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Posts posted by McLupo

  1. moeayx2k.png



    Marks, Labels & Insignia - MLI - Soldiers Version 1.00 - by McLupo
    Release of an addon for ArmA III

    First release: November 22, 2015

    Recent update: November 30, 2015


    Picture Gallery:
    bisaaf-units.jpg bisaaf.jpg biscsat-units.jpg biscsat.jpg bisnato-units.jpg bisnato.jpg


    Not yet


    As long as I played ArmA I always missed a means of seeing what faction is
    shooting at me. I never saw marks, labels, or insignia.
    So I did what must be done. I created an addon for providing the missing decals,
    because I never want to hear: "Hold fire! Blue on Blue"
    This expansion will complement the MLI – Camo (redifined vehicles).




    Massive collection with alot of redefined units and special decails
    All soldiers with fictitious, unique, marks and labels and insignia
    MCLU-Factions are displayed with the new fictitious insignia in the editor

    Signed AddOn (bikey included)


    Required game:




    Required  addons/ Mods/DLC:


    Recommend Addons/Mod:
    Works best with the MCLU_MLI_CAMO


    Only „Vanilla“ proofed


    McLupo | Texturing, labeling and config. work


    Thanks to:
    Foxhound | For an ongoing support
    Armaholic.com | For fast and reliable hosting.
    Alex150201 | Testing
    Bohemia Interactiveâ„¢ | ArmA-Series and all the good stuff around
    Bohemia Interactiveâ„¢ | Original Models


    Special thanks goes to:
    Kendar | For an unbelievable test session.
    Mate, your help is worth its weight in gold, thats for sure.


    And of course, all I´ve forgotten to mention.


    Known issue/s:
    Some visual glitches caused through the vests and belts



    v 1.01 Update:
    Fixed: AAF-Groups - Wrong camo of the AAF-Infantry Squad (Woodland) - desert to Woodland

    v 1.00 First Public Release
    v 0.70 Initial Beta
    v 0.12 Early Alpha


    Installation and further Details:
    Please do me the courtesy of reading below before asking me questions regarding features/configuration


    ReadMe – File v1.01

    An Addon for ArmAIII
    Marks,Labels & Insigniaâ„¢

    Version: 1.01
    Author: McLupo
    McL © 2011-2015
    All rights reserved

    Version – History:

    v1.01 Update: November 30, 2015
    v1.00 Public release date: November 22, 2015
    v0.75 Initial Beta
    v0.12 Early Alpha

    You are permitted to install and use this software for personal entertainment purposes only.
    You may not use this add-on (nor any of its parts) in any other add-on, or mod (not even partially)
    nor redistribute it, without McLupo´s prior permission and agreement.
    This add-on is released under Creative Commons License
    For use with Arma 3 current version

    This work includes content created by Bohemiaâ„¢ Interactive.
    by © Bohemia Interactive™ a.s., All rights reserved.

    This addon will not edit, modify, or delete any original BIS-Model

    MCLU_ is an official TAG and registered by OFPEC!

    Forums BI-Studio                                                                  
    Email: McLupo999@yahoo.de                                          

    Required  game:


    Required Addons/ Mods/DLC:

    Recommend Addons/Mod:
    Works best with the MCLU_MLI_CAMO AddOn.
    This addon provides the missing vehicles for just more fun!

    Not tested with any other addon/mod!

    Extract into the ArmA 3 Directory, by default this is located in:
    32-Bit - C:/Program Files/Steam/SteamApps/Common/ArmA 3/
    64-Bit - C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/SteamApps/Common/ArmA 3/

    Never ever use the (Arma3 own) addon folder in the ArmA3 directory to prevent massive problemsand issues!

    In case of any problems try to contact the author.
    You may also try to find a solution on official forums - http://forums.bistudio.com/index.php

    Future Update(s): Remove the old ".pbo" file completly and replace it with the new one.

    As long as I played ArmA I always missed a means of seeing what faction is
    shooting at me. I never saw marks, labels, or insignia.
    So I did what must be done. I created an addon for providing the missing decals,
    because I never want to hear: "Hold fire! Blue on Blue"
    This expansion will complement the MLI – Camo (redifined vehicles).

    Use of the MCLU_MLI
    The 'NATO - Units' are available in the editor under
    'BLUFOR' > 'MLI NATO MEN (Woodland/Multicam/Desert)' > 'Ammobearer'...and so forth.

    The 'NATO - Groups' are available in the editor under
    'MLI NATO' > 'MLI NATO  (Woodland/Multicam/Desert)' > 'NATO Infantry' > 'AA Team'...and so forth.

    The 'CSAT - Units' are available in the editor under
    'OPFOR' > 'MLI CSAT MEN (Woodland/Multicam/Desert)' > 'Ammobearer'...and so forth.

    The 'CSAT - Groups' are available in the editor under
    'MLI CSAT' > 'MLI CSAT  (Woodland/Multicam/Desert)' > CSAT Infantry' > 'AA Team'...and so forth.

    The 'AAF - Units' are available in the editor under
    'Resistance' > 'MCLU AAF MEN (Woodland/Desert)' > 'Ammobearer'...and so forth.

    The 'AAF - Groups' are available in the editor under
    'MLI AAF' > 'MLI AAF (Woodland/Desert)' > AAF Infantry' >'AA Team'...and so forth.


    Content of the NATO - Army

    NATO - Soldiers
    - Woodland/Multicam/Desert -

    EOD Specialist
    Explosive Specialist
    Helicopter Pilot
    Jet Pilot
    Missle Specialist (AA)
    Missle Specialist (AT)
    Rifleman (AT)
    Rifleman  Light
    Squad Leader
    Tank Commander
    Tank Crew
    Team Leader
    UAV Terminal Soldier

    Recon Explosive Expert
    Recon JTAG
    Recon Marksman
    Recon Medic
    Recon Scout
    Recon Soldier (AT)
    Recon Teamleader


    Content of the CSAT - Army


    CSAT – Soldiers
    - Woodland/Multicam/Desert -

    Explosive Specialist
    Missle Specialist (AA)
    Missle Specialist (AT)
    Repair Specialist
    Rifleman (AT)
    Rifleman Lite
    Squad Leader
    Team Leader


    Content of the AAF - Army


    AAF - Soldiers
    - Woodland/Desert -

    Explosive Specialist
    Missle Specialist (AA)
    Missle Specialist (AT)
    Repair Specialist
    Rifleman (AT)
    Rifleman Lite
    Squad Leader
    Team Leader


    Massive collection with alot of redefined units and special decails
    All soldiers with fictitious, unique, marks and labels
    and insignia
    MCLU-Factions are displayed with the new fictitious insignia in the editor

    Signed AddOn (bikey included)



    v 1.01 Update:

    Fixed: AAF-Groups - Wrong camo of the AAF-Infantry Squad (Woodland) - desert to Woodland

    v 1.00 First Public Release

    v 0.70 Initial Beta

    v 0.12 Early Alpha


    Known Errors/Bugs:
    Some visual glitches caused through the vests and belts

    McLupo | Texturing, labeling and config work

    Thanks to:
    Alex150201 | Testing
    Bohemia Interactiveâ„¢ | ArmA-Series and all the good stuff around
    Bohemia Interactiveâ„¢ | Original Models


    Special thanks goes to:
    Kendar | For an unbelievable test session.
    Mate, your help is worth its weight in gold, thats for sure.

    And of course, all I´ ve forgotten to mention.
    Please let me know if someone are missing here.


    Any unauthorized modification of the released files is not allowed without any written permission by the author. You are using those files at your own risk.
    The Author of those files are not liable for any damage or loss of data caused by using of those files.
    Usage of those files is also prohibited for any commercial purposes.

    Thanks for reading this


    MCL©2011-2015, All rights reserved®



    - MCLU_MLI Soldiers Classnames -


    AAF Desert
    MCLU_I_officer_F_I / Officer                   
    MCLU_I_soldier_F_I / Rifleman
    MCLU_I_Soldier_lite_F_I / Rifleman lite
    MCLU_I_Soldier_A_F_I / Ammo Bearer
    MCLU_I_Soldier_AR_F_I / Autorifleman
    MCLU_I_Soldier_GL_F_I / Grenadier
    MCLU_I_Soldier_SL_F_I / Squad Leader
    MCLU_I_Soldier_TL_F_I / Team Leader
    MCLU_I_Soldier_M_F_I / Marksman
    MCLU_I_Soldier_LAT_F_I / Rifleman AT
    MCLU_I_Soldier_AT_F_I / AT Specialist
    MCLU_I_Soldier_AA_F_I / AA Specialist
    MCLU_I_medic_F_I / Medic
    MCLU_I_Soldier_repair_F_I / Repair Specialst
    MCLU_I_Soldier_exp_F_I / Explosive Expert
    MCLU_I_engineer_F_I / Engineer
    MCLU_I_crew_F_I / Crewman
    MCLU_I_helipilot_F_I / Helipilot
    MCLU_I_pilot_F_I / Jetpilot


    AAF Woodland
    MCLU_I_officer_F_H / Officer                   
    MCLU_I_soldier_F_H / Rifleman
    MCLU_I_Soldier_lite_F_H / Rifleman lite
    MCLU_I_Soldier_A_F_H / Ammo Bearer
    MCLU_I_Soldier_AR_F_H / Autorifleman
    MCLU_I_Soldier_GL_F_H / Grenadier
    MCLU_I_Soldier_SL_F_H / Squad Leader
    MCLU_I_Soldier_TL_F_H / Team Leader
    MCLU_I_Soldier_M_F_H / Marksman
    MCLU_I_Soldier_LAT_F_H / Rifleman AT
    MCLU_I_Soldier_AT_F_H / AT Specialist
    MCLU_I_Soldier_AA_F_H / AA Specialist
    MCLU_I_medic_F_H / Medic
    MCLU_I_Soldier_repair_F_H / Repair Specialst
    MCLU_I_Soldier_exp_F_H / Explosive Expert
    MCLU_I_engineer_F_H / Engineer
    MCLU_I_crew_F_H / Crewman
    MCLU_I_helipilot_F_H / Helipilot
    MCLU_I_pilot_F_H / Jetpilot


    NATO Desert
    MCLU_Sniper_BW_Z / Sniper
    MCLU_Spotter_BW_Z / Spotter
    MCLU_Tankcrew_BW_Z / Tankcrew
    MCLU_Tankcommander_BW_Z / Tankcommander
    MCLU_HeliPilot_BW_Z / Helipilot
    MCLU_JetPilot_BW_Z / Jetpilot
    MCLU_EOD_BW_Z / EOD Specialist
    MCLU_Medic_BW_Z / Medic
    MCLU_Officer_BW_Z / Officer
    MCLU_soldier_UAV_BW_Z / UAV Terminal Soldier
    MCLU_Recon_JTAG_BW_D / Recon JTAC
    MCLU_recon_medic_BW_Z / Recon Medic
    MCLU_recon_scout_BW_Z / Recon Scout
    MCLU_recon_SoldierAT_BW_Z / Recon Soldier AT
    MCLU_recon_Explosive_Expert_BW_Z / Recon Explosive Expert
    MCLU_Recon_Teamleader_BW_Z / Recon Teamlesder
    MCLU_Recon_Marksman_BW_Z / Recon Marksman
    MCLU_Soldier_BW_Z / Rifleman
    MCLU_soldier_AR_F_Z / Autorifleman
    MCLU_soldier_SL_F_Z / Squad Leader
    MCLU_soldier_TL_F_Z / Team Leader
    MCLU_soldier_Lite_F_Z / Rifleman Light
    MCLU_soldier_GL_F_Z / Grenadier
    MCLU_soldier_AA_F_Z / Missle Specialist AA
    MCLU_soldier_AT_F_Z / Missle Specialist AT
    MCLU_soldier_LAT_F_Z / Rifleman AT
    MCLU_soldier_A_F_Z / Ammo Bearer
    MCLU_engineer_F_Z / Engineer
    MCLU_soldier_M_F_Z / Marksman
    MCLU_soldier_exp_F_Z / Explosive Specialist
    MCLU_soldier_repair_F_Z / Repair Specialist
    MCLU_Recon_JTAG_BW_Z / Recon JTAG
    MCLU_Recon_medic_BW_Z / Recon Medic
    MCLU_Recon_scout_BW_Z / Recon Scout
    MCLU_Recon_SoldierAT_BW_Z / Recon Soldier (AT)
    MCLU_Recon_Explosive_Expert_BW_Z / Recon Explosive Expert
    MCLU_Recon_Teamleader_BW_Z / Recon Teamleader
    MCLU_Recon_Marksman_BW_Z / Recon Marksman


    NATO Multicam
    MCLU_Sniper_BW_D / Sniper
    MCLU_Spotter_BW_D / Spotter
    MCLU_Tankcrew_BW_D / Tankcrew
    MCLU_Tankcommander_BW_D / Tankcommander
    MCLU_HeliPilot_BW_D / Helicopter Pilot
    MCLU_JetPilot_BW_D / Jet Pilot
    MCLU_EOD_BW_D / EOD Specialsit
    MCLU_Medic_BW_D / Medic
    MCLU_Officer_BW_D / Officer
    MCLU_soldier_UAV_BW_D / UAV Terminal Soldier
    MCLU_Recon_JTAG_BW_D / Recon JTAC
    MCLU_recon_medic_BW_D / Recon Medic
    MCLU_recon_scout_BW_D / Recon Scout
    MCLU_recon_SoldierAT_BW_D / Recon Soldier AT
    MCLU_recon_Explosive_Expert_BW_D / Recon Explosive Expert
    MCLU_Recon_Teamleader_BW_D / Recon Teamleader
    MCLU_Recon_Marksman_BW_D / Recon Marksman
    MCLU_Rifleman / Rifleman
    MCLU_Autorifleman / Autorifleman
    MCLU_Squadleader / Squad Leader
    MCLU_Teamleader / Team Leader
    MCLU_RiflemanLight / Rifleman Light
    MCLU_Grenadier / Grenadier
    MCLU_MisselsoldierAir / Missle Specialist AT
    MCLU_MisslesoldierTank / Missle Specialist AA
    MCLU_RiflemanTank / Rifleman AT
    MCLU_AmmoBearer / Ammo Bearer
    MCLU_Engeneer / Engineer
    MCLU_Marksman / Marksman
    MCLU_Explosive / Explosive Specialist
    MCLU_Repair / Repair Specialist
    MCLU_Recon_JTAG_BW_D / Recon JTAG
    MCLU_Recon_medic_BW_D / Recon Medic
    MCLU_Recon_scout_BW_D / Recon Scout
    MCLU_Recon_SoldierAT_BW_D / Recon Soldier (AT)
    MCLU_Recon_Explosive_Expert_BW_D / Recon Explosive Expert
    MCLU_Recon_Teamleader_BW_D / Recon Teamleader
    MCLU_Recon_Marksman_BW_D / Recon Marksman


    NATO Woodland
    MCLU_Sniper_BW_W / Sniper
    MCLU_Spotter_BW_W / Spotter
    MCLU_Tankcrew_BW_W / Tankcrew
    MCLU_Tankcommander_BW_W / Tankcommander
    MCLU_HeliPilot_BW_W / Helicopter Pilot
    MCLU_JetPilot_BW_W / Jet Pilot
    MCLU_EOD_BW_W / EOD Specialist
    MCLU_Medic_BW_W / Medic
    MCLU_Officer_BW_W / Officer
    MCLU_soldier_UAV_BW_W / UAV Terminal Soldier
    MCLU_Recon_JTAG_BW_D / Recon JTAG
    MCLU_recon_medic_BW_W / Recon Medic
    MCLU_recon_scout_BW_W / Recon Scout
    MCLU_recon_SoldierAT_BW_W / Recon Soldier AT
    MCLU_recon_Explosive_Expert_BW_W / Recon Explosive Expert
    MCLU_Recon_Teamleader_BW_W / Recon Team Leader
    MCLU_Recon_Marksman_BW_W / Recon Marksman
    MCLU_Soldier_BW_W / Rifleman
    MCLU_soldier_AR_F_W / Autorifleman
    MCLU_soldier_SL_F_W / Squad Leader
    MCLU_soldier_TL_F_W / Team Leader
    MCLU_soldier_Lite_F_W / Rifleman Light
    MCLU_soldier_GL_F_W / Grenadier
    MCLU_soldier_AA_F_W / Missle Specialist AA
    MCLU_soldier_AT_F_W / Missle Specialist AT
    MCLU_soldier_LAT_F_W / Rifleman AT
    MCLU_soldier_A_F_W / Ammo Bearer
    MCLU_engineer_F_W / Engineer
    MCLU_soldier_M_F_W / Marksman
    MCLU_soldier_exp_F_W / Explosive Specialist
    MCLU_soldier_repair_F_W / Repair Specialist
    MCLU_Recon_JTAG_BW_W / Recon JTAG
    MCLU_Recon_medic_BW_W / Recon Medic
    MCLU_Recon_scout_BW_W / Recon Scout
    MCLU_Recon_SoldierAT_BW_W / Recon Soldier (AT)
    MCLU_Recon_Explosive_Expert_BW_W / Recon Explosive Expert
    MCLU_Recon_Teamleader_BW_W / Recon Teamleader
    MCLU_Recon_Marksman_BW_W / Recon Marksman


    CSAT Desert
    MCLU_O_officer_F_B / Officer
    MCLU_O_Soldier_F_B / Rifleman
    MCLU_O_Soldier_lite_F_B / Rifleman Lite
    MCLU_O_Soldier_A_F_B / Ammo Bearer
    MCLU_O_Soldier_GL_F_B / Grenadier
    MCLU_O_Soldier_AR_F_B / Autorifleman
    MCLU_O_Soldier_SL_F_B / Squad Leader
    MCLU_O_Soldier_TL_F_B / Team Leader
    MCLU_O_soldier_M_F_B / Marksman
    MCLU_O_Soldier_LAT_F_B / Rifleman AT
    MCLU_O_Soldier_AT_F_B / Missle Specialist(AT)
    MCLU_O_Soldier_AA_F_B / Missle Specialist (AA)
    MCLU_O_medic_F_B / Medic
    MCLU_O_soldier_repair_F_B / Repair Specialist
    MCLU_O_soldier_exp_F_B / Explosive Specialist
    MCLU_O_engineer_F_B / Engineer
    MCLU_O_crew_F_B / Crewman
    MCLU_B_Soldier_04_f_B / Dummy
    MCLU_B_Helipilot_F_B / Helipilot
    MCLU_B_Soldier_05_f_B / Dummy
    MCLU_B_Pilot_F_B / Jet Pilot


    CSAT Multicam
    MCLU_O_officer_F_C / Officer
    MCLU_O_Soldier_F_C / Rifleman
    MCLU_O_Soldier_lite_F_C / Rifleman Lite
    MCLU_O_Soldier_A_F_C / Ammo Bearer
    MCLU_O_Soldier_GL_F_C / Grenadier
    MCLU_O_Soldier_AR_F_C / Autorifleman
    MCLU_O_Soldier_SL_F_C / Squad Leader
    MCLU_O_Soldier_TL_F_C / Team Leader
    MCLU_O_soldier_M_F_c / Marksman
    MCLU_O_Soldier_LAT_F_C / Rifleman AT
    MCLU_O_Soldier_AT_F_C / Missle Specialist(AT)
    MCLU_O_Soldier_AA_F_C / Missle Specialist (AA)
    MCLU_O_medic_F_C / Medic
    MCLU_O_soldier_repair_F_C / Repair Specialist
    MCLU_O_soldier_exp_F_C / Explosive Specialist
    MCLU_O_engineer_F_C / Engineer
    MCLU_O_crew_F_C / Crewman
    MCLU_B_Soldier_04_f_C / Dummy
    MCLU_B_Helipilot_F_C / Helipilot
    MCLU_B_Soldier_05_f_C / Dummy
    MCLU_B_Pilot_F_C / Jet Pilot


    CSAT Woodland
    MCLU_O_officer_F_A / Officer
    MCLU_O_Soldier_F_A / Rifleman
    MCLU_O_Soldier_lite_F_A / Rifleman Lite
    MCLU_O_Soldier_A_F_A / Ammo Bearer
    MCLU_O_Soldier_GL_F_A / Grenadier
    MCLU_O_Soldier_AR_F_A / Autorifleman
    MCLU_O_Soldier_SL_F_A / Squad Leader
    MCLU_O_Soldier_TL_F_A / Team Leader
    MCLU_O_soldier_M_F_A / Marksman
    MCLU_O_Soldier_LAT_F_A / Rifleman AT
    MCLU_O_Soldier_AT_F_A / Missle Specialist(AT)
    MCLU_O_Soldier_AA_F_A / Missle Specialist (AA)
    MCLU_O_medic_F_A / Medic
    MCLU_O_soldier_repair_F_A / Repair Specialist
    MCLU_O_soldier_exp_F_A / Explosive Specialist
    MCLU_O_engineer_F_A / Engineer
    MCLU_O_crew_F_A / Crewman
    MCLU_B_Soldier_04_f_A / Dummy
    MCLU_B_Helipilot_F_A / Helipilot
    MCLU_B_Soldier_05_f_A / Dummy
    MCLU_B_Pilot_F_A / Jet Pilot




    You are permitted to install and use this software for personal entertainment purposes only.
    You may not use this add-on (nor any of its parts) in any other add-on, or mod (not even partially)
    nor redistribute it, without McLupo´s prior permission and agreement.
    This add-on is released under
    Creative Commons License
    for use with Arma 3



    (guaranteed latest version)




    Armaholic (thanks Foxhound et al.)




    Have fun with that addon!




    • Like 5

  2. I am intrested in purchasing the arma 3 game, since i dont have a lot of money and don`t have a great pc i am afraid that the game will not run on my pc . my specs are : Intel® HD Graphics 4000

     Intel® Core i5-3337U CPU @ 1.80GHz

    4.0 GB RAM  as i checked i meet the minimum req , but it happend before and it did not work with other games, thing is , i am intrested in the multiplayer feature of the game. Thank you! 


    I do not get the deeper sense..., because you answer your question by yourself. (Can´t work with this specs)

    ...and please read the forum rules and use a better topic, nextime... ;)




  3. Off topic:

    From a modder´s diary

    Today I tried to fix an issue with the heli pilots flight suit.
    After several hours of searching, trying this and this, changing, deleting, rewriting, I wanted to give up...;
    but I decided to go for a last try and B I N G O - I wrote an "A" instead of a "B", problem solved after a working day. 
    I wrote this to reduce my frustration and to show off one day in the life of a modder, to share it with the inexperienced users, lol...

    Another "productive" day and what I have learnt - never use copy and paste, hahaha ...

    Thanks for reading this.


    Back to topic:

    As you can see, all known problems are solved and the final tests and last tweaks will bring this project to an end.  :)



    • Like 1

  4. Hi,


    thanks for fixing the "little things" and the new update, ultimately that starts growing into a pro tool.  :)


    For information:

    I do not know if you are aware that PWS still uses the old designation "@ASM" instead of "@C2" for your mod.
    I guess, one will be confused, if one want to start, or is searching the mod.




    • Like 1

  5. Hi,
    thanks for the update, also for your effort and the continuous improvement and adaptation.

    I choose addons/mods very carefully, true to the motto "less is more" and so only one was always in use; the TPW-Mod, but now there are two.  :) 
    I am convinced in all aspects of your work.




    • Like 1

  6. How did you know we would love them? :D

    One does not need to be a clairvoyant to see what is on top of the wish-list...hahaha...


    Back to topic:

    Today I have finished the last UI picture, so the job is nearly done, but to conclude the work, one little job needs to be done - the ReadMe file, also a lot to do.

    ...and then - testing range.  ;)




  7. Hi mad_cheese,


    let me thank you one more time for this exellent job.

    Based on the experiences from these project I think I am right in saying that your work is one of a kind.

    The actual possibilities of tactical movement are on a new level, because I am able to surprise the enemy in a way that he can't react sometimes.

    I want not compare your work with the great Full Spectrum Warrior Interface, but YES, you brought it back in game.


    One last word and a piece of advice to all users:

    Use it!

    It´s the best way for understanding the intention and  all the great possibilities for the practical use.


    Great job mate and keep it up!!!!  :)




    • Like 1

  8. Hi,

    today I've thought, I add a nice feature into the addon. The NATO Troops will get a Tank Commander and a crewman.
    Both with a special combat suit and camouflage.
    The body armor will be also adapted.

    I guess, you will love it, because the Tank Crew got a unique look and is much better to identify.
    I took over the idea from the german armed forces, because I like the black beret of the commander and the coveralls.
    The crewman will get the old fashioned Tank Helmet, which will provided by the AAF faction.
    The goal is to reach a much better outfit - less futuristic, but more classic.


    Further, could you imagine: A script, that checks if only crewmembers could drive a tank, would be awesome.
    It would help to add more realism into the game, I guess.


    In summary: I want to reach a used look, where you are able to imagine the smell of the gunpowder and the sweat of the tank crew.  :)


    Sample pictures (please keep in mind, it's not final)

    tankcrew.jpg tankcrewback.jpg tankcrewdetails.jpg tankwithcrew.jpg



    • Like 2

  9. Hi,


    short info:

    After having found the respective files of the chest rig almost everything goes by itself.

    It's only a small thing, but at the end it is a big visual difference, in contrast to the first samples.

    Now the recon soldiers of the NATO are equipped with a nice looking chest rig.



    chestrignatobdu.jpg chestrigbacknatobdu.jpg


    Work is progressing very well and a test sample will be available in the foreseeable future. 




  10. I think i like these much better.



    Uhhhh Yeah, these are great !!!


    I am very pleased that both of you like the rework.  :)


    Short information:

    At the moment I am continually working on the improvement of the NATO units, especially of the equipment,

    in this case on the chestrig to adapt the colours, because there are two different models with wrong

    predefined colours, which must be merged to an harmoniously texture.


    That´s all for now.


    Have fun!




    • Like 1

  11. Alright thank you. Whenever you are ready for us to test tell us, you also have me on steam McLupo so you can tell me there.


    You´re welcome! :)




    today I've noticed, that the current multi camouflage of the backpacks and the armored vests of the CSAT-Soldiers,

    doesn't look as they should look like. So, I have to do some overtimes, to change the current work, into a better one.

    Tough luck, but this is only normal if you test it in game, because the paperwork is one and the practice the other side.

    This will be the last change, hopefully, but I'm optimistic that I definitely expended my bad luck for this year?! hahaha...

    In the meantime all other stuff are queued... :(


    To say it clearly: This applies only to the multi camouflage of the CSAT faction.


    This very new information, about the progress, I would like to share with you.  :)





    Sample of the new backpacks retex :


  12. Oh what? I wanted to be the tester :(

    Hi buddy,

    no worries.

    In order to make it perfectly clear: Without you I cannot achieve the goal of a faultfree mod.  :)

    As Kendar wrote it´s a lot to do for both of you.


    Sorry that I did not mentioned it clearly.


    Hi Alex150201,


    I think, as there will be three factions to test, that there is room for several testers

    It takes time and often someone miss something that someone else see ;)


    Do not know How Mr McLupo see that, but i think there is  a lot to look at.

    Hi Kendar,

    thanks mate, you wrote what I omitted to do.  ;)


    In addition: Not only three faction, but for each faction 3 different camos, with different configs. and so we have an imaginary number of 9 factions to assess.

    Otherwise, it would be to easy.  :D


    Thanks to both of you for the great support.






  13. Oh that looks beautiful. I don't really prefer my vest being that different from the main uniform I wear. I only like the Rangers in Black hawk down to have desert uniforms and woodland plate carriers.

    Hi Alex,


    I am very pleased, that the rework of the vest fits your needs.  :)


    dear Mr McLupo,


    As long as the insignias are coherent with your vehicule's ones, it's ok for me.


    If you need someone for tests, i'm in ;)

    Hi Kendar,

    I´m looking for someone, who is willing to test it out and you'll be the first, who get his hands on the mod for testing.

    I can not do everything by myself. That I've learned in the meantime, too.

    I guess, at the end of october, I will leave it up to you.

    I highly appreciate your support.


    Once the day, I will contact you via PM and we will check the "How" and "What".  :)



