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Posts posted by oktyabr

  1. Good to note that a new version of Arma2P is out (03/12/2011) and the readme says:

    "Arma2P from mikero

    version 1.09

    reversed order of extraction so that A2 (if present) is extracted last. this, because, OA has stubconfigs which over-write the full configs of A2

    version 1.08

    corrected error in making a p3d list of type 49 p3d's as final output

    version 1.07

    extractpbo and convertp3d.exe are required (along with the dll of course)"

    Might be useful to re-run with this newest version!

  2. If "Texture Size" popdown value isn't "40.0mx40.0m" then make it that value...

    Probably best to then reimport Mask & Sat, start up buldozer, export world, and finally re-BinPbo and give it a try...

    It's a long shot, but worth a quick check...


    This can't be stressed enough and is the reason why I cringed when I read you were doing a 5120x5120 map! My current project started out that way with a 5m cell size (1024x1024 terrain.png and 5120x5120 sat and mask lco's) and the best I could set was 20x20. I found performance so sluggish that I actually rebuilt my entire island to support 1024 @ 10m, 10240 sat and mask so I could select "40x40" as Bushlurker suggests... my fps went from 25 to nearly 40 in the same area on my island!

    As a fringe benefit my surface textures tile twice as large (2x in each direction so 4x actually) so visible tiling isn't as bad either.

  3. Me too!

    I just watched a special on the Wake Island operations from WWII on the Military Channel last night. It was a great show and one that I have seen before but like many episodes in the series it was their use of camera magic to show an animated map of the battles that just made me drool a little bit... had to come check this thread first thing this morning!

  4. Anyone have this working with one of the later builds (32bit Win)? I'm having very mixed results and don't remember which one worked... sort of....

    EDIT: Just a correction, the beta you link in the first post Leopotam works just fine! Don't know why I'm messing around with experimental builds (b-mesh, sculpture?)

    But I am having a problem with the scale of objects imported into O2, similar to what you show happening at the end of your "goggles" video... what's the trick to getting the scale right for export in blender?

    EDIT: Thanks to Commander for finding and then pointing out the solution! It was right in the video, just didn't know simply clicking two buttons that don't *look* like they do anything to your model in Blender could have an impact in how they look in O2!

    "ctrl+a" then click "Rotation", then "ctrl+a" and click "Scale"... Export! No more strange stretchy stuff :)

  5. Hmmm... did my export script hang or does it just take awhile to work? My blender console says "Export to P3D started..."

    It's said that for about five minutes now. Not a huge model (under 1000 faces), all closed, all quads.


    Never mind! For whatever reason I had to restart blender and reload my mesh, then it worked. I lost my "pan" ability in it today too so who knows...

  6. I used to use the Blender 2.4x series a couple of years ago and the big changes in the UI in the new 2.5x series scared me at first so it took Leopotam's plugins as bait to lure me back into to learning it!

    If you find the changes in the 2.5x interface daunting... or have never used blender before... I found a series of great videos to give you a crash course in modelling with this new software (English only, sorry!):

    Give it a go! We need more modellers ;) And more video tutorials!

    Thanks again Leopotam!

  7. Ok, I think I actually found the answer myself. The amount a surface texture will tile is directly related to what you set your "Base Layer" ->edit to. I know the tutorials say to use 40x40 but they also work with a 10m cell size too. In the case of my example island I used a 1024x1024 terrain with 10240x10240 mask and sat lco's set to 5m/px, not 10m, (giving me a total island size of 5120x5120).

    By doing this I removed "40x40" as a "valid" option when editing the "Base Layer" setting so I've been using 20x20, the largest it would let me use. As an experiment I compiled my island with this set to 5x5, the smallest valid value, and my surface textures tiled MUCH worse than before... in other words, they were much, much smaller tiles and repeated much more often. This also cut my FPS in game by about HALF! So as a rule of thumb, if you are concerned about FPS use the highest setting in "Base Layer" -> Edit that it will allow (it will show either "valid" or "invalid").

    I never tried it with an "invalid" setting... I only presume that this would cause some error.

    I also wonder why exactly it prevented 40x40 from being used? If I had used the same size sat and mask (10240) and set my cell size at 10m instead of 5 I should have been able to use 40x40 with less tiling but my island would have been 4x larger than I wanted it to be. If I would have used a 512x512 HF and (10x that) 5120x5120 sat and mask, with a 10m cell size, it should have let me use 40x40... my textures would not have tiled so badly but I would have also lost terrain resolution. ~shrug~

    Anyone have any tips on how to get the best of both worlds?

    Since I already have a 1024x1024 HF and a sat and mask 10x that size I think I'll rerun it with a cell size of 10m instead of 5 and see what happens... ;)

  8. So what factors actually control how much a terrain tiles or rather the size of the tiles? I'd be surprised if there was no way to decrease the effect.

    As I posted earlier that island is a 1024x1024 HF @ 5m with 10240x10240 sat and mask images so I figure that each pixel of the mask must cover 2m... but if those were in fact in direct proportion like that it would seem to make more sense to use a lower resolution mask so each pixel covers a larger distance (in my case a 1024 mask would be 5m per pixel) or a smaller HF with a higher scale to make up the difference?

    Especially in the case of the mask image, where variation is more or less quite limited it seems like there should be a way to easy stretch a texture to cover more area.

    Still hoping someone will pop out of the woodwork with a method(s) that will tile terrain textures larger?

  9. clicky things:






    My rvmat for that rock stuff (note: changed the "1"s used in those screens back to "10")

    class Stage1
    class uvTransform
    class Stage2
    class uvTransform

  10. My guess is ground texture scale is probably related to the uvTransform class in its RVMAT, though I've never messed with it on purpose so I can't say for sure.

    class uvTransform
      aside[] = {10,0,0};
      up[]    = {0,10,0};
      dir[]   = {0,0,10};
      pos[]   = {0,0,0};

    While we don't get to see the RVMATs for BIS' own island textures, these values seem to be what most custom islands use, and since the BI tools usually work in meters I would hazard a guess it makes the in-game texture size 10x10m. Try messing around with the numbers and reloading Buldozer and see what it gets you. Note that you need to change the values for both stages in the RVMAT, unless you want them to be different sizes on purpose.

    Ya, that is what my textures are set to by default. I haven't played with them yet but rather than 10x10m they look more like 1x1m!!!!!! :(

    ---------- Post added at 10:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:16 PM ----------

    tried changing the numbers in the rvmat from "10" to "1", just as an experiment. Deleted the contents of my "Layers" folder, fired up V3, reimported the sat and mask lco.pngs, let it rebuild, fired up buldozer, no visual difference at all, for better or worse!

    Binarizing it right now and will try to get a screenshot in game.

  11. A good new, for us "tree lovers", to know you are still working on the African Foliage.

    I will just add, I am still unable to use "brg_jungle_shrub_2" because in game the bush is displaying it's lods not it's foliage.

    Yup, I have the same problem. Also seeing some flickering in some of the _shrub and _canopy. This is on a pretty small test section... maybe my video card is dying? :butbut:

  12. Oktyabr great, any sneak pics err peaks? ;)

    Well... I'm really not that far yet, spent most of my time trying to get the HF to look something like what I wanted (it's completely made from scratch... no DEM datas were used) and then the last two days tweaking road networks. Now I'm messing around with african foliage and see first hand how difficult it can be to use them optimized and still have some of that tropical feeling! Also looking for the right buildings... Anyone have any simple grass huts they can spare?

    But how can I refuse a request from an artist who's work I admire so much? ;) (I've spent literally days in Lingor and Duala... and Mana... trying to get a feel for what is possible yet still playable.)

    clicky thumbnail things:



  13. Ok, so I'm getting close, "over the hump" anyway, on a map for Arma2 and wonder what it would take to make it OA/CO compatible? I've searched some for a tutorial or guide or something but haven't found the real answers.

    Mostly I'd like to use a few of BIS's buildings and such from OA.

    Thanks in advance!

  14. Thanks B!

    I'll have to give it go then. The major problem is that the road network is my "Isla Del Fuego Scenic Highway 1" and runs around the full perimeter of my island... maybe 30km total? Every other road I have ties *carefully* into this one (I'm not sure I'm doing it the right way)... I have like 12 different road objects right now. But I suppose that's the only way of getting rid of that errant piece...

  15. Road pieces can't be selected in Buldozer (if they were placed as roads). I've noticed some of the roads2 konec pieces are probably missing a geo LOD, so they are invisible in Visitor.

    Try to track down the exact place on the map where it is placed, and then draw a selection box around that area. You should see the konec piece selected in Visitor's info bar at the bottom - hit delete and it should go away.

    Thanks for the replies. The problem is that it is currently lying right on top of one of my actual road networks, a large one at that. I can see the texture of the termination in both buldozer and arma2... it looks like someone did some sloppy asphalt patchwork there and then spilled some white line paint on it ;)

    Anyway every time I try to select it I end up with the network below it being selected instead.

  16. Are you sure you reestablished all your correct paths as well?? ...one "\" out of place in either "Addon Source directory", "Path to Temp folder" or "Path to Project folder" is enough to freak out BinPbo with no explanation...

    ?ticked the "Automatically" box???

    Using the "Change" buttons to point to the right places is a good way of making sure the paths are correct - rather than typing them in all the time.....


    Heh, that did it. I'm not sure where the problem was but going back through and using the "Change" buttons to select folders, as you suggested, did the trick!

    Question about BinPBO: Does it need V3 and buldozer running to work or can you use it by itself (assuming Layers, .wrp and such are in place)?

    Probably for a different thread: Somehow, when my road MLODs were messed up and I was trying to get it to work, I added an extra terminator to my map. It's not part of any existing road network but rather just sits there, on my map. I've tried selecting it with buldozer as an object but can't seem to get it. Is there a 'right' way to locate this stray keypart and delete it?
