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Posts posted by DieselJC

  1. Years ago when I was big into online Sim Racing I built something similar for my cockpit I built. There is a company out there that makes USB controllers for that..very easy to set up and programmable..for the life of me I cant remember what it was called..try googling Sim Racing Button Box and you might run across something you can use. If I remember the name of the guy who made the controllers I'll post back again.


    Edit: Try this guy.






  2. 19 minutes ago, T.Fork said:




    That script figures out a ratio which is then fed into other scripts. Note that friendly AI are counted, weighted at something like 5 AI = 1 player. At it's lowest, adaptive player count is 50% of normal.


    F_adaptiveOpforFactor is called a bunch in other spawning scripts, such as \scripts\server\battlegroup\random_battlegroups.sqf, and seems to be used both to limit how much is in a battle group and how often battle groups are spawned, and also works with CSAT aggressivity. I haven't run any numbers to figure out exactly what it's doing, I've just read a bit of the scripting.


    If you're looking through a script and see [] call  F_adaptiveOpforFactor, that's the script trying to find out how much to adapt by.

    Thanks for the info..much appreciated..It seems to work on my Chernarus map but not on the others so I was going to see what script it was and replace it on the ones that it wasnt working on and see if there is a difference. Thanks again!




  3. So I downloaded the new VSM all in one collection mod but am having real issues getting it to work correctly..I uploaded the mod to the server just as I always do..put the keys in the keys folder and put the title in the Mod line but the server doesnt read the Mod at all..its like it isnt even in there. At first I loaded it with all of my other Mods loaded then went back and loaded just the VSM Mod and still the server wouldnt read it. I asked about this on the VSM thread but no luck. I have 7 other mods that work fine and havent had any issues with but the VSM Mod just wont work properly. I get nothing in the rpt it just boots me when I try and go into the server. If I disable it on the clientside I can get in just fine. Just wondering what some things may be causing it not to read the Mod.


    The folder is named  @VSM All-In-One Collection


    I was told take out the spaces,use underscores and also to shorten the name..all of witch failed to do anything.

    I use battleeye and I have verifySignatures at 2.


    If anyone has any suggestions on where to look I'd appreciate that.




  4. You should talk to the ACE guys and find out what needs to be done so the jerry cans and such can be integrated into ACE for things like refueling etc. Not sure what else you have ploanned but I'd love to see more logfistics stuff myself..maybe a backpack that acts as a toolkit in the game so you dont have to carry one seperately. Actual jackstands you can put a vehicle on in the editor,or ramps for when you change oil etc etc.




  5. 5 hours ago, J. Yssing said:

    Where exactly can I find those Parameters?

    You can disable FAR Revive in the parameters before you start the game..when you load in the parameters are in the upper right hand corner of the screen in the mission lobby. The ACE Modules you have to manually place in the mission with the editor. Or if you open the mission in the editor..use explorer while in the mission folder and search "param" it will show the sqf then you can manually enter in the what you want that way you dont have to set them every time,I do this for all mine so i can load them and the params are all the same for each map I port the mission to. Not sure what your experience is with editing missions so if any of this you dont understand I'll try and get some screenshots for you.



  6. Ive always been a huge fan of the Arma series because of the FREE content that Modders give to the community...they pour their hard work blood sweat and tears into the community to make it better for all of us..they are there to help those of us who can't mod that well to ask questions of and help us when needed. Its a huge commitment they take on but they do it for the love of the game..and the community. In my opinion making people pay for Mods and/or the ability to play on servers will ruin not only the game but the community. It will become all about the money and less about the game itself. I can't tell you the amount of things I have learned from the people in this community...its staggering..for alot of people it doesnt seem that much but I'm old and for the most part an idiot (just ask my ex-wife) but the time that people in the community have given has taught me not just scripting or server hosting..but more importantly that giving of the work you create to the community and to share what you create/know with others. That being said..I do own a server and although the cost isn't huge it is still a cost that I pay for..yes I ask of people for contributions but I dont expect them to pay nor do I or will I ever demand it. Money always seems to ruin what started out as a passion for something you love and enjoy. Just my 2 cents.



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  7. I had to re-install my A3 due to a hardware upgarde after I re-installed Win7..my question is where do I put the "radio-sounds" folder? I got TFR installed shows up and seems to be transmitting fine but I have no radio sounds at all..plugin is working with no errors..just cant figure out why I dont have radio sounds. Any help would be appreciated.




  8. On ‎1‎/‎25‎/‎2017 at 1:17 PM, bravo93 said:

    Basically I'm making a forklift truck and I want to be able to drive up to a crate/pallet, scroll wheel - attach object and then be able to drive off with the crate/pallet attached. (I'm not worried about raising/lowering the forks for now). Then I need to be able to detach the crate/pallet and then drive off leaving the object where I detached it. Is this possible? Ideally this would need to be multiplayer comparable as well :)

    It sounds like the same principle as what I did with the RHS Trucks and cargo Box AmmoBox and the new MRZR...scroll wheel to load and unload..you would just have to input the classname of the fortruck and of what you are trying to load..also setting distance from the object to load it..height and azimuth and center off set to get the box to sit right on the forks. Its a lot of time in the Editor getting everything set right. I also added in text color so everything wasn't whte like all the other scroll wheel things you might have. Is the Fork Truck a Mod you are making? I'd be happy to test and work on the loading part if you need some help with that,I'm no expert scripter by any means but I enjoy learning by doing..let me know if I can help at all.



  9. On 1/27/2017 at 9:33 AM, fruity_rudy said:

    I remember "instant viewdistance" for arma2..Already searched the forums and couldn't find anything. That was always a handy tool in the action menu. Could one of the pro coders adapt the old one to arma3?! Is that possible? For instance, when I'm in Kavala, in the middle of 50000 buildings, I only need 500m VD, because I can't see further..But hitting ESc, going in to video options, setting it, apply, go back.. takes so long. Is there an addon out there already? link me up..




    nvm..Champ released the perfect one last week..Just found it ;)

    Do you have a link for that? I'd like to try that..sounds cool.


