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Everything posted by PeterBitt

  1. PeterBitt

    Gamespot Reader's Choice, vote for ARMA 3

    didnt know that we can vote there without registration, nice! the bis games got all my votes :D ok arma 3 has no chance this year, there was just to few to show for the average gamer even if we armaholics made our pants wet when we watched the videos. but CC is the best RTS for now keep voting mates! edit: ok i just noticed that i pretty much said the same as maddogx already did...
  2. PeterBitt

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    my idea for a usefull and manageable gore, is to have correct bullet impacts in the model via textures and bumpmaps and not just one blood texture for whole bodyparts. this way you can move to the corpse of the guy you killed and have a look where exactly you hit him, just like in the game deer hunter. imagine a corpse penetrated by a mag of m249 :D this should be enough gore for my taste :)
  3. PeterBitt

    ARMA 3, E3 Coverage (reveals)

    i just think that it could use some cyan colored spots, especialy on the coast. the guys that said "the sea looks like crap" are just not right :) edit: and some foam might look realy nice but is hard to realise i think. btw nice bike there arigram! must be a lot of fun to ride through this great landscape with the nice weather you have there!
  4. heyho! i searched the forums quite some time but did not find something similar, so i decided to ask you guys :rolleyes: in my intro.sqs (with camscripting) i use "kbtell" + "conversations.bikb" for conversations, wich shows the text as radio chat in the lower left of my screen. always when i did that i had a problems with the text, as sometimes some texts stay there until i restart the whole game - on every intro restart the texts are already displayed and do never fade out!? this never was a problem for me, because it only happened in editor preview. but now i use the timedisplay from harvest red via the intro section of the mission that follows after the intro of my campaign. now the kbtell texts from the intro mission (mission_0) are displayed in the intro from mission_1 (http://img534.imageshack.us/f/arma2oa2011041414323325.jpg/) is this a known bug or am i doing something wrong here? any way do hide the conversations? thank you
  5. PeterBitt

    ARMA 3, E3 Coverage (reveals)

    ah ok i already watched the gamestar movie, thx maionaze.
  6. PeterBitt

    ARMA 3, E3 Coverage (reveals)

    uhm where can i find this new video walker was talking about :confused:
  7. dont know if its mentioned before, but you seriously should check out the insurgency missions! i play this very often in public and iam everytime amazed how good the teamplay is going. the factors that allow teamplay without much conversation is the first aid system, the respawn on teammates and the intel spots. most of the time ALL the players are around the area of intel and you can have some very nice team actions without joining a clan :)
  8. PeterBitt

    ARMA 3 Engine Handling of Objects at Range

    BI is working on distant shadows?! :459: hopefully you can get it working
  9. PeterBitt

    ARMA 3 Engine Handling of Objects at Range

    i remember that one of the addons for OFP:CWC added some kind of micro terrain but with high viewdistances it has still very bad performance even on my 2010 rig, but gameplay wise it was awesome. the problem with that shadow thing is that many players would just disable shadows at all in PVP and gain a huge advantage in spotting. thinking about proper simulation of grass i wish the voxel engine back :rolleyes: (seriously, isnt it possible to use a voxel grass layer on the terrain mesh? i dont know.) anyways great post, i hope the devs will take note of this and think a little bit about whats possible.
  10. PeterBitt

    Island Lemnos

    i dont know excactly but didnt BI said all buildings would be enterable in arrowhead too? i dont want to be pedantic but the factory buildings wasnt :o i just mention this because the powerplant in the arma 3 video looks quite similar to these arma 2 factory buildings... edit: ok i remember in some of them there was a little room you could enter edit: @Primarch: i thought chernarus was just great too, dont know what anyone who liked the OFP:CWC islands could dislike about Chernarus ? (except for the non enterable buildings and maybe that it isnt a island)
  11. PeterBitt

    ARMA 3, E3 Coverage (reveals)

    yes sure, from seing a vehicle drive 5 meters you can definitely tell how good or bad the driving will feel ... iam completely with you
  12. PeterBitt

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    1. the way the waepon is visible in OFP:DR is pretty ugly i agree with that. but i love and prefer the running animation from OFP:CWC wich allowed shooting while running and was looking quite nice for me. having something like the OFP:CWC running animation for normal speed running and the ArmA variant for sprinting would be awesome. 2. yes this would be one awesome feature to have interiors for all vehicles! the way it is now (some vehicles have interiors, some not) is realy not good and i would prefer no interiors for APCs or tanks at all, rather then having this inconsistant mixup. watching the physiX demonstration from E3 at the part where he enters the tank, you can see for a short time that this tank has no interior :( edit: lol at OFP:DR (OFP : DR)
  13. PeterBitt

    AI going to be player centric?

    this will save a lot of bandwith in warfare and insurgency missions i hope!
  14. PeterBitt

    Arma 3 engine

    unlike the guys from bethesta who stated that skyrim is a console production which will be ported to PC later on, Battlefield 3 is a PC game that will be ported to consoles! on german gamestar they stated that the PC version will look much better than the consoles version and the videos and screens did look very nice to me! however this game is not my cup of tea, me wants ARMAAAAAA :D
  15. PeterBitt

    ARMA 3, E3 Coverage (reveals)

    i made my pants wet when i heard that AI is doing quite well in buildings :eek: and iam VERY happy with the ragdolls so far! the sniper kills look awesome and even the grenade seems very good
  16. PeterBitt

    CC:GM World Map

    now this sounds cool!
  17. scince i watched the live stream part about CC, i cant wait for release :cc: i cant wait to see some high quality gameplay videos. it remembers me on good old Battlezone 1&2 wich where awesome games!
  18. PeterBitt

    ARMA 3, E3 Coverage (reveals)

    no i had my eyes closed at this moment ... sure i noticed this :j: did you noticed that this is very early WIP?
  19. PeterBitt

    ARMA 3, E3 Coverage (reveals)

    oh yes a proper video of the E3 demo with recorded comments or ingame sound (if its implemented already) and HD quality would be MUCH apreciated.
  20. PeterBitt

    ARMA 3, E3 Coverage (reveals)

    yes this hopefully isnt possible while running. doing it via the gear menu would be the easiest way to make it properly i think.
  21. PeterBitt

    Customizable Soldier Load ( seriously?? )

    my idea on how the weapon customisation could work (hope its the right threat for this) is the following: for sure the best possible way would be to have animations for assembling the weapon sights and the other stuff, but i know this would be a whole lot of work. so my other idea is to do this via the gear menu and via drag and drop, just like stalker did it http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e260/sidburn/stalker-20070526-055517.png. if you handle it like this, the usual gear animation would be enough and you can keep the action menu clean.
  22. hopefully the devs consider to implement render to texture scopes, in the E3 video its still the 2D overlay and buchta mentioned not that this will be changed... this will be one of the best new features if its implemented, lets hope :pray:
  23. PeterBitt

    Feedback to E3 Interview and Ingame Scenes

    you have PurePassion for ArmA series, havent you :) but when i watched the stream live, i could watch the helicopter and boat scene with no problems. so maybe you can record it again tomorrow or something, as the gamespot video stays online.
  24. PeterBitt

    Feedback to E3 Interview and Ingame Scenes

    thx PurePassion, now i can watch it in HQ! but is it my flashplayer that is stuttering at the helicopter demostration or is it the video?
  25. PeterBitt

    E3 - Arma 3?

    yup damn these consoles :mad: they screwed with my loved elder scrolls series (scince oblivion already if you ask me) and now theyre going to destroy the most awesome FPS/RPG adventure of all times :( thank you BIS for giving us PC gamers some love :)