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About TheOldBreed

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  1. TheOldBreed

    [COOP 2] The Night Has A Thousand Eyes

    Thanks Valken, hope you enjoy it.
  2. [COOP 2] The Night Has A Thousand Eyes In the era before Day-Z... This is a 2 player Co-Op scenario that has been in the works on and off for about 2 or 3 years. It was originally a re-work of Celery's 'Dawn of the Apocalypse', then when Einherj released his light zombie add-on, it was converted to use that instead. Colonel stagler initially started this when we were still at university, but when he had other pressing Arma issues, I was handed the reigns and finished it. It's been sitting finished on my computer for a solid few months now, so I've finally got around to releasing it. I hope you enjoy it. Nothing too special in the way of mad scripts or cinematics, just a short story-based survival scenario. FileDropper download link: http://www.filedropper.com/coop2thenighthasathousandeyesprovinggroundspmc Armaholic mirror: (thanks to Big) - The Night Has A Thousand Eyes Co-02 (@) The scenario is dependant on OA and PMC expansion, as well as: EHJ's light zombie add-on, which can be found here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?131466-Infection-(light-zombie-addon)&highlight=EHJ Credit to: Stag Celery Einherj **EDIT** One thing I forgot to add is that if one of the two players is killed, the mission ends. Otherwise it would mess up the conversation scripts.
  3. Glad you liked the 'beefed-up' LAVs Frogman. I did think it was quite weird how there's a mount for a 240 on the turret, but no 240!
  4. 18 player CO-OP: Light Armed Reconnaissance - Zargabad This is my first release, although it isn't my first scenario creation. Hope you enjoy it. More to come. Description: Classic 'search and destroy cache' objective. Play as two squads, each with one LAV-25 and dismounts (inc. 2 crewmen). Search for the cache/IED factory and destroy it. While it may not be particularly 'hard', the emphasis is on IED threat. Currently, I haven't put in any kind of IED detection/disarm script, so it'll just be pure luck. Similarly, I hadn't been able to find a suitable charge that injures the unlucky unit, so if a unit sets off an IED, it'll kill it. Satchel charges for demolition are located in the LAV cargo, although there are boxes when you start. Requirements: -ACE/ACEX/ACEXUSN -Binkowski's US Marines http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?121207-US-Marines&highlight=binkowski+marines -Goliath's MEDEVAC module http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?93811-Medevac-Module&highlight=medevac+module (possible issues with multiplayer) Credit: -BIS and the ACE guys -Binkowski, Goliath, and 00dc15 (for his advanced IED script) -Mike-USA for finally showing me how to spawn weapon/ammunition objects! (via his Camp Fallujah template) -My ol' buddy ColonLOL Stagler *Some of you more savvy people will realize there isn't actually a '5th LAR Bn' in the Marine Corps. I don't particularly like using active/real units, so it's all made up! *I haven't PBO'd this mission, so you can edit the units etc as you see fit. Rapidshare link: https://rapidshare.com/files/2539964083/COOP2_LAR.Zargabad.rar
  5. ***Update*** Finally got round to removing all the ACE dependent objects (or at least I think I did). Other than that, I've just tinkered with it, removed some things, etc, etc. Download link: https://rapidshare.com/files/3692633839/COP_Yarum.Zargabad.rar
  6. Yeah sorry guys, my bad; I always play ACE rather than vanilla...so ACE is kind of vanilla for me now haha. I'll try and get to it in the next couple of days hopefully, moving out of my flat tomorrow and heading to the States on Friday.
  7. Aw shit. Here's the armaholic link: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=14475
  8. A template I've had for a couple of months, tinkering with it every now and again; decided to release it to the world. Built upon existing buildings in the Yarum area of Zargabad. http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m54/shock-and-terror/e246cba1.jpg http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m54/shock-and-terror/53ee9d74.jpg http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m54/shock-and-terror/7fe2b736.jpg http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m54/shock-and-terror/7824664c.jpg http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m54/shock-and-terror/835856f2.jpg Megaupload download link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=20EXOQ3I **currently requires ACE2**