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Everything posted by PeterBitt

  1. PeterBitt

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 79321

    if you ask my gtx260 it will give you 4 reasons why its not realy bored: AA, PPE, leafy trees&bushes and grasslayer :D
  2. PeterBitt

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 79321

    ohh this would be awesome if this could happen some day :pray: bis could add a "donate 10€" button next to the download button and iam sure many armaholics would like to pay for updated usmc/cdf/russians :p
  3. PeterBitt

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 79321

    just the suggestion about bullet hits sounds very good to me too, is there a cit ticket for that?
  4. PeterBitt

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 79224

    uhm i might be wrong because iam no it-specialist, but i get virus warning everytime i show the last two pages of this thread! something to do with danilas post?? three posts and only stupid stuff??! edit: praise microsoft security essentials!!
  5. PeterBitt

    talk instead of radio when close - gone?

    i had a little testing with CO 1.57 and the feature seems to be still present but very inconsistent: the soldier is going to speak only when i stand less than 1 meter (face on face!) away from him, but even when he speaks you can hear the radio voice and many of the spoken words are missing. atm iam installing arma 2 1.00 and check the issue with that version - i will do demo mission and videos then. ---------- Post added at 03:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:09 PM ---------- sorry for tripple post but i have the proof now! http://www.file-upload.net/download-3307622/Talk-Radio-Issue.wmv.html (sorry i have no youtube account :o) i will wait for 1.59 patch to see if its fixed. i will redo the video + repro mission and make a ticket for CIT when not fixed. this feature was awesome and increased immersion and the connection to your teammates drastically - hopefully its not to much messed up and can be fixed :bounce3:
  6. PeterBitt

    talk instead of radio when close - gone?

    yes now you understood my fantastic english :) like beagle said, lets wait for 1.59 and until then i will install old arma 2 without patches and record some videos for a good CIT ticket.
  7. PeterBitt

    talk instead of radio when close - gone?

    i dont mean the actionmenu conversations ("hi there!"), i mean the normal radio chat with your team ("enemy man at 12 o clock") and the story based radio chat (for example when miles talks to crossroad). in arma 2 the units where realy talking when you are close to them, with OA its always the stereo radio chat.
  8. PeterBitt

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 79172

    i think ai should use pistols only when primary weapon is out of ammo, i have seen them switching to pistol in the most stupid situations.
  9. PeterBitt

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 79122

    for my taste its a good balance between lod switching and performance with this beta. i havent tested the high settings yet, but they should always show highest quality and no lod switching no matter you bad performance gets - all the guys with their super computers out there will agree.
  10. yes tonci87 thats true, slowing the at/aa usage will stop many complaints. one thing that came into my mind about at/aa weapons: why not handle them something like the static weapons? put em on the ground and use action menu to deploy it (after using the action menu, the avatar just plays the typical weaponswitch animation and gets the launcher in hands). though the idea to be forced to reload the launcher before usage is a better way :o
  11. i realy look forward to this one! but as you said, the look is much better than with 1.57, i guess a new graphics card is needed anyways. seeing two bi guys that active makes me need to point at my signature :o these tickets are true gamebreakers on my side, because i always play with full mousefloating and would like to have it working in the way it should.
  12. i have arma installed on my ssd (ocz vertex 2), so this shouldnt be the problem.
  13. i was playing with 1.57 the last days and tried the 1.59 for some hours now. what disapoints me about this patch (and all betas after 1.57) is the very bad performance compared to 1.57 :( very obvious is the dropdown when scoping (no AA, no ATOC !), the bad performance with vegitiaon and much stuttering when walking and turning. the overall feeling is significantly less smooth than with 1.57. i have a q6600, 6gb ram and a gtx260 ... i guess its time to upgrade :j: but thank you for all the nice fixes & features with this patch! maybe one time i even can play with mouse floating properly, take a look at my sig for details. hehe
  14. dont try to convince him, this wipman guy seems to be one of those against everything people ... lets c ya :j:
  15. whats the best place to see wether new patch is up? arma 2 general forums? armaholic? some email notifier maybe? omg i check every 5 minutes for the new patch...
  16. i reinstalled arma co completely without betas, and it was pretty surprising how much better the performance was with 1.57 :butbut: hopefully 1.58 stable will run smooth again, i get lots of stuttering with the betas and also the scope performance is still worse than with 1.57.
  17. whats the problem with reporting the animations we dislike even when its vanilla anims? i think the much discussed AT weaponswitch animation was also way too fast with 1.57, but everyone started discussing those scince 1.58rc. to be honest i didnt notice that these are the 1.57 speeds :o because i never ever use third person and scince some betas my AI mates dont seem to be able to prone with full speed (they always use slowest prone speed for some reason, no matter how far they got behind the formation) --> did anyone else noticed this? i think there is no ticket for it yet?
  18. i also dislike the noclip for guns it caused more control/movement problems than it solved: looking through walls, gun barrels clipping through walls, bugged leaning when close to walls, warping, ... we need a petition against this feature ;)
  19. xenos video also shows that the prone animations are to fast for my taste, especialy movement to the side.
  20. this will be mostly concern animations i guess. isnt patchday tomorrow? so lets test and give feedback, and hope we can preventt the fast anims to come in full patch.
  21. PeterBitt

    stuck after loading

    for some reason i cant join most servers without any mods, version 1.57 installed and no firewall activated . after the loading bar is finished, i get the loading screen back (without progress bar) and it stays until i press alt+f4 :butbut: i have combined operations installed (arma2 dvd, arrowhead dvd, baf&pmc dlc) may that be the problem? is this a known issue or something on my end? i searched the forums but only found something compareable for arma 2 1.05 or something...
  22. PeterBitt

    stuck after loading

    i guess i will have to reinstall whole game ... AGAIN FPDR just to avoid stupid threads in future: is it my hardly understandable english or just a dumb question?
  23. PeterBitt

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 78927

    i really dislike opf:dr, but please look at the AT-switch animation at 0:40 :butbut:
  24. PeterBitt

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 78927

    yes youre right, i better stay on topic now
  25. PeterBitt

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 78927

    why is everyone treating pvp playing as something special :confused: i think most arma-players (like me) do play both ways 50/50 and i see NO reason why the "pvp players" should want to have faster animations than the pvai players!? no matter if i play versus AI or other players - arma is about situational awareness, tactics, teamplay and intelligent movement - not about keyboard/mouse pro-gamer skills in the first place. if you use good tactics within a intelligent team, there is no need to do all animations 2x as fast, for my taste it can influence teamplay negatively because it gets harder to stick2gether when every teammates has quake 3 movement. the ability to abort animations is the way to go, but unfortunately not possible? talking about controls, iam very annoyed by these issues: http://dev-heaven.net/issues/18075 http://dev-heaven.net/issues/18118