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About lromero95

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. lromero95

    Sounds of Steel v1.0 Released

    Hey solarghost just wondering if this was still being worked on, btw a sound that could use a bit of tweaking is the MP5
  2. lromero95

    Sounds of Steel v1.0 Released

    Wow loving this new update, any chance the M16 could also get some reverb/echo cause it still sounds like it just cuts off quickly. Other than that this is an awesome mod for a mod :P.
  3. lromero95

    COWarMod Release

    Thanks for the reply Gunter and thanks for taking the time to figure out what was causing that to happen.
  4. lromero95

    COWarMod Release

    Yea i have the same problem as him. What he's trying to say is that any blufor faction grenadier unit has his weapon switched out with an M16A2 w/203 instead of the normal weapon the soldier would have. But this problem does not happen when you play as a grenadier soldier. When you play as a gl soldier you get the normal weapon the grenadier would use instead of the M16A2 the ai get switched to.
  5. lromero95

    daveygarys Rangers

    Come back safe. Thank you for serving
  6. lromero95

    ARMA 3, E3 Coverage (reveals)

    I'm thinking SEALs? They're known for doing those kinds of operations.
  7. I can't save my userconfig ever since the last patch. I changed my name, and I tried to change the userconfig but it won't let me; it says i don't have permission using wordpad and using anything else will save another copy of it in plain text. EDIT-Nvm figured it out
  8. This may sound really stupid but i just need to clarify. So i just download it and drop the folder in the addons folder in my Arma 2 directory? Thanks
  9. anyone know if this works in CO cause it keep saying that the sqf file isn't found even though its in my mission folder?
  10. Is this compatible with other ai mods?
  11. thank you so much you have no idea how long i've been trying to get it to work
  12. I have an issue witht the ace medic module. For some reason its not activated or something because everytime someone gets shot they always die no matter what. I've seen videos where you can go unconscious and then you have to apply morphine, etc.. but i don't even get those things in my inventory. I'm using units that came with ACE. Thanks for the help(I'm new to arma btw so take it easy :P)