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Everything posted by Jigsor

  1. Been using it on dedi for a while now with perfect results when executed by server.:confused: Anyways, for proper code just use any object.
  2. No problem, The above will run on client or server. The server does not put up a fuss since server thinks player is ObjNull. Maybe the problem your having is that you must use an object recognized or defined as ObjNull because as wiki says "This value is not equal to anything, including itself." Hope this is helps
  3. It looks like your ignoring mydude with the last parameter but also using mydude as a starting reference position so it may always return an empty array. I use it quite a bit mainly to find suitable positions for objectives and in a function that adds randomized sampling like this: _candidate_fnc = { _goodPos = nil; _dis = 4500; _cooX = (getPos helipad1 select 0); _cooY = (getPos helipad1 select 1); _wheX = random (_dis*2)-_dis; _wheY = random (_dis*2)-_dis; _TskmarkerRandomPos = [_cooX+_wheX,_cooY+_wheY,0]; _newPos = _TskmarkerRandomPos isFlatEmpty [20,50,0.7,2,0,false,player]; //isFlatEmpty when given position _newPos should return a flat and empty area close by if it can. If it cannot it returns an empty variable presumably. You may want to alter the values inside the square brackets. while {(count _newPos) < 1} do {//Loop the following code so long as isFlatEmpty cannot find a valid position near the current _TskmarkerRandomPos. _newPos = _TskmarkerRandomPos isFlatEmpty [20,200,1,2,0,false,player]; sleep 0.2; }; _marker2 = createMarkerLocal ["tempBonusMarker", _newPos]; _marker2 setMarkerShapeLocal "ELLIPSE"; "tempBonusMarker" setMarkerSizeLocal [1, 1]; "tempBonusMarker" setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON"; "tempBonusMarker" setMarkerTypeLocal "EMPTY"; _sudoNewPos = [ getMarkerPos "tempBonusMarker" select 0, ( getMarkerPos "tempBonusMarker" select 1)]; _goodPos = _sudoNewPos; deleteMarkerLocal "tempBonusMarker"; }; while {isNil "_goodPos"} do { call _candidate_fnc; sleep 1; }; I've also sent Eggbeast a working script that uses this to keep initial AI spawns out of the water and rocks Its called from EvoErec.sqf It deffers to the less stringent findEmptyPosition if empty array is returned. I can post or send it if interested.
  4. I dont see camPreload anywhere in your script. How are you using it? I use it at the begining of a sequence to help cache nearby objects into memory before the scene starts like this: _camera camPreload 5; _camera = "camera" camCreate [0,0,800]; _camera cameraEffect ["internal","back"]; titleCut ["", "BLACK IN", 7]; sleep 2.0; _camera camPrepareTarget [66938.94,74403.63,-123.55]; _camera camPreparePos [0,0,900]; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.659; _camera camCommitPrepared 4; waitUntil {camCommitted _camera;}; _camera camPrepareTarget [78228.30,86966.30,46.39]; _camera camPreparePos [11315.43,12651.84,49.57]; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.659; _camera camCommitPrepared 12; waitUntil {camCommitted _camera;}; sleep 2.0; player cameraEffect ["terminate","back"]; titleCut ["", "BLACK IN", 7]; camDestroy _camera; It helps make a more consistent, repeatable and less jerky scene.
  5. Maybe you are having locality issues? Can't really tell, no idea how you are running that code. Maybe try running this script for each player that needs a random target. Change the playable unit names to suit you. This has worked for me as well. if (isServer) exitWith{}; _human_target = { _west_players = []; if (isPlayer SLreserved) then {_west_players = _west_players + [sLreserved];}; if (isPlayer BravoTL) then {_west_players = _west_players + [bravoTL];}; if (isPlayer superman) then {_west_players = _west_players + [superman];}; if (isPlayer FoxtrotCL) then {_west_players = _west_players + [FoxtrotCL];}; if (isPlayer GolfTL) then {_west_players = _west_players + [GolfTL];}; if (isPlayer HotelTL) then {_west_players = _west_players + [HotelTL];}; if (isPlayer LimaTL) then {_west_players = _west_players + [LimaTL];}; if (isPlayer RazorTL) then {_west_players = _west_players + [RazorTL];}; _random_w_player = _west_players select (floor (random (count _west_players))); //diag_log text format ["Variable West Human Target: %1", _random_w_player]; _random_w_player; }; _acquired_target = []; if (!(count __acquired_target == 0)) then {_acquired_target set [];}; _acquired_target = _acquired_target + call _human_target; _new_acquired_target = _acquired_target select 0; hint format["Your target is %1",_new_acquired_target]; That could probably also be simplified. by someone with more skills.
  6. Sure Thing. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?143777-TVT-144-Dogfighter-objective-based&p=2266794&highlight=#post2266794
  7. Right, I understand how the compositions are made via script. I was referring to an central object used as a logic placed on the map in the editor. Here is an example of a working script I have That does exactly what you are trying to do. Its in my mission Over_The_Reich Its got some extra stuff in there as this is actually a script for an objective. It basically spawns a Checkpoint composition on a road and detects when its vehicles are destroyed. /* Checkpoint.sqf mission by Jigsor=BMR= http://bmr-squad.com/ dcofield67@yahoo.com Starts in playertasks.sqf */ if (!isServer) exitWith {}; private ["_goodPos","_dis","_cooX","_cooY","_wheX","_wheY","_newPos","_marker","_marker2","_TskmarkerRandomPos","_Target1","_VarName2","_sudoNewPos","_eastbase1a","_westbase1a","_westbase2a","_lake","_candidate_fnc","_posOk","_posOkOffset","_pad","_Jig_Composition","_roads","_roadPos","_roadDir"]; markersready = false; publicVariable "markersready"; //hint "checkpoint markersready false";//debug _candidate_fnc = { _goodPos = nil; _dis = 4500; _cooX = (getPos makemarker select 0); _cooY = (getPos makemarker select 1); _wheX = random (_dis*2)-_dis; _wheY = random (_dis*2)-_dis; _TskmarkerRandomPos = [_cooX+_wheX,_cooY+_wheY,0]; _newPos = _TskmarkerRandomPos isFlatEmpty [20,50,0.7,2,0,false,player]; //isFlatEmpty when given position _newPos should return a flat and empty area close by if it can. If it cannot it returns an empty variable presumably. You may want to alter the values inside the square brackets. while {(count _newPos) < 1} do {//Loop the following code so long as isFlatEmpty cannot find a valid position near the current _TskmarkerRandomPos. _newPos = _TskmarkerRandomPos isFlatEmpty [27,384,0.7,2,0,false,player]; //hint "searching suitable pos for checkpoint"; sleep 2.4; }; _marker2 = createMarkerLocal ["tempcheckpointmkr", _newPos]; _marker2 setMarkerShapeLocal "ELLIPSE"; "tempcheckpointmkr" setMarkerSizeLocal [1, 1]; "tempcheckpointmkr" setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON"; "tempcheckpointmkr" setMarkerTypeLocal "EMPTY"; _sudoNewPos = [ getMarkerPos "tempcheckpointmkr" select 0, ( getMarkerPos "tempcheckpointmkr" select 1)]; _eastbase1a = [ getMarkerPos "eastbase1" select 0, (getMarkerPos "eastbase1" select 1)]; _westbase1a = [ getMarkerPos "westbase1" select 0, (getMarkerPos "westbase1" select 1)]; _westbase2a = [ getMarkerPos "westbase2" select 0, (getMarkerPos "westbase2" select 1)]; _lake = [ getMarkerPos "Topolkalake" select 0, (getMarkerPos "Topolkalake" select 1)]; if (_sudoNewPos distance _eastbase1a >2900) then { if (_sudoNewPos distance _westbase1a >2900) then { if (_sudoNewPos distance _westbase2a >2900) then { if (_sudoNewPos distance _lake >50) then { _goodPos = _sudoNewPos;// minimum distance from a base is 2900 }; }; }; }; deleteMarkerLocal "tempcheckpointmkr"; }; while {sleep 0.2; isNil "_goodPos"} do { call _candidate_fnc; sleep 2.4; }; _roads = _newPos nearRoads 600; _roadPos = _roads call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _roads = _roads - [_roadPos]; _roadPos = _roads select 0; //diag_log format["Position of Road Block is %1", getpos _roadPos]; if (!isNil "_roadPos") then { if (!isNil "checkpointmkr") then {deleteMarker "checkpointmkr";}; _marker = createMarker ["checkpointmkr", _roadPos]; _marker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; "checkpointmkr" setMarkerSize [1, 1]; "checkpointmkr" setMarkerShape "ICON"; "checkpointmkr" setMarkerType "Empty"; "checkpointmkr" setMarkerColor "ColorOrange";//ColorRed,ColorOrange,ColorGreen "checkpointmkr" setMarkerText " Check Point"; "checkpointmkr" setMarkerDir ((direction _roadPos) -289);// point marker in direction of road publicVariable "checkpointmkr"; sleep 0.2; } else { if (!isNil "checkpointmkr") then {deleteMarker "checkpointmkr";}; _marker = createMarker ["checkpointmkr", _newPos]; _marker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; "checkpointmkr" setMarkerSize [1, 1]; "checkpointmkr" setMarkerShape "ICON"; "checkpointmkr" setMarkerType "Empty";// set DOT after composition creation "checkpointmkr" setMarkerColor "ColorOrange";//ColorRed,ColorOrange,ColorGreen "checkpointmkr" setMarkerText " Check Point"; publicVariable "checkpointmkr"; sleep 0.2; }; // Move task marker and logics to the newly chosen random location "task5mkr" setMarkerPos (getmarkerPos "checkpointmkr"); oa1invhelipad setPosATL (getmarkerPos "checkpointmkr"); H3 setPosATL (getmarkerPos "checkpointmkr"); damage_pos_logic setPosATL (getmarkerPos "checkpointmkr"); if (!isNil "_roadPos") then { damage_pos_logic setDir ((direction _roadPos) -289);// point logic in direction of road _roadDir = getDir damage_pos_logic; //diag_log format["Direction of Road Block is %1", _roadDir]; }; // Spawn a composition class name // syntax: _newComp = [(getPos this), (getDir this), "fuelDepot_us"] call (compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "ca\modules\dyno\data\scripts\objectMapper.sqf")); //_Bis_Composition = checkpoint1_us; _Jig_Composition = JigCheckpointE; _posOk = [getMarkerPos "checkpointmkr" select 0,getMarkerPos "checkpointmkr" select 1,0]; _posOkOffset = [getMarkerPos "checkpointmkr" select 0, (getMarkerPos "checkpointmkr" select 1) - 20,0]; _VarName2="opforcheckpoint"; //_Target1 = [_posOkOffset, 359, "fuelDepot_us"] call (compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "ca\modules\dyno\data\scripts\objectMapper.sqf")); //null= ["MyComposition", 0, getpos this] execVM "Createcomposition.sqf"; if (!isNil "_roadPos") then { null = ["JigCheckpointE", _roadDir, getpos damage_pos_logic] execVM "Scripts\j_server\Createcomposition.sqf"; } else { null = ["JigCheckpointE", 109, getpos damage_pos_logic] execVM "Scripts\j_server\Createcomposition.sqf"; }; sleep 2; _Jig_Composition setvariable ["VehicleInit","_this SetVehicleVarName _VarName2;"]; processInitCommands; sleep 1; _pad = createVehicle ["HeliHEmpty", getMarkerPos "checkpointmkr", [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; waitUntil {alive (nearestObject [damage_pos_logic, "I44_Tank_G_StuH42_G_SS"])}; waitUntil {alive (nearestObject [damage_pos_logic, "I44_ACar_G_SdKfz234_2_WH"])}; sleep 0.5; markersready = true; publicVariable "markersready"; //hint "fueldepot markersready true";//debug sleep 2; timesup2 = 0;// dedicated taylored "timesup2" addPublicVariableEventHandler {call compile format ["%1",_this select 1]}; "checkpointmkr" setMarkerType "DOT"; publicVariable "checkpointmkr"; sleep 5; while {(!isnull _pad)} do { private ["_vec1destroyed","_vec2destroyed"]; {if (typeof _x == "pipebomb") then {deleteVehicle _x}} forEach (NearestObjects [damage_pos_logic, [], 40]); sleep 1; if (!alive (nearestObject [damage_pos_logic, "I44_Tank_G_StuH42_G_SS"])) then { _vec1destroyed = true; } else { _vec1destroyed = false; }; sleep 2; if (!alive (nearestObject [damage_pos_logic, "I44_ACar_G_SdKfz234_2_WH"])) then { _vec2destroyed = true; } else { _vec2destroyed = false; }; if ((_vec1destroyed) && (_vec2destroyed)) then { checkpointedead = 1; publicVariable "checkpointedead"; damage_pos_logic setPos [13462.297,48.012741,13443.76]; deleteMarker "checkpointmkr"; deleteVehicle _pad; }; sleep 3; if (timesup2 == 1) exitWith {deleteVehicle _pad}; sleep 1; };
  8. Couldn't you just use an offset such as: _posOk = [getMarkerPos "checkpointmkr" select 0,getMarkerPos "checkpointmkr" select 1,0]; _posOkOffset = [getMarkerPos "checkpointmkr" select 0, (getMarkerPos "checkpointmkr" select 1) - 20,0]; Though I'm not sure that would work. As I always use a logic like invisible helipad for getPos object when placing compositions. ---------- Post added at 07:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:34 PM ---------- As for finding a large and clear enough area you can use isFlatEmpty _candidate_fnc = { _goodPos = nil; _dis = 4500; _cooX = (getPos makemarker select 0); _cooY = (getPos makemarker select 1); _wheX = random (_dis*2)-_dis; _wheY = random (_dis*2)-_dis; _TskmarkerRandomPos = [_cooX+_wheX,_cooY+_wheY,0]; _newPos = _TskmarkerRandomPos isFlatEmpty [20,50,0.7,2,0,false,player]; //isFlatEmpty when given position _newPos should return a flat and empty area close by if it can. If it cannot it returns an empty variable presumably. You may want to alter the values inside the square brackets. while {(count _newPos) < 1} do {//Loop the following code so long as isFlatEmpty cannot find a valid position near the current _TskmarkerRandomPos. _newPos = _TskmarkerRandomPos isFlatEmpty [27,384,0.7,2,0,false,player]; //hint "searching suitable pos for checkpoint"; sleep 2.4; }; _marker2 = createMarkerLocal ["checkpointmkr", _newPos]; _marker2 setMarkerShapeLocal "ELLIPSE"; "checkpointmkr" setMarkerSizeLocal [1, 1]; "checkpointmkr" setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON"; "checkpointmkr" setMarkerTypeLocal "EMPTY"; _sudoNewPos = [ getMarkerPos "checkpointmkr" select 0, ( getMarkerPos "checkpointmkr" select 1)]; _goodPos = _sudoNewPos; //deleteMarkerLocal "checkpointmkr"; }; while {sleep 0.2; isNil "_goodPos"} do { call _candidate_fnc; sleep 2.4; }; Just change the first parameter of isFlatEmpty from 20 to however large an area you need. makemarker is a invisible helipad located in the center of the map. This will search up to 4500 meters away from that logic.
  9. Give a unique name to all the playable units in the editor This has been working for me. It returns a randomly chosen playable unit name. _randomtarget = playableUnits; _target = _randomtarget select (floor (random (count _randomtarget)));
  10. TVT_Over_The_Reich_I44_v3a.Chernarus By Jigsor Axis Vs Allies Objective based Team Vs. Team WWII Dog Fighter Randomization has been priority in developing this mission to improve replayability. Features: Dedicated Server, Hosted Server, Multiplayer, and JIP compatible. Old fashioned dog fighting with no locking AA. 2 Sides, 14 vs. 14. 3 squads per side. Each squad has AI playable units and AI can be disabled. All aspects of Weather and time are configurable in parameters including wind. Weather is synchronized across players and supports JIP. Disable/Enable radio AI radio chatter in Params. All objectives and markers Updated and synchronized to JIP player. All objectives are chosen and assigned by server in random order. Currently there are 8 main attack/defend objectives plus a regenerating bonus objective. 4 of the objectives spawn in completely random positions. 2 objectives spawn at randomly chosen preplaced marker positions. Each objective is guarded by AA from their respective sides. An additional AA squad is spawned randomly within 400 meters of AO center. The Side/Bonus objective is the same for both sides. Sides compete to finish the attack objective first while primary objective is still in effect. The bonus objective respawns in a completely random position after its destroyed and is guarded by independent AA Colored wingtip smoke helps identify side and squad. One wingtip's smoke color is either red or blue depending on team side. The other wingtip's smoke color is dependent on the squad name. Each squad/group is named after a unique color. Can be disabled in Params Some objectives are timer based. Ex; destroy target before timer runs out or defend target until timer runs out. Master timer duration can be set in parameters. Timers are MP friendly and synchronized across players and server. The timers utilize server time and are independent of server/client frame lag. Up armed aircraft can be enabled in parameters. Some of the up-armed cannons will paint targets. Aircraft repair, refuel and rearm at airfields. (Roll to complete stop) AI air patrols and counts can be set or disabled in parameters. AI Air Patrol way-point type Parameter can be set to Guard AO or Hunt Players. Celery Easy Fly can be enabled or disabled in parameters. Defenders can transfer To AO at side flag and man empty static guns. Allies can transfer between their bases at side flag. Attack/Defend Objectives: Naval Fleet Checkpoint Fuel depot Illumination Towers Radio Towers Intercept/Deliver Cargo Convoy Power Plant Smoke Stack Bonus Radar Objective Required mods: CBA Invasion 1944 Mission was designed with the following builds: Arma 2 Combined Operations Patch Version 1.62.95248 @CBA Build 187 @CBA_A2 Build 8 @CBA_OA Build 6 @I44 version 2.666 Many community scripts as well as original scripts are contained in this Mission. Credits given in mission to Authors and BIS. Inspiration by GITS Evolution and my Father. Please report any problems in this thread. See you on your six! To follow: I44 2.7 to include new aircraft Unsung port. Arma 3 moded port Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/et2m8fmn1r4v55m/TVT_Over_The_Reich_I44_v3a.Chernarus.zip Gamefront: http://www.gamefront.com/files/24034816/TVT_Over_The_Reich_I44_v3a.Chernarus.zip
  11. Shameless plug for my missions TVT Over The Reich I44 v3a. This will be updated to new include the new aircraft when 2.7 is released. Glad to hear patch 2.7 is largely geared to Aircraft updates, as this mission focuses on them. The shortage of multiple airfields on the I44 islands was the main factor in not using them so this utilizes Chernarus instead. Is anyone still playing I44 theses days? Mission here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?143777-TVT-144-Dogfighter-objective-based&p=2266794&highlight=#post2266794
  12. Mission Updated TVT_Over_The_Reich_I44_v3a
  13. Jigsor

    MP COOP GITS EVOLUTION - main thread

    Actually Kiljoy is back, or was at least briefly for A3. He released Coop 10 The Omega File during A3 alpha but has been inactive since. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?152985-Coop-10-The-Omega-File&p=2371818#post2371818 Looking forward to the new features in Evolution for A3 and Unsung 2.6!
  14. Jigsor

    [MP | COOP 2-8 | WIP] Static Loop

    Overall a great game Meatball. Though I have not played all the way through, Only 1 small problem found , but its not a game breaker. Primary weapon looks fine to player using it ,but the guy standing next to you sees you holding a launcher like a riffle. Definitely playing this one again. Keep it up!
  15. Lol yeah, I should have know. Actually I did, but I was trying to do this in combination with a script which uses waypointAttachVehicle to attach a waypoint to a player. I've posted it on another thread. I thought I wasn't detecting a player because I get AttachedWaypoint: <NULL-object>. Thanks all the same.
  16. Say i have 6 units each of the same class placed in editor each with unique names such as soldier1, soldier2 ect. How can i verify that the playableUnit who is named soldier1 or soldier2 is occupied by a real player? Typeof "classname" is not usable here since all units are the same type.
  17. AVIBIRD That sounds like a great idea, but I'm not trying to get the AI to move to a building and target it, and or near static objects. I'm trying to attach a waypoint to a player. In this case the player will most likely be flying an aircraft so the waypoint will always be moving. Is this not possible using waypointAttachVehicle? If if is, this should be very useful in getting AI to attack a player and I'm really surprised this has not been done yet as far as I can tell? I've tried changing the waypoint type to "Destroy" , got rid of if then filter for finding a player, put the editor named unit of a real player in waypointAttachVehicle command. I still get AttachedWaypoint: <NULL-object> in .rpt
  18. I'm having trouble with waypointAttachVehicle. I've found no examples and Biki does not elaborate. What I'm tring to do is find 1 of 3 commanders in an array who is a player and set him as a waypoint for enemy AI aircraft. The AI should then engage him Not shown within this script AI aircraft are created and then script calls one of two waypoint functions dependent on a param selection. My other function _AOwpfnc works fine but does not attach a waypoint to a vehicle or object. Here is the waypoint function I have so far using waypointAttachVehicle. I've tried referencing the player in jig_west_commanders many different ways, but The return in RPT is always AttachedWaypoint: <NULL-object> _chase_commanders_wpfnc = { jig_west_commanders = [runit1,bunit1,yunit1];//bluefor squad leaders/commanders grouped in editor _player=player; if (_player in(jig_west_commanders select 0)) then { _valid_player_commander = []; _valid_player_commander = _valid_player_commander + [runit1]; _new_player_commander = _valid_player_commander select _x; }else{ if (isPlayer (jig_west_commanders select 1)) then { _valid_player_commander = []; _valid_player_commander = _valid_player_commander + [bunit1]; _new_player_commander = _valid_player_commander select _x; }else{ if (isPlayer (jig_west_commanders select 2)) then { _valid_player_commander = []; _valid_player_commander = _valid_player_commander + [yunit1]; _new_player_commander = _valid_player_commander select _x; }else{ call _AOwpfnc;//if no commanders available run alternate guard AO waypoint function }; }; }; // _new_player_commander = _this select 0; //Twirly switch (typeName _new_player_commander) do { case "ARRAY": {_pos = _new_player_commander}; //position case "OBJECT": {_pos = getposATL _new_player_commander}; //object case "STRING": {_pos = getMarkerPos _new_player_commander}; //marker }; _wphandle = [_pilot, 300, "spawnaire", "oamarker", 1000, "SAFE", 100, "FULL", "VEE", 4, 300, "cyclewpmrk"]; _pilot = _wphandle select 0; _spawnRadius = _wphandle select 1; _spawnMarker = _wphandle select 2; _patrolMarker = _wphandle select 3; _patrolRadius = _wphandle select 4; _pilotBehaviour = _wphandle select 5; _existChance = _wphandle select 6; _pilotSpeed = _wphandle select 7; _pilotFormation = _wphandle select 8; _pilotWaittime = _wphandle select 9; _flyInHeight = _wphandle select 10; _cyclemrkr = _wphandle select 11; _grp = group _pilot; _airdest = getMarkerPos "oamarker"; _poscreate = getmarkerpos "spawnaire"; _chance = ceil(random 100); if (_chance > _existChance) then { {deleteVehicle vehicle _x; deleteVehicle _x; sleep 0.1;} forEach units _grp; }; _wp = _grp addWaypoint [_pos, 25]; _wp setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT"; _wp setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _wp setWaypointFormation "VEE"; _wp setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp setWaypointCombatMode "Yellow"; [_grp, 1] waypointAttachVehicle _pos; [_grp, 1] setWaypointPosition [_pos, 300]; _attachedwp = waypointAttachedVehicle [_grp,1]; diag_log text format [""]; diag_log text format ["AttachedWaypoint: %1", _attachedwp]; }; Any ideas on the problem or examples of other scripts using waypointAttachVehicle? I can post the entire script if needed. It is very lengthy so I only posted the relevant bit.
  19. Due to Arma 3 requirements I've moved from XP Pro to Win 7. Yuck! I've become very attached to the GUI in Eliteness and appreciate the ability to easily depbo, and repbo missions and some mods for arma 2, arma 1 and OFP with one tool. I have been using a v2.xx? and also tried the latest 2.95 along with replacing the depbo.dll with the newer v4.02. Still does not work . I get an error about Eliteness dependant assembly, side by side, public token could not be found. Tried running as administrator under xp compatibility and still no success. Has anyone found a way to run Eliteness under windows 7. Maybe Mikero could chime in. Sorry if this is the wrong thread for this question.
  20. Jigsor

    EB_Air mod

    Myke's collection of models + John's UI + Egg's flexible scripting could be such a great collaboration in the direction of custom aircraft load outs. If so, good move guys! Exciting stuff. Hope to see something come of this.
  21. Have not found any particle examples on how to create lightning nor related scripts or missions that implement lighting on call. Thunderbolts may appear when its about to rain , buts it random. Is there a way to produce lightning when wanted? I'd appreciate if anyone could steer me in the right direction.
  22. Jigsor

    MP COOP GITS EVOLUTION - main thread

    Domination? Are you referring to the new game mode for A3 loosely based on Xeno's Dom? Does your bunch plan on implementing Headless Client in games your developing? That could be phenomenal. Whatever it is I'm sure its gonna be good stuff..
  23. I can't seem to set this trigger off. Two PublicVariabled values of task1 == 1 and timesup == 0 must be true In addition, 1 of 6 objects must be alive. In a script I've assigned Var-names and PublicVariabled each object Var-name like this. example: _VarNamet1="tsk1tower1"; _lighttower1 SetVehicleVarName _VarNamet1; _lighttower1 Call Compile Format ["%1=_This ; PublicVariable ""%1""",_VarNamet1]; So in editor placed trigger condition I have: aachenon == 1 AND timesup == 0 AND alive tsk1tower1 || alive tsk1tower2 || alive tsk1tower3 || alive tsk1tower4 || alive tsk1tower5 || alive tsk1tower6; I'm not getting errors so it seems trigger is not going off. Is this condition statement proper? If not, what is a better way?
  24. Ah, yes its probably incompatible mods causing the chains. Was hopping for an all in one solution for the mod problem with arma 3, but it didn't come. As for Oxygen I don't have a clue how to use it. Previously had it installed when I had the P: partition but have not reallocated space since last windows install. Thanks for the input guys.