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About Druss29

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  1. Druss29

    PvP Action gone?

    What you have to remember is that some of the Arma 2 PVP Tournaments, Need time to migrate. At Arma Wargames we are trying to get ready for Arma 3. While still running an Arma 2 Tournament. I only play PVP and don't enjoy some of the experiences on say Wasteland or domination servers. We are used to good performance and fairly big numbers, But we have to work on the game and a Mod to get to the point were everything works. But also promotes the PVP Teamwork aspect. Our Current Campaign is our last in Arma 2. We now have a Arma 3 server. Although its pass worded until we get it working with a suitable PVP game mode. Running a PVP game relies on people joining who want Teamwork, For every suitable player, Their might be four idiots , Who spoil the fun. We like other will open up to all public players, But once we are ready for a new Tournament, It will be restricted access. Join the community in other words, that way we can sort out the good players from the noobs.
  2. I agree with Ratso. Numbers are not an issue for gameplay.At both Charlie Foxtrot and now Arma-Wargames , we have had no issue with large numbers playing in an organised Team vs Team. Game play is fine. I remember we were told you cant get over 100 players without a poor performance, In the early days it needed tweaked, But in the end it worked fine. If your looking for players to stress test, advertise on some of the Clan sites to.
  3. Druss29

    PVP heaven..for now

    Well if Charlie Foxtrot died after two months i dunno what i was doing for the past 3 years every sunday. PVP is the best way to experience all Arma games. CF was one of the biggest PVP Tournaments and never went away. We perhaps had a period where our numbers were around 40 players , But once Arrowhead came out it went back up to about 80ish. As Ghost says CF was replaced by Arma Wargames and as of last weekend we had around 80 players on average every weekend. We have all been very impressed with ARMA 3 Alpha and in due course i imagine once the completed game arrives, we will migrate to Arma 3 PVP Tournament. Can't wait and i ll have the buzz i got 3 years ago with Arma 2.