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Everything posted by Melmarkian

  1. Hi, I finally finished my first campaign. So here it is Broken Arrow Overview: You are Adam Stein, leader of a small team of the US Army in the war against the Republic of Takistan. The first week of the attack was a success. The USA have captured a major Airport in south of Takistan and preparing for the assault into the northern territories. But.... Features: - A revive system for your AI buddys: You will lose the missions when one of your teammembers die. To make this less frustrating they have several "lives". After they died they will respawn in the Agony state. You will have to heal them through your team medic or use the "Heal your men" action on them. First Aid doesn´t respond after they have respawned, so I had to add the extra healaction. Your medic will patch himself up after a short amount of time. - Intro/Outro for the missions - Your Equipment and your Inventory will be carried from mission to mission. - Build a small Teamswitch for the last mission (works different than the BIS one) - UPSMON! Requirements: - no addons required - I used the version 1.59 to test the campaign Credits: Demonized & TWIRLY - for the help in the Scripting Forum ToddRivers - for the feedback on my missions Monsada & Rafalski - for the great UPSMON Norrin - for the inspirations on the revive-system Armaholic for the great support of the game! I know that the first few missions are already released, but I changed them a bit to spice it up. Difficulty will get higher when you are nearing the end of the campaign. And be sure to check your weapons before you start the mission, as you start with the inventory from the last one. I am sure there are some things I have not thought about and will break the missions. So please report any bugs or broken tasks back to me. Thanks to the community and have fun! Download Broken Arrow http://www.mediafire.com/?g25g36dzma4fnfe Armaholic mirror: - Broken Arrow
  2. Hi, I´m busy working on my missions and wanted to share the first version/beta of another 3 missions: Broken Arrow It´s beginning of a series of missions I am making at the moment. The missions include intros and briefings. They shouldn´t take very long to finish. Non-ACE Version: I removed the ACE requirement for the first 3 Missions: Broken Arrow 1 : On Patrol http://www.mediafire.com/?9ov2aa8hmh1vd17 Broken Arrow 2 : Get Started http://www.mediafire.com/?nyvakbtjab0y46m Broken Arrow 3 : Destroy and Search http://www.mediafire.com/?920yvrvn1jln33m Armaholic mirror of Non-ACE Version: - Broken Arrow 1-3 ACE Version: Requirement: ACE ACEX CBA The Missions: Broken Arrow 1 : On Patrol http://www.mediafire.com/?07pgjcq6cb9w4c4 A very short mission, more like an opening scene. I hope it runs smooth on other machines. Many explosions. Thanks to E8ight for the great Camp Fortress template. Broken Arrow 2 : Get Started http://www.mediafire.com/?qj7q01l3oh4vqn5 Kill a guard before it notices you and clear a village at night. Should work without problems. Broken Arrow 3 : Destroy and Search http://www.mediafire.com/?yuwbx0ddx140jzo Ambush a convoy and search a destroyed village for survivors and tanks. Tested the mission often but there could be some things not described. Armaholic mirror: - Broken Arrow 1-3 (@) So the missions have a lot of typos i think. They should work and hopefully the first one doesn´t kill your arma.exe. I´m still working on the 3 missions and a few others and will put them into a campaign when they are ready. I planning to expand on the theme of the missions. A lot of ideas at the moment. I am still new to this editing stuff and i would really love to get feedback on this. Thanks for the help from the community and the great scripts and tutorials you released! Greetings from Melmark Edit: hopefully the picture isn´t too big.
  3. Hi, I am testing now for hours to get a script created trigger to work. I create a group with a function which includes a trigger to check if the unit is still alive. Here are the important parts: _group = _this select 0; _deathtrigger = createtrigger ["EmptyDetector", getpos player]; _deathtrigger setTriggerArea [0,0,0,false]; _deathtrigger setTriggerActivation ["BLUFOR", "EAST D", false]; if (debugshow) then {hintc "deathtrigger!";}; _deathtrigger setTriggerStatements ["({alive _x} count units _group) < 1","patrolactive = false; hintc 'Dead!'",""]; I always get the debug hint "deathtrigger!" but the trigger never activates. Could it be that _group is not the same variable in the trigger? I also checked the condition seperate with the name of the actually spawned group and the unit counting works. Edit: Maybe this could work: call compile format ["_deathtrigger setTriggerStatements ['({alive _x} count units '%1') < 1','patrolactive = false;',''];", _group]; but I don´t get the syntax right with all this strings.
  4. I will certainly love it. Future, past or present! I play arma because of way the fights are handled, the way the AI works and the possibilities with infantry, helis and tanks. I don´t play arma because the weaponnames are realistic.
  5. I stopped using ZEUS after the last patch because something is screwed with it because of the AI changes in 1.59.
  6. This way it doesn´t show errors: {if (((side _x) != West) && (not alive _x)) then { _jok = random 10; if (_jok >= 5) then {_x addaction ["Look for a clude", "Clude.sqf"]; sleep 100; }}} forEach allUnits; But I don´t know about the functionality.
  7. if you want it really simple do this: into init field of unit: this addAction ["Arty Shot", "artyshot.sqf", laserTarget player, 6, false, true, "", "currentweapon player == 'Laserdesignator'"]; artyshot.sqf _round = "sh_120_he" createVehicle [getpos cursorTarget select 0, getpos cursorTarget select 1, 5]; You will get the action when you use the Designator. Point at something and boom! If you want to do real artillery action take a look at this: Artillery Module
  8. Sorry, but you should really do a syntax check. What do you want to do? Check on all units if they are not west and not alive. If true addaction to all units?
  9. Melmarkian

    Trigger via script then grouped

    Your code will not work because you forgot arguments at settriggerstatements and triggeractivation doesn´t work that way. Take a look at that: Triggerattachvehicle and createTrigger with the subcommands btw. you would better use a program like ArmaEdit or Squint to write your scripts. It will make your life a lot easier.
  10. Melmarkian

    Animations question

    Ok, He plays it one more time after the switchtrigger. But this has worked: 1. Into init-field: an2 addEventHandler ["AnimStateChanged", {an2 switchMove "UnaErcVelitelProslov1"}]; 2. Trigger opfor detected by blufor with an2 switchMove ""; an2 removeEventHandler ["AnimStateChanged", 0]; I used this for captives in one of my missions.
  11. Melmarkian

    Animations question

    I would do it this way: 1. Create a waypoint after the cycle 2. Place a Trigger with OPFOR detected by BLUFOR. Set Type to Switch and sync it with the cycle waypoint. Maybe place in the on act. Field unit switchmove ""; 3. In case of friendly fire I would use the firednear eventhandler with switchmove ""; or set a variable to true with the firednear eventhandler and make it another condition for the trigger at 2. (this OR hasfired)
  12. Melmarkian

    Gravity does not exist??!?!?!

    Yes, RPG7 fly how far? 150-200 meters before they drop. Not exactly forever flying.
  13. _tempRuckMagList + [_tempclass]; this should be changed to _tempRuckMagList = _tempRuckMagList + [_tempclass];
  14. Melmarkian

    Simulate Photo

    just use addaction: player addaction ["TAKE PHOTO", "Photoscript.sqf", [], 0, false, false, "", "player distance target1 < 100"]; photoscript: titletext ["", "WHITE OUT"]; titletext ["", "WHITE IN"]; phototaken = true; Don´t know about a sound. You have to look through the soundfiles or add one.
  15. Demonized is right. Just spawn stuff if you use it. I found something helpful to get rid of an area of objects: I placed a gamelogic called "sidemission" at the center of the area I want to delete and create a trigger with the following On Act. {deleteVehicle _x} foreach (position sidemission nearEntities 200); {deleteVehicle _x} foreach (position sidemission nearObjects 200); Deletes even furniture and crews of vehicles.
  16. Melmarkian

    Spawn heli and set name to it

    This works: stealm18 = createVehicle ["Ka52Black", getMarkerPos "helimarker", [], 0, "NONE"]; stealm18 setvehiclevarname "stealm18"; stealm18 setFuel 0; stealm18 allowDamage false; why more complicated? And what is _vehicle in your code? It don´t see where it points. Or just: _vehicle = createVehicle ["Ka52Black", getMarkerPos "helimarker", [], 0, "NONE"]; _vehicle setvehiclevarname "stealm18"; _vehicle Call Compile Format ["%1=_This ; PublicVariable ""%1""","stealm18"]; _vehicle setFuel 0; _vehicle allowDamage false;
  17. I noticed when you spawn explosives a few meters above the ground they do more damage.
  18. Melmarkian

    Spawn heli and set name to it

    To name it I use setVehicleVarName
  19. Melmarkian

    Resynchronize Module

    hm, don´t think so. I joined a unit to the player group and called SHK_fnc_readdFAModules. The First Aid action shows up but doesn´t respond.
  20. Melmarkian

    Resynchronize Module

    Shuko do you think your code would work also on spawned AI soldiers that join the player group?
  21. Hi, to get a string out of it I would do: thearray = ["1","2","3","4"]; thestring = format ["%1,%2,%3,%4", thearray select 0, thearray select 1, thearray select 2, thearray select 3]; To do this dynamic.. I don´t know. You can get the number of array elements with count thearray I don´t know about string manipulation in arma/sqf. EDIT: Wasn´t that hard: thearray = ["1","2","3","4","5"]; _string = ""; for "_i" from 0 to (count thearray) -1 do { _string1 = format ["%1,", thearray select _i]; _string = _string + _string1; }; hint _string; EDIT2: And if you want to get rid of the last comma: thearray = ["1","2","3"]; _string = ""; for "_i" from 0 to (count thearray) -1 do { if (_i == ((count thearray) -1)) then { _string1 = format ["%1", thearray select _i]; _string = _string + _string1; }else { _string1 = format ["%1,", thearray select _i]; _string = _string + _string1; }; }; hint _string;
  22. Try to insert a few hints to see what works in your script and what not. 1. What is _sw and _hide for? 2. while (alive local player) does this ever return true? I don´t know much about the mp stuff but biki says it checks if someone is local. I don´t think this one checks the right condition.
  23. Melmarkian

    Ai attacks allies

    Please give us more information. What is your side? OPFOR? Have you set Resistance friendly to OPFOR?
  24. Thank you for the great tool! One Thing: I noticed the command setWaypointVisible is not included.
  25. Hi, I am interested in what tools people use for editing in ARMA 2. My list is: 1. Squint A great tool to work on scripts with syntaxchecking and managing whole missions. 2. Arma Edit (Sorry can´t find a link atm) For the description.ext files. 3. The BIS GUI EDITOR addon Nice to design dialogs. 4. Paint To make pretty pictures! Works good with these, but I´m sure there are other good tools.