.
  22. tom3kb

    CSLA for A2CO

    SP campaign for CSLA i waiting for this so long :) Ps: that DANA model looks great. You managed to fool me with those photographs earlier (I was so sure and...I missed) ;)
  23. tom3kb

    CSLA for A2CO

    Yes DANA fits perfect.
  24. Yes females were in Vietcong http://firebasenam.myfastforum.org/sutra10137.php