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About blowitup!

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  1. Awesome, works now. Thanks Harzach.
  2. Thanks Harzach, That doesn't seem to work as intended though. I created a new mission and copied and pasted the code into the onPlayerRespawn.sqf as instructed, and in game it appears on first spawn, but not after respawn...
  3. Hi, I want to add the option for the player to have "Arsenal" in the their action list. I currently have " ["AmmoboxInit", [this, true]] call BIS_fnc_arsenal; " in the player init field and that works on mp mission start, but when you inevitably die and respawn the option disappears. Can someone please show me what the code is that will keep the functionality after repawn? Thanks.
  4. blowitup!

    High Command Transport

    Hi, Thanks for an awesome mod. I find that sometimes when I respawn the HC Transport command goes missing from the action menu. Is there a way to get it back via the Debug Console, or any other method? Otherwise i need to restart the map, which obviously is a pain. Thanks.
  5. blowitup!

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Hi, Can someone please tell me how to purchase aircraft at liberated airports. As we can't build a FOB within 300m of a captured area, is there another way to do this that we haven't worked out yet? Thanks.