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Everything posted by f00bar

  1. These look great! Downloading now...
  2. f00bar

    HALO Jump Demo Mission

    Unzip the mission from the zip archive into your Operation Flashpoint /Users/%username%/Missions folder & load it in the Mission Editor (Desert Island). This will demonstrate a sniper team doing a HALO insertion into the desert. Tip: you can use the Number Pad "." (decimal point) key to go to unit exterior view to get a better view of your surroundings as you execute your jump. Download Link: http://bit.ly/dPWX52 Addons Required: None
  3. f00bar

    Halo Jump

    @Gundam Meister: Please see this thread under "User Missions": http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=116093 I put Miki45's script into a demo mission to demonstrate it's use.
  4. f00bar

    Dragon Warrior UAV Q's

    I managed to get a helicopter recon test mission working where the player starts out flying in an OH-58 Kiowa and is able to use radio channel Alpha to "deploy" a UAV while flying. The drone magically appears on the ground beneath the chopper & then the player can use radio channel Bravo to start the drone & control it. Another version of this mission starts out with a DragonWarrior unit as a member of the player's group with both flying around. The only caveat with this is that the drone must be issued a "move, stop" order so it hovers in place (it will hover indefinitely) or else it will eventually fly too close to the ground & crash. The player can control it & direct it to several locations but must continually issue stop orders to prevent the UAV from flying in a continuous straight line. It reminds me of the old videogame "Asteroids" as once thrust is applied the craft will continue moving along that vector until reverse thrust is used.
  5. f00bar

    Dragon Warrior UAV Q's

    I managed to get the UAV control working remotely via the radio without needing to walk up next to it. However, getting it to fly or patrol autonomously is proving to be more of a challenge. setPos does not work for this addon - the drone will fly erratically & simply drop from the sky when created even if it's engine is turned on & it is set to "Flying" (or flyInHeight is used). Control system: uses several sliderSetPosition/Range/Speed to assign setVelocity values that allow the player to manually control the UAV by clicking on the slider buttons in the control dialog. I haven't figured out how the initial takeoff is achieved after the drone is turned on (using the sliders before switching on seems to have no effect). Vehicle config: the Side is set to "4" ("Empty" in mission editor) and hasDriver/Gunner/Commander are set to false so options are limited when placing it in the mission editor. Setting the UAV to Side=1 (West) & hasDriver=true enabled the drone to be placed in the mission editor & it starts the mission flying in a straight line. It can then cycle through a circuit of waypoints (although it looses altitude & crashes after a while) :confused:. I tested using a aircraft takeoff script from Ofpec (takeoff.sqs) which works well with standard aircraft but did not help with launching the DragonWarrior & resulted in yet another crash. I think the addon's Config.cpp uses vehicle class "Plane : Air, Cessna" which may be affecting the flight model & controls. BTW, the author appears to have given permission to reuse/modify this addon in some of the script comments within the PBO (translated from French). A lot of impressive coding went into this addon & it could possibly serve as a great starting point for further UAV addons...
  6. Here is a simple demo mission which enables radio control of the DragonWarrior UAV via the Radio :) Extract the mission from the archive into your OFP/users/%username%/missions folder & load it in the mission editor. Simply enter the Map screen ("m" key) and click on the "Alpha" channel on the radio to start the UAV. You can then take control of it via the UAV action menu. A single trigger is configured to execute the "\DragonWarrior\Scripts\startdrone.sqs" script that is contained in the addon. Mission download link: http://bit.ly/ggvKpv Required addons: Dragonwarrior UAV: http://bit.ly/iil3eS
  7. f00bar

    Dragon Warrior UAV Q's

    @Blitzen I found an old post by Nephilim: http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=640124&postcount=6 Which shows some pix of his completed & excellent looking RQ1 Predator UAV model from back in 2005. He stated that the model was done but that the scripting was still being worked on.
  8. f00bar

    Dragon Warrior UAV Q's

    Sounds like a great mission idea :) The "real" Dragon Warrior / Cypher II UAV: http://www.globalsecurity.org/intell/systems/dragon-warrior.htm ...seems to have been (is?) more of an autonomous surveillance craft that flies on auto-pilot along a preset GPS path. The real-world version has a payload capacity of around 25 - 35 lb which probably couldn't manage to carry a laser designator let alone hellfires. The addon maker seems to have modeled this one accurately so that is why no offensive capacity. One way of executing what you propose in a mission would be: Set the waypoints for the UAV on the mission briefing map before the mission Have UAV follow the preset waypoints & patrol the desired area(s) Have the UAV "phone home" or alert the player when it contacts the enemy during the mission Enable the player to take control of the UAV camera to visually confirm the target & get map (GPS) coordinates Call in an artillery strike using the target coordinates Use the UAV camera to watch the action & do bomb damage assessment Repeat as necessary Maybe Drongo's Air Support module: http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=10796 could also be used? @WW2Weasel - how did you execute that code in your missions?
  9. f00bar

    WW4 Asian OPFOR Demo

    I have created a couple of missions that demonstrate Chinese/Asian OPFOR units in the WW4 mod. This uses the face textures that are included in the PLA mod (70 face textures!) using the SetFace command and does not require altering the original mod or tampering with the creator's content. As mentioned in the PLA Mod readme: "1, Script to assign a face. Write: "This setface""VME_CNFace**" in INIT;", "**" is a number between 01 an 70, even for regular face, odd for camo face." NOTE: I believe the regular faces are odd numbered & the camo faces are even numbered. Standard Asian faces demo mission: http://bit.ly/fSx1QX Camo Asian faces demo mission: http://bit.ly/fkcv9I Extract the mission folders from the archives into your OFP/Users/%username%/Missions folder. Required Addon(s): PLA Mod V 3.1: http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=10698 NOTE: Technically, only "VME_PLA_Addons.pbo" and "VME_TEX.pbo" are required to use the face textures but AFAIK they have not been released as stand-alone addons with the author's permission so you will need to download & extract them from the complete mod if you are short on disk space.
  10. f00bar

    WW4 Desert Guerilla Demo

    Anyone looking for a fast way to come up with Desert/Middle Eastern OPFOR for use with the WW4 mod may find this useful. I used the afghan faces from the "Generic Middle Eastern Rebels v1.2" units with the WW4_DGUER* units ((WW4 Z-Guerilla (D) units in the mission editor)). Demo mission download link: http://bit.ly/eT2uSo Addon links: ftp://ftp.ofpr.info/ofpd/unofaddons2/jjr_updated_rebels.rar (JAM2 also Required: ftp://ftp.ofpr.info/ofpd/unofaddons2/OFPR_Addon_BAS_JAM2.zip) JJR ME Rebel face classes are JJR_Afgan[1-12] (from the readme). ---------- Post added at 01:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:26 AM ---------- Also added the WW4 WW4_DMIL* Desert Militia units ((WW4 Z-Militia (D) in mission editor)). These use the Gulf War I (1991) desert camo mixed with other equipment. Demo mission download link: http://bit.ly/gHuSvE Same addon requirements as above. Just extract archive to your OFP "Users/%username%/missions folder & open in mission editor.
  11. f00bar

    More unit faces

    OK, so I generated a random male face on morphases.com that looked like this: http://bit.ly/gIB7NO Then, I did some quick cutting & pasting to end up with this image: http://bit.ly/hS3vP2 After adding it to a PBO and assigning it to a civilian unit with the "SetFace" command, it ended up looking like this in-game: http://bit.ly/dZNsdN Granted, the face currently looks like he had some BAD plastic surgery but this face was done in around 10 minutes using the Windows 7 snipping tool & MS Paint.
  12. Here's a demo template mission that deploys 2 groups of all the available Ivosm's Soviet Army Afghanistan War 1.0 units on the BIS desert island. Loading up this demo mission is a quick way to deploy all the available units in the absence of groups in the editor. Just extract the "Afghan Soviets unit test.Intro" folder from the archive into your OFP User's directory then load the mission in the mission editor. Download link: http://bit.ly/f5nnU1 Required Addons: Soviet Army Afghanistan War 1.0 ftp://ftp.ofpr.info/ofpd/unofaddons2/IvoSoAf.rar RHS WEAPONS PACK ftp://ftp.ofpr.info/ofpd/unofaddons2/RHS_Weap_v1.01.rar FACESTEX 2.0 ftp://ftp.ofpr.info/ofpd/unofaddons2/facestex2_05january2006.zip
  13. f00bar

    Soviet Army Afghanistan War 1.0

    Great job on these! Keep up the good work. :)
  14. f00bar

    More unit faces

    Hi Macser, My intention was to make faces for the default BIS head model easily accessible. As I understand it, making use of the large facetex2 face library involves a fair bit of customization & de-PBO ing original addons to make it work. I would like to: 1) Practice using the mod tools to make something usable 2) Provide a way to make groups of similar units visually different so they don't look like clones; face & maybe unit badge textures seem like a good place to start. It appears that there is plenty of existing "face" content for OFP so I want to make sure I'm not re-inventing the wheel. I do think that something like custom faces go a long way to adding to immersion & provides an easy way for mission makers to get their hands on exactly the type of units they are looking for.
  15. f00bar

    More unit faces

    Thanks for the tip on the Spetnatz Mod Camo faces - I will definitely take a look at those. Searching through some old forum topics I also discovered that the BAS Rangers and Suchey's Marine Pack also have custom camo faces that can be assigned to a unit. I also remember there are North African/Middle Eastern faces in the DMA (Libya?) face texture pack. I took a look inside Lluama's face pack and realized that there are many faces in there that I've never seen used in an addon (except the Polish GROM units maybe).
  16. f00bar

    More unit faces

    Thanks for posting this but I was asking for additional face images not the BIS template face image. I checked the HIS facepack readme again and it states: "To our point of view it is not a good idea to say " please don't modify our face" our greatest pleasure is to see them in game, we consider this as a big thanks, so modify, destroy, and play with our faces please." So I believe packing these face images into a pbo should not be a problem for the original creator... BTW, I remember the ArmA version of the Swiss Mod having a camo face pack but does anyone know if the OFP version also has one?
  17. f00bar

    More unit faces

    Please excuse the double-post but I thought this would be the best place for this post. I have created a proof of concept pbo & demo mission with a few faces from the HIS and WIP teams et al V2.01 face pack. My question is: would this be considered a new addon that requires the original addon maker's permission to repackage as a new pbo? A quick scan of the facepack readme lists: trankill@ofp-his.com as the contact email but the domain appears to have been reassigned & the mail server times out. Alternatively, can anyone point me to any existing, ready made jpeg face libraries that I could use to quickly create an addon of additional faces for OFP? Thanks
  18. f00bar

    Dragon Warrior UAV Q's

    I'm taking a look at the other UAVs in those addons now. Was an armed or laser designator equipped drone ever released for OFP? BTW, I found a download link for the original "dragonwarrior_beta04.zip" package at: http://www.gamefront.com/files/17383631/dragonwarrior_beta04.zip/ It comes with a minimal readme file that provides much the same info discussed in this thread along with a demo mission.
  19. f00bar

    Dragon Warrior UAV Q's

    Excellent addon & a lot of fun to use! Thanks for the link & the usage tips. I will have to give the PMC "Baltic Command" Campaign a try to see how they used it.
  20. f00bar

    Dragon Warrior UAV Q's

    I would be interested in finding this addon too. I couldn't find it on either http://ofp.gamepark.cz or http://operationflashpoint.filefront.com :(
  21. f00bar

    BM-21 Grad script!

    Here is a link to an ArmA version of a Grad script that may be usable without too much work: http://armaholic.eu/wolle/XAMPLE_Grads.zip (based on MrMurrays examples) The discussion thread link is: http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=9960 I'll keep looking for the rocketartillery.zip file...
  22. f00bar

    Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis under Win 7?

    The original registry entries from the: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Codemasters subkey. must be imported into the Windows 7 64-bit registry under the: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Codemasters subkey.
  23. f00bar

    OFP File transfer 'Bad serial key given in setup'

    After some frustration with trying to copy my OFP 1.96 installation from a Windows XP machine to my new Windows 7 64-bit laptop, I would like to share some pertinent information. The gotcha with doing this type of "copy" installation is a difference with the registry entry import. The original registry entries from the: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Codemasters subkey. must be imported into the Windows 7 64-bit registry under the: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Codemasters subkey. If you don't do this you will get the dreaded "bad serial number given at setup" error which is the same thing you'll get if the correct registry values do not exist at all. Other than that, the copy install seems to work fine without needing any compatibility settings or administrative credentials. Good luck & I hope this helps :)