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About AssassinACEC

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  1. AssassinACEC

    Arma 2 OA repair script

    Yea that is the problem.
  2. AssassinACEC

    Zargabad City ACEC

    Well our custom version will have combined ops. Also our custom version will basically be. Government VS Guerrillas, and the civilians live a normal life. Well be adding more legal ways to make money like more mines, we will add farming(wheat, apples, strawberry's, etc."), and a few other ways.
  3. AssassinACEC

    Zargabad City ACEC

    Added in rappel script. Added in lift script. Also working on a custom mod.
  4. AssassinACEC

    Arma 2 OA repair script

    Nevermind, went with your original idea.
  5. AssassinACEC

    Zargabad City ACEC

    Bank is now fixed, but cant rob the bank if it has less then 20 thousand it in. We are still working on robbing the convenient stores, but we are getting close to make it work. Hunger is now working, you start out with 10 hunger, when you die and resapwn you have 50 hunger. We have fixed the restrain bug.
  6. AssassinACEC

    Arma 2 OA repair script

    Looking for civilians to do it for my RPG.
  7. AssassinACEC

    Arma 2 OA repair script

    Can anyone help?
  8. Hello, i was looking through the scripts of Plain arma 2, and found one that allowed you to put a script into the init of a vehcile that would allow you to repair it, this is not what i am looking for. I am looking for a script that will allow me to put a certrain script into a units init, that will allow this unit to run around and fix any vehicle that is broken, but i am looking for this script so i can put it on one or two units, and not everyone can have this ability. Can anyone help me and tell me if this already exists or not?
  9. AssassinACEC

    Zargabad City ACEC

    We are currently making a new version of our gamemode public called Zargabad City v6.8 BETA which will be hosted by the ACEC server, 24 slots are available. We have added many new things to the server, and we are currently adding more as we move to different versions. Some new major changes that we have added to the game is that we added a new market place by the mosque, we have implemented AI that now walk around, and can get into vehicles and drive, we have added car bombs, and IEDs to the game, made the cop side German. Soon we will be adding new vehicles and new weapons to both civilian and cop side. We have more legal ways for civilians to make a living for example, in other versions they only have copper, iron, and steel to mine. In ours we have iron, copper, steel, silver, gold, platinum, and diamonds to mine. We have a ring factory which you can make rings, then sell to the ring shop. We have added new weapons to the weapons factory, and we have renamed the drug fields to realistic names. Current Bugs we are encountering- Restrain bug, bank bug, hunger bug( all will be fixed very soon. some new actions added to our game is robbing the store. You are now able to rob the store, gas station, and soon the bank. Change Lists. Added Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond mines. Added Market place populated with civilians. Added AI that walk around, and drive. Added new weapons to the weapons factory. Moved Gun license, and gun shop inside of the city. Added new weapons, and bombs to the terrorist shop. Decreased the price for terror training. Renamed drug fields to realistic names. Added ring factory, and ring shop. Now able to rob convenient stores. Added a furnace to make steel, instead of having to mine it. Please leave suggestions.