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Everything posted by NightIntruder

  1. Sorry guys, since it seems to be more appropriate place I have moved the topic here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?156390-Dynamic-Flight-Model-of-helicopter-my-try I hope you will assist me there as only part of problem have been solved so far...
  2. Actually, it is not a secret. I need to know if it is raining to change a textures of windshield in my chopper model via setobjecttexture in hiddenselectiontexture function to achieve fast and continues loop of changed textures in order to simule rain droplets on windshield (it requires another script and bunch of textures, I think). Then when it stop raining it will go back to original fully transparent one. It also might be done using "hide" function I believe, however I am not sure about that for 100%. For both method I need some treshold given by script to either start the loop or stop it. From what I know, it starts raining when the value of rain is above 0.4. So, it is enough to have _rainLevel variable established from which the value might be read. Probably what we have missed is that we didn't broadcast _rainLevel via publicVariable? I will check it. Anyway, I used similar method in convertion of An-28 into FSX to add rain effect on its windshield and it worked. I cannot see a reason why it shouldn't work in this case :)
  3. That's amazing reply, really :) I didn't expect that someone could bring such comprehensive answer. Big thanks Silderoy! :) I will give it a try. EDIT: "soldier in cargo" script works great, however other apperently don't... Well, at least "it's not raining" hint (which I added to the raining script) shows itself but that's all. Please note that I removed "sleep 5" function in fuel script since I belive that the script could have being in trouble trying to meet the exact number of 90% of fuel to give me hint in result. I mean that there might a situation happen when the script will sleep in the moment when the chopper reaches its 0.900 amount of fuel. FUEL _startLevel = fuel chopper1; while {alive chopper1} do { _fuelLevel = fuel chopper1; if (_fuelLevel <= _startLevel - 0.1) then { _startLevel = _fuelLevel; hint format ["Fuel Level: %1%", (_fuelLevel * 100)]; }; }; RAINING if (isServer) then { _rainLevel = rain; if (_rainLevel>0) then { hint "It IS raining" } else { hint "It is NOT raining" }; sleep 1; }; On Act of a chopper (named chopper1): null = [this] execVM "cargo.sqf"; null = [this] execVM "fuel.sqf"; null = [this] execVM "rain.sqf"; this setFuel 0.91; //last one to speed up proccess of testing I tested them in mission both in editor and in MP as a host.
  4. NightIntruder

    H-21C Workhorse/Shawnee

    Honestly speaking, I was thinking of achieving various effects from the very beginning, that means three weeks ago ;) Cockpit and cargo compartments lighting indenpendent from nav and landing lights was at the top of my list of wishes. Rain effect on windscreen is included in it. If there is a command checking whethere it's raining or not, it might be doable by using script baked in the model. Now I am dealing with flight model and dynamic changes of it connected with changes of chopper's payload. It requires exstensive testing thou and scripting knowledge that I am short of, I am afraid. The only advantage on my side is high motivation so far. Again, thanks for your support gentlemen! :)
  5. NightIntruder

    H-21C Workhorse/Shawnee

    Thanks for the hints :) Regarding flood lighting, I must say that I would rather consider it in civilian version of Shawnee only. Military versions are pretty much "over-lighted", with their nav lights pulsating in the cockpit. They are basically like flying christmas tree so there is no need to add another source of light, I believe. I would add it as a user action If I get knowledge how to add one to the model. Actually, I have to learn it because I want to add wipers on the windscreen in the same way. By the way, is there any scripted method to get know when it starts raining?
  6. NightIntruder

    H-21C Workhorse/Shawnee

    NodUnit, I really appreciated your help :) I had to uncheck NoZWrite flag and played with emmisive stage values for some time but eventually it started working. I've added environmental map as the last stage but somehow I cannot see any noticable effect it creates. As you said also, I will try to change procedural normal mapping into those textures already created by the author of the model. Beside this it works like a charm, thanks!
  7. NightIntruder

    H-21C Workhorse/Shawnee

    Thanks for replies gentlemen, much appreciated! I use _nohq (normal), _smdi (specular) maps and environmental reflection map. All those have extensions, however they could have been prepared in different way (for FSX engine, as .dds) since I've simply opened them in TexView2 and saved as paa files, changing their names accordingly and removing alpha channel when neccessary. What's more, I used the same rvmats on another version of the model with different set of diffuse textures but smdi and nohq as well as rvmat were the same as in the previous try. The outcome was identical. ---------- Post added at 10:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:48 PM ---------- I did normals recalculation several times with no luck :/ As I said, with different textures set the problem remains, even at night although not so visible: Normals look correct: This are rvmats - all three linked with fuselage surfaces are the same in terms of values. Of course, maps are different. I haven't found anything unusual in nohq maps. These are smdi:
  8. NightIntruder

    H-21C Workhorse/Shawnee

    BAD SHADOWING As pics below clearly show, there are certain areas strangly shadowed. It looks like inverted shadows or opposite shadows, I don't even know how to describe it. I am struggling with it for a couple of days. Any ideas how to fix it or where the problem may lay?
  9. I also cannot wait for final realease :) I am great fan of those times and and interested in the war. By the way, Foxtrop could you add hiddenSelection functionality to A4's config to allow people to use your addon in specific missions like in Vietnam just by making their own texture sets? Your A4's are great and nicely fit to Viet era.
  10. NightIntruder

    H-21C Workhorse/Shawnee

    Another quite annoying issue with model lighting and weather effects. There is no both "rain wall" effect and nav lights visible from certain angles and from cockpit during heavy rain as linked video shows. For me, it seems to be connected with upper texture of blurred rotors. Strange...*** Did anyone face such issue?
  11. NightIntruder

    H-21C Workhorse/Shawnee

    Still there is also some problem in config.cpp. Is the file transfered somewhere or any virtual drive made during binarization the model ??? I have no "W" drive for sure... Also I've noticed that during binarizing the model console process is activated in background (it shows in task manager). File p:\int73_h21c\config.cpp, line 398: /cfgModels/: Missing '}' Error reading binary file 'p:\int73_h21c\config.cpp' W:\C\El\ParamFile\paramFile.cpp(753) : Class destroyed, but still locked - I'M WORRIED ABOUT THIS LINE
  12. NightIntruder

    H-21C Workhorse/Shawnee

    I came across another issue... The model does show itself in Buldozer, however there is an error window says: No entry "bin\config.cpp.cfgSkeletons". Another problem is that Binarize.exe crash during binarizing and a log file takes more than 1.5GB. What does it mean? What's more important, the chopper doesn't show in game saying: "Cannot open an object blabla\blabla.p3d". I must have messed something in config files for sure. Could someone look into my files below, please? EDIT: I've sorted it out eventually, however still no luck with the model working in game.
  13. NightIntruder

    H-21C Workhorse/Shawnee

    Perhaps I haven't explained my problem clearly enough, I am sorry. A laungage barrier. Mick Posch's model has two meshes - one for external view with its texture set and another one for internal view (from cockpit or cargo compartment) with different texture set (better resolution). Both meshes are co-located in the same place. The second mesh is more detailed however I have done p3d model based on the first one (for external view). I want to have better view from inside the cockpit by using the second mesh. Pictures are worth thousands of words as they say, so... First mesh, external view: Second mesh, cockpit and cargo: The second is more detailed and includes indicators with better textures (yes, the goal is to have working indicators in the cockpit). What's more, all invisible parts of the fuselage have been removed in the second mesh for obvious reasons, as you can see. And, yes, I have looked into BIS samples. It explained me nothing regarding using different model/mesh for view from cockpit/cargo. I am affraid. Anyway, thanks for the answer Max, I really appreciate your efforts.
  14. NightIntruder

    H-21C Workhorse/Shawnee

    Thanks MaxPower. Probably those _ca textures are more demanding in terms of performance, aren't they? Guess what? I've got another question :) This complex model has more detailed cockpit and cargo compartments (last one has some drawbacks as well though so I am most likely going to attach the cockpit only). How to attach them to model? By proxy in 0.000 LOD or should I include them in some of those "View-Geometry" LODs? What I want to achieve is the same resault as in AH-6 of Arma3: when you are outside the chopper a dashboard and other things are less detailed. When you are inside, seating on a pilot seat, you can see cockpit model with full resolution and max detailed. How to do that?
  15. NightIntruder

    H-21C Workhorse/Shawnee

    I've got it working (more or less, including glass) in buldozer. As you can see, it is textured only with diffuse, there are no bump or specular maps yet. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/545/preview2jn.jpg/ It boost my apetite for final effect ;) And question: how to make a two-sided rotor texture in O2 (that one that is blurred)? - I've figured it now. There is no way to do it directly, only substitutes.
  16. NightIntruder

    H-21C Workhorse/Shawnee

    Thanks MaxPower. It seems that I have managed to export 3ds into O2 and it eventually appeared in buldozer. Although, there is another small issue (wrong alpha channel?) - a lot of transparent places on both fuselage texture and rotor one. I don't know why... [/img] EDIT: OK, I have sorted it out. Textures must be 24-bit without Alpha channel (and the alpha was included in this case).
  17. NightIntruder

    H-21C Workhorse/Shawnee

    Erghhhh, sorry for bothering you too much guys, but I've got a questions regarding texturing: 1. Is it really necessary to make A2 material in 3ds max to export the model into O2 (I've got a problems with it) ? 2. Maybe it's enough to make standard ones with diffuse maps included only? 3. I did imported the model into O2 as 3ds but it lost its textures paths somehow and show itself in O2 as a mesh only . Am I to gather all needed files together in single folder or what? 4. Imported model doesn't show in Buldozer due to lack of textures error. Well, actually it shows itself but completely invisible. Any ideas?
  18. NightIntruder

    H-21C Workhorse/Shawnee

    Thanks gentlemen, especially for links, explanation and hints. I apologize for causing misunderstanding due to inappropiate topic's name. At the very beginning I wanted to do all needed work in 3dsmax through using ArmaToolBox, however it seems to be quite problematic (anyway, are there any reports saying that ArmaToolBox doesn't work with 3ds max 2009?). NodUnit has convinced me to give it a second thought (thanks!):) and perhaps to focus more on O2 then 3dsmax. Still it requires a lot of learning, so it's time to get back to work unless I find some explanation of errors :/ What worries me right now, is that the conversion from quads into tri's might be the cause for errors during export into 3ds/p3d from 3ds max, which likely means that there are more work to do that I had thought.
  19. Well, actually I've got this working w/o major issues. Look above to my post to see how cars can be added to the system. So add types of cars you need into Settings_Transporter.sqf using the same way, then add word "Car" to line in Init.sqf in BTK/Cargo Drop folder located in your mission folder, like below: //// Add action to all vehicles, check every 5 seconds while {true} do { {[_x] execVM "BTK\Cargo Drop\InitAction.sqf";} forEach (nearestObjects [player, ["Air","Car"], 30]); sleep 5; }; The only minor issue I noticed is that truck's cargo is unloaded a little too far from the vehicle (a couple of meters). I think it could be easier and safer just move that cargo from a vehicle to any empty place on the world (map) just for needed time than move it back just in place you want to see it (i.e. below opened parachute). Cheers!
  20. Nice script sxp2high! Thanks a lot, I gonna using this in my mission. Please count me to "wish list" :) So... 1. Is there a chance to add possibility of using of land vehicles to transport the cargo? I've added a couple of trucks/cars to small transporters list in Settings_Transporter.sqf. However it doesn't work in just that way. Examples below: if ( (_Transporter isKindOf "AH6_Base_EP1") || (_Transporter isKindOf "Su25_base") || ..... etc. (_Transporter isKindOf "AW159_Lynx_BAF") || (_Transporter isKindOf "UAZ_CDF") || (_Transporter isKindOf "UAZ_INS") || (_Transporter isKindOf "UAZ_RU") || (_Transporter isKindOf "UralCivil") || (_Transporter isKindOf "UralCivil2") || (_Transporter isKindOf "UralOpen_CDF") || (_Transporter isKindOf "Kamaz") || ...... etc. 2. Also I would like to "load" a specific cargo into specific chopper at the beggining of my mission by writting a command into init line of the cargo and/or chopper or by any other method to do this. What have to be done to achive it? 3. It would be great to load big cargo to the bigger transporters i.e. a couple of ammunition crates into Mi8 or big vehicle like Kamaz truck. Sorry for my english. I hope I am understandable because it is crucial to get any help, I think :) Keep up good work! Cheers