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Posts posted by syphonix

  1. Benny, what happens if I use latest Mando + GLT Missilebox in form of addon and disable the in-game Mando parameter? Will it actually work without screwing up something?

    I would like to add some addon jets to WBE, but some require Mando+GLT.

  2. Which version did you use? I didn't had that kind of issue in MP on 071 nor 073. Workers will be reworked on 074 anyway to match the new structure system.

    0.73 beta4

    If I play East, with random st. pos. I always start on the bottom of the map.

  3. Something came to mind. Would it be possible to code a squad-separable unit purchasing? For example, I want to occupy defensive positions with purchased and customized crewmen but I don't want them to fill all my squad slots. The way it could work is to buy a squad unit, gear it up, place in the desired position (like MK nest), then detach it from squad. This would be a lot better for me than auto-manned defense.

  4. ^had it almost immediately (maybe 5-10min), on dedicated & separated server which is directly within my router's network (no lag nor sync issues). The server machine is just as powerful.

    I was also using the first option if I recall correctly, 1min=15min was it I think.

    About that auto-manned defense problem, like I said, AI could not just hop in into an airlifted TUSK (it was already lifted about 200meters above ground). The AI spawned directly into the tank and cancelled the airlift. The other time AI occupied loader position but that was another grounded TUSK (still shouldn't have happened).

    I usually use max. number of auto-manned defenses with max. range.

  5. Benny, is this a game engine bug or WBE bug? When I use fast time, every time the game switches/advances the time the game locks up for 1-2 seconds completely, then resumes. When this occurs, usually I notice the environment changes (like clouds move, or night gets darker, etc.)

    I use fairly powerful computer that is way ahead of Arma 2's requirements, so it shouldn't occur.

    Because of this, the game is unplayable with fast time.

    Secondly, I've noticed another possible bug, when you use Auto-manned defenses, sometimes they occupy your produced tanks and spawn directly in them.

    This is how I reproduced the bug and it was annoying as hell let me tell ya.

    1.) Build TUSK (empty)

    2.) Lift it with helicopter, and fly away with it

    3.) While it's in the air, something spawns directly into the tank and airlift automatically drops the tank to the ground because it's now occupied

    I assume it's a glitchy auto-manned defense, because other time a classic soldier occupied my empty TUSK on the "loader" position. This does not make sense however, since auto-manned defense units usually spawn in base, and they actually run to their designated position (like machine gun nest), not just spawn right in.

  6. Hello Joehunk.

    Any plans on adding ACE2 gas masks to purchasable equipment?

    Also, I've seen AC-130 Hercules being used as a gunship by just using scripts. Do you think you could add this gunship variation?

    Thanks for porting benny's warfare to ACE2 nonetheless.
