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Posts posted by Melmarkian

  1. Hi,

    I am interested in what tools people use for editing in ARMA 2. My list is:

    1. Squint

    A great tool to work on scripts with syntaxchecking and managing whole missions.

    2. Arma Edit (Sorry can´t find a link atm)

    For the description.ext files.

    3. The BIS GUI EDITOR addon

    Nice to design dialogs.

    4. Paint

    To make pretty pictures!

    Works good with these, but I´m sure there are other good tools.

  2. Ok, here is a new version with an included Filler for the Box:



    Start the Dialog with Radio -> Filler (0-0-6)

    It will detect the weapons you choose inside the array and display the correct magazines + explosives for the weapon.

    You define your weaponchoice for the filler with the array: mel_weaponchoice

    And the container again with: mel_currentcrate

    Grenades should work if you put "Throw" in the array. "Put" seems to just show Satchel Charges.


    - description.ext + controls_base.h + Mycrate.h + MyCrateFiller.h

    - mel_inisupply.sqf ( used to declare the variables and add actions for cratechanging)

    - startcratefillerdialog.sqf (starts the dialog inside the trigger)

    - updatecargo.sqf ( to change the boxcontent)

    - updateweaponchoice.sqf ( Changes the weapon + magazines depending on your click)

    Again feel free to use whatever you want

  3. Hi,

    I am nearly done with a crate designer dialog but there is one thing that I doesn´t like:

    Short Version:

    Is ctrlactivate used to set a button/activetext to active? Because I try to use it and nothing happens. The control I use for activating is the correct one because I hint it a the same place where it should be used as argument for the ctrlactivate.

    Long Version:

    There is a bar


    When you click on a weapon on the left side, the right column updates and shows the chosen weapon + mags + grenades. You click on one item and your crate is filled with it.

    And here it comes:

    The Dialog has to be recreated at this point to show the current content of the crate. In this process the right column is again set to empty so you have to choose a weapon again. But I want it to remember the last entry.

    I have a script which picks the control of the chosen left column entry and uses it to ctrlactivate when the dialog is redone. I can hint the control and it actually shows the correct one but the button isn´t set to active.

  4. Thank you Demonized and Riouken!

    I will set up a second window where you can fill the container in the same dialog. Will be no problem but I would like to let the script detect the right ammo for the weapons.

    Edit: A small change

    If you want to display the ingame weapon and magazine names replace startmycratedialog.sqf with this:

    private ["_currentbutton","_currentindex","_firstwep","_buttonaction"];
    createDialog "mycrate"; 
    for "_i" from 0 to ((count ( getWeaponCargo mel_currentcrate select 0)) -1) do
       _currentbutton = 1600 + _i;
       _currentindex = _i;
       _weaponname =  gettext (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> ((getWeaponCargo mel_currentcrate  select 0) select _currentindex) >> "displayName");
       _buttonaction = format ["nul = [mel_currentcrate, %1, ""weapon""] execVM 'supportsystem\updatecargo.sqf'; closeDialog 0; nul = [] execvm 'supportsystem\startmycratedialog.sqf'", _currentindex];
       _firstwep = format ["%1     %2", _weaponname, ((getWeaponCargo mel_currentcrate  select 1) select _currentindex)];
       ctrlSetText [_currentbutton,  _firstwep];
       buttonSetAction [_currentbutton, _buttonaction];
    for "_i" from 0 to (count (( getMagazineCargo mel_currentcrate select 0)) -1) do
       _currentbutton = 1612 + _i;
       _currentindex = _i;
       _magazinename = gettext (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> ((getMagazineCargo mel_currentcrate  select 0) select _currentindex) >> "displayName");
       _buttonaction = format ["nul = [mel_currentcrate, %1, ""magazine""] execVM 'supportsystem\updatecargo.sqf'; closeDialog 0; nul = [] execvm 'supportsystem\startmycratedialog.sqf'", _currentindex];   
       _firstwep = format ["%1     %2",_magazinename , ((getMagazineCargo mel_currentcrate  select 1) select _currentindex)];
       ctrlSetText [_currentbutton,  _firstwep];
       buttonSetAction [_currentbutton, _buttonaction ];

    I added:

    _weaponname =  gettext (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> ((getWeaponCargo mel_currentcrate  select 0) select _currentindex) >> "displayName");

    and set the result as buttontext.



    I worked a bit with dialogs the last 2 days because I wanted an easy way to display the content of custom crates and remove specific content from them.

    Here is a picture of the Dialog (I know it is not that pretty!):


    Inside the Mission you can start the Dialog with Radio -> Crate (0-0-4).

    What you can do:

    - Click on a Weapon or Magazine and the count will decrease by 1 inside the Ammobox or Vehicle.

    - I included a vehicle and two ammoboxes. The active Cargo for the dialog can be set with the actionmenu.

    - You can also let the Dialog point at a different vehicle or box if you set the variable mel_currentcrate to a different object.

    - You can fill the container the traditional way or you can use radio alpha (0-0-1) to spawn weapons on the tables. The weapons have action attached to them:

    - Take weapon ( Will insert the weapon into the mel_currentcrate)

    - Take magazinex1 or x5 ( same as above but with magazines)

    - There is a limit for 10 weapons and 50 magazines implemented atm.

    At the moment the Dialog is limited to 12 different weaponclasses and 18 different magazineclasses.

    There is a lot of other mess in the mission because I use it to test functions for upcoming missions. But I think the only thing required is to set a container as mel_currentcrate.

    The parts of the Dialog are:

    - description.ext + controls_base.h + mycrate.h

    - mel_inisupply.sqf ( used to declare the variables and add actions for cratechanging)

    - startmycratedialog.sqf (starts the dialog inside the trigger)

    - updatecargo.sqf ( to change the boxcontent)

    I just created this for use in a campaign I am planning, but I want to share it. Use whatever you want and beware of the uncommented code!! ;)

    If you have any questions feel free to ask.

    Mission to test it:


  6. Hi,

    I am currently try to create a few dialogs, but I cannot get them right with only the biki content. I also tried the dialog-creator but the output is not understandable for me.

    So, can anyone point me at a mission that uses for example lists like the SOM-Module but with 2 or 3 layers? Or does someone know of a extensive tutorial?

  7. Hi,

    People know how we do for ammo crates and vehicle like in pmc campaign with the SUV.

    And, do you know how do for the dead status?

    exemple : you have 4 guys 2 dies, but the save status dont recognize the death, guys are on the next mission.

    Save status work good for people but not for ammo crates and vehicle.


    I am working on this at the moment, will let you know what I find.

  8. Hi,

    I am playing around in the FSM-Editor at the moment and want to set up a test with a random number.

    One problem:

    When one condition is selected I want to exclude it in the next check. No problem to do if i set a second condition. But now it can happen that the no condition is met. Is there a simple way to loop the check until one of the conditions is true? Like

    round(random 1)

    if 0 & ZeroNotAlready

    if 1 & TwoNotAlready

    else do randomcheck again
