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About mant

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  1. Restarted, got satchels and its all going alot better this time ;)
  2. i figured it would take longer as i have no satchels, but im up to 50+ kills, ive just about had enough... Guess ill just restat the mission and hope i get some charges. Only reason i kept on was that others here report the mission does indeed end. I presume you had Satchel charges to complete it in 20mins? Gonna do some MP for a while to fend of the madness that was setting in!
  3. Hi all, my first post here. Thought id give this thread a bump, and check on the mission length.... I too started with no satchel charges....found this thread and so played on. Thing is, ive been busy kiling for about 2 or 3 hours and seem to be making little progress, the blighters just keep spawning and having destroyed no barricades i see no end in sight.... How long did you guys take, and what is the actual objective here? To get the SUV's to the UN contact? As my map shows no way to clear the path from what i can see, barricade wise. Thanks in advance. also, would be nice to see this bug fixed. Its a fun mission, but my enthusiasm is fading...fast.