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Everything posted by GreenGriffin

  1. GreenGriffin

    Middle East Irregulars

    Awesome, really looking forward to the new update. Thanks Drongo!
  2. GreenGriffin

    Middle East Irregulars

    Quick question Drongo - I'm trying to add your Irregulars to a mission that takes place at night. Is there an easy way to make sure your units don't spawn with sunglasses on? Do I need to somehow alter the randomization script, then add the modified script to my mission? Sorry, I'm a little lost.
  3. GreenGriffin

    Middle East Irregulars

    I think cutting the number of dependencies is a really smart idea. For example, I wanted to use this mod for my upcoming mission based on an al-Qaida cell, but didn't want the user to have to download any more than two or three dependent mods. You can use the existing headwraps from Arma 3, and cut out two mods right there. If you just cut it down to being dependent on Sudden's Russians and African Conflict, that would be ideal.
  4. GreenGriffin

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    Are you really complaining about the fact that he packed more into his mod than you feel like installing? The "shame" here is that you act like that's a negative thing. Yes, you're in the minority....maybe even completely by yourself. The rest of us would like more from this mod, not less.
  5. Actually, that doesn't make any sense based on what you asked for. You wanted military vehicle radio but no house music, correct? Therefore shouldn't it be vehicle 1, and house 0?
  6. Should he also tell them which mouse button to click? I don't think it's necessary to explain to people that anytime you plan to overwrite something, backup your files first. That should really be common sense by now.
  7. GreenGriffin

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Awesome, thanks very much for hanging in there, OS.
  8. GreenGriffin

    FLAY Archery Fetish Mod (wip)

    Why would someone who was just shot with an arrow get up and go for a leisurely stroll over to where his friends are standing?
  9. Not 100% sure I'm looking at the right data, but I think they are as follows: mas_usa_devg = USSOCOM Navy SEAL mas_usa_rang = USSOCOM 75th RANGER mas_usa_delta = USSOCOM DELTA Force mas_usa_usoc = USSOCOM Special Support EDIT: Oops, nevermind. Just realized you're talking about a different Massi pack, not the SEAL/Ranger one I was referring to.
  10. GreenGriffin

    [Early Preview] 3D Editor

    Any word on a way to export the data from a CSV into a mission.sqm file somehow?
  11. You downloaded the file, and you expect anyone here to know where you put it?
  12. Wonderful mod, been busy trying to understand it all. I have a couple of questions that I desperately want to have answered, as I am running into frustrating roadblocks with editing a mission. 1. I'm building a mission in the 2D editor, and I want to be able to use MCC's 3D Editor to fine-tune the placement of units and some objects. Is it somehow possible to edit a mission, go into Preview mode to use MCC to place the units, then copy-paste MCC's additions into the mission.sqm? I tried to do it, but what was pasted to the clipboard looks nothing like what I see in mission.sqm. Can the info from both the 2D editor and my additions from MCC somehow be combined? 2. Is there a way that I can add custom objects (such as those from Dren's Editor Upgrade) into MCC's 3D Editor for placement? Thanks in advance for any help. GG
  13. GreenGriffin

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Neither does making obvious statements like, "If you can't handle it, don't use the mod". We're all well aware of the option to not use the mod. We're asking for it to be addressed in a future update, like anyone in any mod thread would if an important issue arose.
  14. GreenGriffin

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    If smoke grenades don't work now and the AI can see through them, then that effect should be removed entirely. You can't render a crucial infantry movement tactic useless for the sake of looks. I agree, that's a deal breaker no matter how much I like the mod.
  15. GreenGriffin

    J.S.R.S. 2.2 Soundmod

    What you hear on YouTube using footage captured by some guy's iPhone is hardly representative of what a given firearm actually sounds like. In fact, often it's not even close.
  16. GreenGriffin

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Because it's much easier for someone to hide behind a keyboard and be a complete tool than it is to provide constructive feedback.
  17. GreenGriffin

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Wow, that's terrific news! However, if you can't get it out OS, we all understand. It's Christmas - take the time for yourself and your family. Looking forward to the update whenever it comes out.
  18. GreenGriffin

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    I wouldn't duplicate light sources for a single effect. Might alienate the users with more mid-range PC's - probably most people! In my experience, any fire at night involving fuel (i.e. any vehicle) has more of an orange tint to it, like your photo. Definitely not pastel yellow. I've only seen overwhelming yellow in the case of certain chemical fires. Perhaps add *very* slightly more yellow, and you'd be in the ballpark IMO. By the way, incredible mod! Like everyone else, I'm just interested in the very slight improvements to make it even better.
  19. GreenGriffin

    J.S.R.S. 2.2 Soundmod

    There's definitely something wrong with certain vehicles at different ranges. I just haven't been able to isolate the issue to identify it. For example, I can be standing next to a Marshall, and barely hear its main gun, meanwhile its mg is blaring in my ear.
  20. GreenGriffin

    J.S.R.S. 2.2 Soundmod

    Your "post" really doesn't even make much sense. Please stay in school. Regardless, you deserve to be banned indefinitely for going that far out of your way to try to insult someone's work.
  21. GreenGriffin

    SEAL Team Six

    I think this is more along the lines of what you're looking for:
  22. GreenGriffin

    Dead/Not updated addons

    Alright, FFS, leave the guy alone. He thought it was a good idea and turns out everyone decided to jump on his back over it. Let it go and get back to your "real lives".