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Everything posted by tom3kb

  1. c1,c2,c3-caches 1st trigger Condition: !alive c1 or !alive c2 or !alive c3 On act: hint "1 of 3 catches destroyed" 2nd trigger: Condition: (!alive c1 and !alive c2) or (!alive c2 and !alive c3) or (!alive c1 and !alive c3) On act: hint "2 of 3 caches destroyed" 3rd trigger: Condition: !alive c1 and !alive c2 and !alive c3 On act: hint "3 caches destroyed"
  2. @Dragon01 There are few SP missions in HIP mission pack, you can also try to play coop missions from this pack in SP. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18126
  3. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Description.ext Read about respawn types etc.
  4. tom3kb

    User mission requests!

    I know only I'm a legend but thera are also "monsters" http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=16003
  5. @cimalex In readme you write that we need "Konyo CH-47 Bravo November is also required in a couple of missions" There is no info on armaholic that we need this addon.
  6. @cimalex Cool :) I played ULOTC in OFP times, nice surprise.
  7. @ andersson I played Rescue in CWC v1.03. No problems with that mission then.
  8. @Wiki This is strange, i have polish version of arma 2 (i can't change languages in menu). But i have english briefing in missions. Can you change languages in french version of arma? If yes maybe change to english. @down No problem ;)
  9. A lot of people was asking and waiting for Red Hammer campaign in English version. Check -> http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?154754-Red-Hammer-Campaign&p=2391921#post2391921 @W0lle Maybe a good idea would be to add a link to this campaign in the first post. In the place where they are CWR² Coop pack by Sander and VanhA's CWR² COOP Pack
  10. Very good news, a lot of people waiting for the English version of Red Hammer . :) Thanks for your work.
  11. Yes all campaigns are WIP. But you can find few SP or coop missions for unsung on armaholic. Few are made not to long ago.
  12. Which version of @cba you use? @cba_co, if yes do you play with beta patch or not. Or do you use older version with 3 folders @cba,@cba_a2,@cba_oa.
  13. You dont have all needed mods/addons or you played with some mods and now you try to play without them.
  14. tom3kb

    Campaign Houria

    I downloaded yesterday MAFExtv3 from armaholic without any problem.
  15. Very nice, new campaign for Unsung. Soon we will have at least 3 campaigns for this mod or maybe even more. :)
  16. There are campaigns and missions on Duala, Lingor and Panthera. Just search on armaholic. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=13447 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=15880 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=13702 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=14481 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=10742 http://www.arma2base.de/include.php?path=download&contentid=5324 this one is german campaign Probably you will find few more. ;) And there are also SP and Coop missions but i dont have time to search now.
  17. tom3kb

    Wiki's Creations

    Just finished: Op. Busard Noir, Op. Limousin, Op. Jaguar. Very good missions for OFrP mod. No problems with missions, only 1 small "bug" with Operation Jaguar, mission dont have green box in SP scenario menu when we complete this mission. Ps: missions are in French (i dont know this language) but i understand main part of briefing and tasks ;).
  18. tom3kb

    Operation FrenchPoint 3.2

    Congrats on the release :). Great work.
  19. tom3kb

    Operation Powderburn

    Nice to see that you back to mission editing. @Kommiekat You can play Coop campaign/mission in SP, its not a problem in 99% of cases.
  20. @up I finished that missiom where we defend Resistance camp only with 3 men. And then i restarted next mission ~20 times. I know that there are two extra random guys, sometimes 2 snipers etc. But the rest is also random, sometimes i have whole squad-only riflemans. And sometimes there was few MG gunners and many different combinations of soldiers.
  21. tom3kb

    Wiki's Creations

    I have them on hdd from long time but most frequently i play campaigns for Arma (i have more than 120 campaigns on my PC and i think i will need few years to finish all of them ;) ). From time to time i play SP missions and now i choose few made by you. ;)
  22. tom3kb

    Wiki's Creations

    Just finished Operation Reichenbach fall, very good and long night mission. Big plus that we are not teamleader :) I hope we will see mission where we are not squadleader also in your Vietnam campaign. Ps: 1 small passible problem, i think that radio messages from our team are send by teamleader, so if he dies we see only messages from HQ, if im right maybe they should be send by player unit. ---------- Post added at 06:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:53 PM ---------- Operation Swift Raptor: mission can be completed even if we dont finish our primary task. I put satchel charges in place where are the fuel trucks and then i run away... and i forgot to blow up trucks. ;) i call for extraction chopper. Mission finished, i have green box in SP scenario menu. :)
  23. I think we should also have some AT weapons in ammo crates in base in this mission (maybe 1or 2 mines, satchel charge and/or maybe 1 or 2 AT launchers). I screw up earlier mission ;) i take only 1 rpg with 2 rockets so i dont have almost any chance to stop that convoy. Now i must restart earlier mission to collect weapons and play two missions one more time. Its not the best solution.
  24. Search for info about Helicopter taxi script or something like that.
  25. Set teamleader as player the rest of team as playable( mission can be played also in SP without a problem). When you launch mission in editor use T to teamswitch and check briefing, if all units see Tasks in briefing all is ok. If not i think you must give names to units and make in briefing copy off all sections to each unit.The best way is to unpbo someone else mission and check how he made it.