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About kolumb

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  • Biography
    Clan Leader of =(.P.A.S.)=
    Member of Polish Flashpoint Community
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  1. kolumb

    An open letter on basic ARMA:CWA support

    I fully support this idea !
  2. kolumb

    OFP Addon request thread

    Thanks, guys, I really appreciate it!
  3. kolumb

    OFP Addon request thread

    Hi guys, I'm looking for Ballistic Addon Studio Complete Pack 1.0.
  4. kolumb


    Mb not new , but nowadays its hard to find new ppl or clans for CW . So I write here , in hope to find :)
  5. kolumb


    =(.P.A.S.)= - Polish Army Soliders , is nowadays only polish clan which play OFP. Clan appeared in ofp since 2007 but after year of play we had a year break. At the moment we have 7 active members (all from Poland). Mostly we play CTF maps , but sth we play C&H , BF & TNT . If U want know more visit our website : http://www.clanpas.yoyo.pl . PS. Jeśli jesteś Polakiem , szukasz klanu który w miarę ogarnia i jeszcze gra w ofp'a dobrze trafiłeś !