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Everything posted by PeterBitt

  1. PeterBitt

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    my guess is that we have to run the exe for the magical 42 hours and get the next hack directly displayed on our computers!
  2. PeterBitt

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    hey iam just speculating, but the control panel entrys/profiles are a fact. unfortunately i have a apple keybord on my pc and cant make screenshots with it.
  3. PeterBitt

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    no "Arma2free.exe" in my nvidia control panel, i just have: Arma3.exe Arma3demo.exe ... looks like nvidia stole bi the show :o edit: ok i also have the "Arma2free.exe" in my nvidia control panel
  4. PeterBitt

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    definitely. and i think BI will be pretty angry on the NVIDIA guy who forgot to delete the profiles from the public driver :D or the nvidia driver got hacked by PBHB group...
  5. PeterBitt

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    :eek: i also have these arma 3 profiles on my nvidia driver. maybe bi is in close contact with nvidia to get phisix running? no doubt we will get game 3 i think ... im sorry for speculations and for not posting anything constructive, but on armaholic it says "Make sure to leave your thoughts in this topic ..." ;)
  6. PeterBitt

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    with some creativity you can have a nice cold war story on greece, good old communists versus west! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cold_War_%281947%E2%80%931953%29#The_Greek_Civil_War_and_the_Truman_Doctrine
  7. PeterBitt

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    i should think again before posting :o btw i realy didnt like 300 ... not my taste.
  8. PeterBitt

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    i found this when i googled a little: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/primaryhistory/ancient_greeks/greeks_at_war/ looks like the persians have some history with the greeks ?!
  9. PeterBitt

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    i dont want to go deeper into outerra speculations, but it has an insane level of detail from first person view! rocks and mountains actualy are realy 3d and look damn realistic, open grasslands arent just plain and smooth like in arma, they have much edges, holes and little hills where you could take cover behind. a grass shader should be easy to implement, and the outerra team is already working hard on a lod system for 3d objects like trees. even if this engine is not getting out of my head, ill better stop posting about it for now :p
  10. PeterBitt

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    i had to use translation to understand this ... and i loughed :D
  11. PeterBitt

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    long time no girlfriend right?
  12. PeterBitt

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    thats what i was thinking too.
  13. PeterBitt

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    another dlc or addon so shortly after we got reinforcements? i dont think so, why should they release an dlc/addon pack when a few weeks later a new dlc or addon will be released? the size of the world in outerra realy makes me wonder wether we will ever see it together with arma ... on the other side think about som, alice, combat environment and town generator module from arma 2 ... if they remake these modules properly, you could easy have some nice action going on on our blue planet i recently noticed that outerra will most likely use this: http://www.simul.co.uk/truesky/media for its weather effects and clouds :eek:
  14. PeterBitt

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    when can we expect the new hack? isnt it coming today? my first thought was outerra engine + europe map ... but that must be impossible because no one would like to model berlin or paris with fps quality i guess :j:
  15. PeterBitt

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    so what is this now? navy dlc?
  16. PeterBitt

    ArmA 2 site hacked

  17. PeterBitt

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    propably they will still use the old engine in future, but thinking of all the bugs and problems in the engine wich are present scince ofp, a new start from scratch wouldnt be the worst idea. and if its not bohemia who will use this fantastic engine for a simulation, another developer will do and bohemia might miss alot of new customers.
  18. PeterBitt

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    this engine makes me go completely crazy atm :eek: but i think the detailed terrain in the toh video is possible with arma engine, because many other details can be left out for a flight sim... but i desperately hope its outerra :pray:
  19. PeterBitt

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    i hope you can do some videos or pics of the action!?
  20. PeterBitt

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    :butbut: wooot is this this!? i never saw this before ... awesome!
  21. PeterBitt

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    scince i went to sleep there where ~30 new pages in this thread :D did anyone checked this house on chernarus with new arma 2 beta?? they might added something to the patch?! @UnuldorCZ earns some comunity award or something for his initiative!
  22. PeterBitt

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    ugh hopefully its just an DLC and not EP, my wallet is pretty empty these days... :o
  23. i use to just spawn a trigger together with the units, like this: plus a trigger in the editor that checks if "clear1" is true.
  24. hi there! in my campaign i use "bis_fnc_showTime" for each mission that starts (in the intro section). because my campaign is set around 2-3 days, i would like "bis_fnc_showTime" to show the excact time & date at wich the previous mission ended. i searched through the missions from harvest red, but still dont get it... here is the script, red are the lines wich i would like to have the time & date of the previous mission:
  25. ok thx. i was trying the one that had the big headline "example mission"