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Posts posted by hungrytoheal

  1. Just thought I'd let you know that when I tried to play this mission, there were no enemies on the map at all, even after trying three times. Also, the helicopters always crashed before dropping me reinforcements or supplies, and reinforcements on foot never came, even after I controlled three gates (including the insertion point). I got the error message, "WICT\start.sqf not found" on startup also.

    Shouldn't gates be green markers as well after I captured them? Because the marker stayed red after walking through them/capturing them.

    EDIT: It seems the addon was not launched correctly when I ran ARMA, because I do not get the script error anymore and I now have AI in the mission. I'll let you know if I am still having the reinforcements issues.

    Nope, all is good it seems with the reinforcements.

    And I have to agree with others, this mission is a real challenge! Have the AI been designed to be quite accurate in this mission?

  2. And by the way this is not a simulator you jackasses, it's a VIDEO GAME, granted it is the best game out there, but in no way are you actually simulating anything. Pushing a button is not like firing a gun and neither is driving or flying a vehicle as simple as push and go. So appreciate this game for what its worth and play some CO-OP with us goddamn it! lol :cool:


    1. Imitate the appearance or character of

    2. Pretend to have or feel (an emotion)

    3. Produce a computer model of

    4. (Simulation) "The process of designing a model of a real system and conducting experiments with this model for the purpose of understanding the behavior of the system and/or evaluating various strategies for the operation of the system".

    5. Simulation is the imitation of some real thing, state of affairs, or process. The act of simulating something generally entails representing certain key characteristics or behaviours of a selected physical or abstract system.

    Source: Google

    ArmA 2 is not a simulator, and cannot be used to simulate a combat or military environment?

    Oh, my mistake.

    ArmA 2 focuses on simulating a realistic military environment on a computer. It just so happens that doing this also offers entertainment for many different types of people and as a result we class ArmA 2 as a video game. Is it really so hard to understand?

    Stop being so stubborn and pull your head in.

  3. wow that is funny! look what you wrote. it's a VIDEO GAME "complicated training schedules" "we do have a rank system in place" "once a week during our official ops" LOl:cool:

    It's also a readily available military simulator.

    People with military passion (that I don't expect you to understand) or ambition to join the military use it for just that. Doesn't the gameplay speak for itself? It's unlike any other first person shooter on the market.

  4. Full of shit with their promises? Well what I can say to that is their website and commercials can be a little misleading and you will gain absolutely no proper knowledge of what to expect when you do join.

    When you look at different salaries on DefenceJobs, you should know that if you are offered deployment opportunities (for example, you are sent to over to Afghanistan for a few months - although deployment to Afghanistan is very unlikely for you post-2014) your pay is dramatically increased. There is also other allowances, government pensions/funding etc. that are not really highlighted on the website and such.

  5. I don't wanna start up as a PVT (shitty pay) and I already chose Arty as my second option ;)

    You don't get the rank of private, you earn it. You will begin your career as a recruit undertaking basic training at Kapooka, NSW.

    If you're joining the military with pay and benefits coming first to mind and as your main focus, I really think you should reconsider. Clearly you haven't done a lot of research and your knowledge primarily sources from and extends to movies, games and what you've gathered through your time playing ArmA. Let me tell you, you are in for a real shock when the time comes for your application and you're doing your YOU session/assessment day. I haven't served in the ADF as of yet, but I've been researching and chatting to Australian soldiers for over three years. At the moment, I am an apprentice diesel mechanic (I also currently work with an ex-serving member of the Royal Australian Infantry, who has also done a period of service as a private military contractor) because I'd like to think I know the general reality of what being an infantry soldier involves in the Australian army. And for this reason, I chose a trade so I could get a bit more maturity and "wake up to the real world" through more life experience, and because I needed something to fall back on if infantry life didn't didn't work out for me or I was bored after the 4 years minimum required service time (yes you heard me - bored).

    However, as a 15 year old it's understandable that you wouldn't know any better and all I can say is that I STRONGLY recommend you do a LOT of research before you bother enlisting, otherwise you're just wasting your time. Or if DFR are silly enough to accept your application, you will not have a positive experience in the military.

    I would also like to add that general infantry/rifleman in the ADF is currently "full" in the sense that they are no longer offering enlistment in that role as such, however they are still looking for infantry officers.

    Just a thought.
