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Everything posted by Jigsor

  1. Thanks Manzilla, Works a dream so far. Nice to have right click ability. No luck following the ticket. The link does not work for me. TG Marksman X I tried that before posting. It seems related to an older unknown C++ library that missing maybe? My win7 is a fresh install so not to much additional muck added yet. Note win 7 here is 64 bit version
  2. Jigsor

    MP COOP GITS EVOLUTION - main thread

    He's the egg, the beast and yet still the man. So looking forward to GITS EVO in Arma 3!
  3. I,ve used this in a couple of missions now and appreciate getting shot at by a passing train when driving or flying by. Definitely justifies having train tracks on the map. Attaching vehicles with guns/turrets to the flat bed works and having AI getinNearest works to some degree. Usually not all AI will get in and thus can't assure that turrets will be maned. Using call bis_fnc_spawnVehicle to have a fully maned vehicle may be better, but its not working. This is the relevant bit containing the vehicle attachment: _h1 attachto [_train,[0,-7,-1.8]]; _wb attachto [_h1,[-.35,-5.8,1.51]]; _h2 attachto [_wb,[.39,-5.7,1.25]]; _wf attachto [_h2,[0.05,-9,-2.225]]; sleep .1; _driver setpos _pos; _driver setvectorUp _vector; _train setvectorUp _vector; sleep .1; if (_gun == 1) then { _tgun = "KORD_high" createVehicle _pos; _tgun allowdamage false; sleep .5; _tgun attachto [_wf,[0,-6.4,1.6]]; _tgun setdir (getdir _car - 180); _ptank1 = "BTR40_MG_TK_GUE_EP1" createVehicle _pos; _ptank1 allowdamage true; sleep .5; _ptank1 attachto [_wf,[-.0,5.4,2.22]]; _ptank1 setdir (getdir _car - 180); sleep .5; //_ptank2 = "ZSU_TK_EP1" createVehicle _pos; _ptank2 = [getPos _pos, 180, "ZSU_TK_EP1", EAST] call bis_fnc_spawnVehicle; _ptank2 allowdamage true; sleep .5; //_ptank2 attachto [_wf,[-.05,-1.4,2.85]]; _ptank2 attachto [_wf select 0,[-.05,-1.4,2.85]]; //_ptank2 setdir (getdir _car - 180); }; Where the commented lines is what was working before, but unmaned. And the error: Error in expression <tdir _car - 180); sleep .5; _ptank2 = [getPos _pos, 180, "ZSU_TK_EP1", EAST] ca> Error position: <getPos _pos, 180, "ZSU_TK_EP1", EAST] ca> Error getpos: Type Array, expected Object,Location File mpmissions\__cur_mp.fallujah\Train\Train_Start.sqf, line 126 I'm hopping maybe just a slight tweak at the begining of the original script needed. Not sure. if it is to much to ask, then no worries. Any suggestion appreciated.
  4. Jigsor

    [TVT/CO-55] Wasteland

    This is the wrong thread for this, but maybe this is what you are referring to rlaeiulf. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Multiplayer_Server_Commands From my experience, you can only log in as admin when server is dedicated.
  5. Does anybody have any idea what condition can be used if an AI aircraft is running low or out of ammo. I know this can be done for fuel. The sensor will be used to have an AI aircraft land at an airfield to rearm. The AI already announces when out of ammo. This should be a general condition and not specific to which type of ammo as varying aircraft types have many types of guns although the cannon is the main concern. Is this possible?
  6. I can work with that. Thanks for the suggestions Iceman77 and Mattar_Tharkari
  7. Marvelous work. Thanks for your contribution Zonekiller. You made it easy to apply it to an objective. I made a mission using your script and attached some armor to it and have AI board the armor to man the turrents. Its used as a bombing objective in an I44 Dogfighter. I have a marker following it. I couldn't figure out how to make it quit moving after the armor is destroyed or destroy the train, but it still works because the objective triggers complete when most of the crew is dead which happens when the maned armor is destroyed. Its probably the jem of this mission. Thanks again. Here's the example. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?143777-TVT-144-Dogfighter-objective-based&p=2266794#post2266794
  8. I played with these settings for months and listened to many suggestions. I was pretty much blindly trying to find a setting that I could use to anticipate bandwidth consumption without making the CPU do unnecessary extra work. Changing a setting here and there never gave me the expected results. It wasn't until I began putting some math behind these settings that things began to make cence. I'm not talking about just bytes to Megabits. I found a post somewhere long ago that explained how much bandwidth the server should allow per player. (Can't remember where now). It was something like this. Player can expect to use approx 125kbps on average. Sometimes player may peak at, but not limited to 256kbps for a short time or more on events like respawn or server join where scripts must synchronize. Upon my observation, it is rare that a player hits this peak but it is possible. Most of the time I see players bandwidth usage between 80 and 125kbps during action. I wanted to run at least 2 games on 1 machine. Each game is a 22 slot Evolution. This game type is on the medium to high scale of bandwidth usage due to the large number of running scripts and AI. Based on this I figured that a 10 megabit upload on serverside would suffice 44 players in Evo comfortably without one player ever noticeably hogging bandwidth from another. 1 Kbps = 0.0009765625 Mbps 256kbps = .25 Mbps So 10 Mbps should allow 44 players in Evo with some headroom given that each player will usually never draw peak bandwidth at the same time. Note these setting are for 1 22 slot Evo game. I've observed an average of just below 5 Mbps bandwidth consumption used in this game. I've also observed the an average of just below 5 Mbps bandwidth usage on a less demanding game (PvP DM, CTF) with maxPlayers=44. My server is a 2x4 core Xeon 3 GHz, 12 gig memory, ssd drive for Lnux OS and Games. I can easily run 4 games on this server and have spare CPU, memory, and hard drive bandwidth, The issue really becomes delegating bandwidth of 10 Mbps between each game. Bandwidth draw is only allocated once player is and remains connected. Some may scoff at these settings such as MaxMsgSend = 5120, but this really works. //This is they base key for my bandwidth settings. //204,800 64 bit packets equals 100Mbps //(amount of data sent per cycle at given speed of throughput) //I believe 1 main objective in these settings is to find a non decimal whole number of possible MaxMsgSend based on MaxSizeGuaranteed and given bandwidth keeping max size guaranteed low as possible. UDP freindly meaning packet size can be very small unlike TCP. Arma talks in UDP. You can specify custom packet size. //Formula: //MaxBandwidth in bps =MaxMsgSend in bits multiplied by MaxSizeGuaranteed in bits. //Minimum bandwidth in bytes is set at half of maxbandwidth in bytes to keep numbers whole. The true test may be to discover true packet size with headers included? I am now able to able to consistently estimate the bandwidth consumption and utilization with this method. //This link has a calculator I used as reference, but I used a real calculator because this site rounds off after 5 digits. //http://www.speedguide.net/conversion.php //The following config is for a 10/10 megabit connection utilizing approximately half the bandwidth when full (22 slots Evolution). Another config is being used that is identical to this one for a the second 22 slot Evo server. This would use all available bandwidth if both servers were full. Note I could run 3 Evo server if 1 was 22 slot, another 12 slot and another 12 slot all using the same config. Different Game types will use more bandwidth than others. // Current settings in use on both servers June 5 2012. //* Bandwidth the server is guaranteed to have (in bps). MinBandwidth = 5242880; //Bandwidth the server is guaranteed to never have. MaxBandwidth = 10485760; //* Maximum number of messages that can be sent in one simulation cycle. Increasing this value can decrease lag on high upload bandwidth servers. Default: 128. 204,800 64byte packets equals 100Mbps. 102400 128byte packets equals 100Mbps. 5120 256byte packets equals 10Mbps. MaxMsgSend = 5120; //Maximum size of guaranteed packet in bytes (without headers). Small messages are packed to larger frames. Guaranteed messages are used for non-repetitive events like shooting. Default: 512 MaxSizeGuaranteed = 256; //Maximum size of non-guaranteed packet in bytes (without headers). Non-guaranteed messages are used for repetitive updates like soldier or vehicle position. Increasing this value may improve bandwidth requirement, but it may increase lag. Default: 256 MaxSizeNonguaranteed = 64; MinErrorToSend = 0.0025; //Minimal error to send updates across network for near units. Using larger value can reduce traffic sent for near units. Used to control client to server traffic as well. Introduced in ArmA 2 1.60, Default: 0.01 MinErrorToSendNear=0.005; //Users with custom face or custom sound larger than this size are kicked when trying to connect. MaxCustomFileSize = 1600000; maxPlayers=22; A bit bloated in this response, but I hope this clears things up for some as I have not seen this explained in this manner.
  9. Linux Server beta 1.62.98099 is purring along fine so far. 2 Combined Operation games running and 1 Arma 2 game running. Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS 64amd To get CO working without having to install unneeded 32bit libs, I've installed the following. 1. lib32stdc++6 (which will also add these three dependencies: gcc-4.6-base, lib32gcc1, libc6-i386) 2. lib32z1 3. libz.so. (I found this was required for the non CO Arma 2 server. Note a2-server-1.11.87389 server binary used for Arma 2 non CO Mileage could vary on dependencies. Theses are all the additional libraries I needed on top of my base installation. I'm not sure, if this affects it or not, but my base included a semi stripped Unity desktop which I only need to allow for lightdm to use XFCE as my desktop. I am remote controlling with gui through VNC over putty. Sure makes life easier. Thanks again BI for the Linux support.
  10. Cached Units with Vehicle Support http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?97372-Cached-Units-with-Vehicle-Support-v2-0
  11. Nevermind, I've figured it out I Removed nul = [] execVM "Scripts\RandomMarker.sqf"; from Invisible Helipad. I then made a triger to start script once at game start. Axis a: 0 Axis b: 0 Activation: anybody, once, Not Present Type: none Name: rantowertrig, Condition: this; On Act: nul = [] execVM "Scripts\RandomMarker.sqf" I made a second trigger Axis a: 1 Axis b: 1 Activation: none, repeatedly Type: none Condition: this; !alive TowerObjective; On Act: targetsdead=true; publicVariable "targetsdead"; Hint "Radar Tower Destroyed"; deleteMarker "varimarker"; deleteVehicle rantowertrig; nul = [] execVM "Scripts\RandomMarker.sqf" I ended up with is slightly modified script although localization is untested. //Create Random marker in empty flat area used for placement of tower within 5000 meters of invisible Helipad "makemarker" //Syntax: position isFlatEmpty [float minDistance,float precizePos,float maxGradient,float gradientRadius,float onWater,bool onShore,object skipobj] sleep 0.2; if !(isServer) exitwith {}; _dis = 5000; _cooX = (getPos makemarker select 0); _cooY = (getPos makemarker select 1); _wheX = random (_dis*2)-_dis; _wheY = random (_dis*2)-_dis; _TskmarkerRandomPos = [_cooX+_wheX,_cooY+_wheY,0]; _newPos = _TskmarkerRandomPos isFlatEmpty [20,50,0.7,2,0,false,player]; //isFlatEmpty when given position _pos should return a flat and empty area close by if it can. If it cannot it returns an empty variable presumably. You may want to alter the values inside the square brackets. while {(count _newPos) < 1} do {//Loop the following code so long as isFlatEmpty cannot find a valid position near the current _TskmarkerRandomPos. _newPos = _TskmarkerRandomPos isFlatEmpty [20,200,1,2,0,false,player]; }; _marker = createMarker ["varimarker", _newPos]; _marker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; "varimarker" setMarkerSize [1, 1]; "varimarker" setMarkerShape "ICON"; "varimarker" setMarkerType "DOT";//make marker invisible later maybe "varimarker" setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; "varimarker" setMarkerText "Tower in this area"; publicVariable "varimarker"; sleep 0.5; //Create Tower at random marker "varimarker" _Target = createVehicle ["RU_WarfareBAntiAirRadar", (getMarkerPos "varimarker"), [], 0, "NONE"]; sleep 0.5; //Assign a variable to an object and be able to refer to that object using the variable, in both single and multi player. _VarName="TowerObjective"; _Target SetVehicleVarName _VarName; _Target Call Compile Format ["%1=_This ; PublicVariable ""%1""",_VarName]; sleep 0.2; //Make Tower Destroyable by bombs and rockets only _Target addEventHandler ["handleDamage", { if ((getText(configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> (_this select 4) >> "simulation") in ["shotMissle", "shotRocket"]) then {_Target setdamage .4}, (_Target allowDamage true) else {_Target setdamage 0}, (_Target allowDamage false); { if (!alive _Target) then { exitwith[]; This way the script runs once every time the tower is destroyed. Thanks again.
  12. Thank you Rejenorst You helped clarify isFlatEmpty. I wound up with 20 float minDistance (Minimal distance from another object) and 200 for float precisePos (select new position within 200 meters). The fisrt check is: _newPos = (getPos _TskmarkerRandomPos) isFlatEmpty [20,50,0.7,2,0,false,player] The second check if 0 is returned is: _newPos = (getPos _TskmarkerRandomPos) isFlatEmpty [20,200,1,2,0,false,player] I was missing a space between isFlatEmpty and [. This is working great for Chernarus. It places the tower in an open area every time making it easier to find by player aircraft. Now need to figure out how to let the server handle event handler for alive "TowerObjective" and let the clients do syncing of the new tower position maybe. There is a new problem now. When the tower is destroyed it does not respawn to a new location like it was before adding isFlatEmpty. Randomization is gone. If I add this to the end of the script: if !(alive _Target) then loop=true else loop=false; Then the tower responds in the same place give or take a couple of meters.
  13. ProfTournesol your solution works great as well when tying createVehicle at randomized marker. However I'm adding isFlatEmpty so the newly created Radar tower at the randomized marker doesn't spawn in trees on Chenarus. I have place an invisible Helipad in the center of the map and named it "makemarker". In the Initialization field I have: nul = [] execVM "Scripts\RandomMarker.sqf"; //RandomMarker.sqf //Create Random marker in empty flat area used for placement of tower within 4200 meters of invisible Helipad named "makemarker" //if !(isServer) exitwith {}; //Syntax: position isFlatEmpty [float minDistance,float precizePos,float maxGradient,float gradientRadius,float onWater,bool onShore,object skipobj] _dis = 4200; _cooX = (getPos makemarker select 0); _cooY = (getPos makemarker select 1); _wheX = random (_dis*2)-_dis; _wheY = random (_dis*2)-_dis; _TskmarkerRandomPos = [_cooX+_wheX,_cooY+_wheY,0]; _newPos = (getPos _TskmarkerRandomPos) isFlatEmpty[50, 1, 0.7, 5, 0, false, player]; //isFlatEmpty when given position _pos should return a flat and empty area close by if it can. If it cannot it returns an empty variable presumably. You may want to alter the values inside the square brackets. while {(count _newPos) < 1} do {//Loop the following code so long as isFlatEmpty cannot find a valid position near the current _TskmarkerRandomPos. _newPos = (getPos _TskmarkerRandomPos) isFlatEmpty[50, 1, 0.5, 10, 0, false, player]; }; _marker = createMarker ["varimarker", _newPos]; _marker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; "varimarker" setMarkerSize [1, 1]; "varimarker" setMarkerShape "ICON"; "varimarker" setMarkerType "DOT"; "varimarker" setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; "varimarker" setMarkerText "Tower is here"; publicVariable "varimarker"; sleep 0.5; //Create Tower at random marker "varimarker" _Target = createVehicle ["RU_WarfareBAntiAirRadar", (getMarkerPos "varimarker"), [], 0, "NONE"]; sleep 0.5; //Make Tower Destroyable by bombs and rockets only //_Target allowDamage false; _Target addEventHandler ["handleDamage", { if ((getText(configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> (_this select 4) >> "simulation") in ["shotMissle", "shotRocket"]) then {_Target setdamage .4} else {_Target setdamage 0}; hint "The radar tower objective has moved"; By adding the isFlatEmpty, it seams the script never completes. What to do?
  14. Jigsor

    GITS Evolution (new main thread)

    Will give the modded versions a go once our server reaches the data center in about a week or so. About Evolution Takistan +ACR. The client crashes to desktop if spectate camera switches view or player after death. Also, the server froze once and AI ran in place for a minute but then recovered. Later It froze a second time and never recovered. That may be a problem with the newly released Linux beta server binary and not the mission. Still waiting on a stable binary release from BI. The new fortifications at main base are a great addition to Taskistan as there has always been a problem getting killed upon respawn. Thanks again for the great games and fine releases.
  15. Thank You BI for the beta Linux server binary. I can report it is stable and working with gamespy very well. In case anyone is interested I am running: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS amd64 server. The BI server binary required 32 bit libraries are not included with OS. I took =WFL= Sgt Bilko's advise from another thread and installed lib32stdc++6 This will install very few additional dependencies. I also had to install a compiler to get tolower to run. Using this command: apt-get install gcc This totals approximately 41 Mb in 32 bit libraries and dependencies. The following alternative method installs approximately a total of 285 Mb in 32 bit libraries and bloaty dependencies. Install ia32-libs to get Synaptic Packet Manager to show the 32 bit libs. in order to cross reference and install the other libs others have claimed to install or are needed. Then install gcc 4.6.3 Both methods should work in getting all dependencies to run the server binary. It did for me, but the first method is cleaner and more efficient. I used Clonezilla Live to allowing reverting very easily and finding the best method.
  16. I've gotten Taskmaster working and love it so far. Thank you Shuko. Is there a way to get AI group to sit still at waypoint untill a task is assigned? I've tried using this call function in the condition box of both waypoint and in trigger. The AI group is not responding to the call in any combination. Condition: ["Task3_beachhead","assigned"] call SHK_Taskmaster_hasState Any ideas on how to use impliment the call functions?
  17. Jigsor

    Multiple respawn points

    No luck getting it to work. Your code for the init.sqf doesn't seem to have an affect. I started a new mission thinking something else maybe mucking it up with only the neccessary components to test. Its 100% repeatable. Not sure what else to do. I noticed you added a local variable to the equation which would help in MP, but still can't get past this. I've tried adding an eventhandler such as Giallustio's and modifiying your solution kylania. The result is the same. its as if the instructions in the init.sqs have no effect or consequence. Removing triggers eliminates all concurrent respawns in the preffered spot for yellowGroup. Using -showScriptErrors in startup reveals no errors. player AddEventHandler ["killed",{_this spawn _respawnLocation;}]; _respawnLocation = { WaitUntil {Alive player}; switch (group player) do { case yellowGroup: {"yellowspawn"}; case blueGroup: {"bluespawn"}; case redGroup: {"bluespawn"}; }; _respawnMarker = createMarkerLocal ["respawn_west", getMarkerPos _respawnLocation]; _respawnMarker setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON"; _respawnMarker setMarkerTypeLocal "EMPTY"; };
  18. Jigsor

    GITS Evolution (new main thread)

    Great concept for an Evo eggbeast. Are these A.I. faster movers than usual, or do need to drink more coffee?
  19. Jigsor

    Multiple respawn points

    Thanks for your reply kylania. I've tried running this as a script , putting this in the init and also tried putting this in a trigger. No luck yet. Any place in particular I should put this?
  20. Jigsor

    Multiple respawn points

    I know this thread is old but after searching around I could not find a solution to fit my requirement. I devised a simple method for 2 different automatic respawn points. Scenario is adversarial TvT type game with 3 squads per side using playable AI slots. Opfor has 1 base and always spawn/respawns there. Blufor side has 2 bases. I wanted one 4 man squad (Yellow Squad) of Blufor to always spawn/respawn in a northeast base. The remaining 2 squads of Blufor spawn/respawn on another base, marker "Respawn_West". This uses no scripts, only triggers and markers. This method toggles respawn point between 2 bases depending on which squad member dies. Example: Create your marker where majority Blufor spawns. Use this exact name: Respawn_West Create a marker where squad Yellow should spawn ex. named: yellowspawn Put this in the initialization of yellow squad leader. It will group all members of Yellow Squad. yellowsqd = group this Create a trigger anywhere on map. Axis a: 0 Axib b: 0 Activation: None, Once, Present Type: None Name: optional Condition: ({alive _x} count units yellowsqd) < 4 This condition describes if 1 or more members of squad yellow dies. On Act.: "Respawn_West" setMarkerPos getMarkerPos "yellowspawn" This acivates the relocation of Respawn_West marker to yellowspawn marker. Now since someone of yellow squad has died and the respawn marker has been moved to Yellow's base, we need to set the same type of triggers and markers for the other 2 squads on Blufor. This will relocate spawn marker to the other Blufor base in case of their death. Create a marker where Blue Squad should spawn ex. named: mainspawn Put this in the initialization of Blue squad leader. It will group Blue Squad. bluesqd = group this Create a trigger anywhere on map. Axis a: 0 Axib b: 0 Activation: None, Once, Present Type: None Name: optional Condition: ({alive _x} count units bluesqd) < 4 On Act.: "Respawn_West" setMarkerPos getMarkerPos "mainspawn" Now do the same for the last squad of Blufor and change their variables accordingly. They could share the same marker mainspawn. This could be done for Opfor as well, giving them multiple respawn points based on squad groups. Change their variables accordingly. ---------- Post added at 01:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:29 PM ---------- I noticed one problem with this method. If I choose a yellow squad member slot and one yellow member dies, Respawn_West does not update to yellowspawn point. I must teleport back to other base and shoot him or wait for him to die again of other unnatural causes. All following respawns then function properly. I'm shure there are much more elegant solutions or maybe an extra command to force the first respawn location update for yellow squad. Any ideas?
  21. PreedSwe, Thanks for your thorough documentation on how you updated your CentOS 6.3. I just updated from 6.2 to 6.3 and still running gcc 4.4.6. Your method sounds reasonable. I am running 2, 4 core processors or 8 logical cores. What would the appropriate command be for "./make" in my case? Have you noticed any difference in CPU and bandwidth utilization/load behavior since you updated?
  22. I have been running CentOS 6.2 64bit with 32 bit libs and patch 1.60 first with alpha 1.60, and then official 1.60. I never had problems. It was a chore to find the compatible 32 bit libs, as I had to look for them outside of CentOS main official repository. I think I got them from rpm.pbone.net. It took much cross referencing to find them. I am currently uploading my newly patched game to the server. It may be a couple of days before it finishes and I report back success or failure. I am running glibc 2.6. Not to far off of 2.7 It may work. If not, updating should not be a huge problem.
  23. Wulvgar, I'm running CentOS el6.x86_64. I tried 5-x86_64 but found el6.x86_64to be a little more efficient and friendly. No problems running the server except in the case of poorly designed missions. My server binary is 1.11.87389.(More up to date) I was unaware that you could run a server from the free version. We have guys running free version client side in here all day. What mission are you running? Also recently,I am finding that restricting memory allocation to 1 gig in server binary is helping reliability. I have 12 gig so memory shortage is not an issue.
  24. Not a rant here, just looking for information reguarding linux server update. We appreciate all the free stuff. In turn, our bunch promotes your paid products. We run an Arma 2 server and a Combined Operation server. We have successfully found new players on our Arma 2 server playing Arma 2 free and convinced them to purchase CO in order to try our more fully featured CO server. Many in our bunch have also purchased the expansions. Unfortunately some newly Paid Steam players must revert to playing our Arma 2 free compatible server or find another. If it would help the BI team, I would not mind paying for a server license. I've never made a dime from our server or have expected to. Its a labor of love for the game and I'll continue to promote it on a daily basis. I appreciate all past Linux support by BI. The Linux alternative has enabled a more feasible solution for admins with more brains than money. That does not go unrecognized. Lokyi and Zumbi I agree. Keep your heads and good will up. Some of the posts in the previously thread were down right obnoxious and were in no way promotive or encouraging of BI. If anybody has any insight on status, It would be appreciated immensely.
  25. Is this hotfix included with the 1.62/1.11 patch that just came out? Our bunch runs a Linux CO and a Arma 2 server. We have applied the hot fix to our Arma 2 server and have directed players to the hotfix who come to our TS and ask why they can't get in. That takes care of the problem for those who have the forethought of asking what the problem is on our TS. What happens most of the time is that players try to enter the server with the mismatched files and get disconnected. They never receive a message indicating the problem with languagecore. Only the players already in game see the message about languagecore for those who try to connect. The players in game do not need to worry about it because they already have the proper files. It seems that players who have Arma 2 free or Steam have the correct files, but players who have CD or direct to drive version do not and never discover the reason why they can't join the server. Due to the large number of players running hacks, Bisign check is a measure we must implement.