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About AFOF_Murdock

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  1. About number 2. in your example. Read this in the manual, it's page 32 in the PDF but the manual says 31. I think the manual says it all more or less, and explains it too. I agree kylania was giving constructive criticism. BUT I added links into the PDF. The background doesn't seem to affect my reading, if someone finds it problematic play with your brightness/contrast settings. I left the images fullscreen because when you edit the mission, you don't see only the important stuff you see the whole screen, and if there's a lot of stuff going on it may be hard to find what you're looking for. These full screen images DON'T have a lot of stuff going on and thus enable newbies to more easily familiarize with the entire interface. (my opinion) I didn't design the manual for printing (i say again), and "porting" it into a printable shape would be too complicated. Sorry :(. The companion file is being created, but you'll have to wait a while.
  2. Well it was my plan to make it grow and grow, especially with help from the community because I've really spent a too long time in a too small amount of days creating that manual, so I'd like if someone experienced reads the manual to contribute to it by providing the information he/she'd like to see.
  3. Well, the loudness of the video depends on your own personal audio settings. Plus it was filmed from inside ArmA 2, so I doubt the game is any more silent to you (depends on your settings). Also the video should have a start/pause bar on the bottom and if it doesn't you should be able to right click on it and press Disable. About the waypoint type list - The list doesn't seem too hard to read because the types are listed on the left and written in bold text, like this: Type 1 Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Type 2 Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Type 3 a bit less Blah :D
  4. Firstly, I've changed the white/yellow text, I just have to update the file. That's fixed. Second, if you zoom into the images they are easily readable because they are 1080p images. Simply use Ctrl+Mousewheel About the briefing section, there's everything you need to know. It tells you where to place the files and how to create them. I dont know what to tell you. The third party program is there because it makes it much easier than writing codes. It says there you simply have to save the briefing file in the mission folder and it says how to create the init file to show the briefing at the mission begining. Yeah, the classlists really aren't there due to "space" :p but because I didn't have the nerves to put them in the manual. Yet. Yes, I thought about adding the links. I actually hoped MS Word would transfer the hyperlinks into a PDF when I select "Save as .pdf...". Turns out it didn't. I'll include that in the updated version. I really didn't notice any problems with black text on background, but if you say "printing" and you literarilly mean printing it on a piece of paper, I gotta tell you the manual was optimized for PC usage and for Adobe Reader/Acrobat to be honest. I've used a couple of addon maps, but I've added a note at the begining that the screenshots were taken of a modded version of ArmA II: Combined Ops, but that the principles remain the same. I don't see why you wouldn't be able to get it to work just because it's another map. I never thought about the companion file. I might publish it, but separately from the manual. Still just an idea, though.
  5. i know. didnt think about it really.
  6. AFOF_Murdock

    Questions from a beginner

    If that script uses the attachTo command to attach the bombs to the plane, I confirm. I was just playing with the editor and attached a Stryker (yes, a Stryker :D) to a C-130J. Guess what happened when it detached (although i set eventHandler damage false).
  7. AFOF_Murdock

    Questions from a beginner

    OK, for the first question, I'd leave the Transport Unload waypoint just in case, but I'd place a Move waypoint BEFORE it, on the same place where the Transport Unload waypoint is. That cannot be used to force troops to parachute (i think) because you cannot always parachute jump. I think ejecting causes you to automatically deploy a chute but i'm not sure all units have parachutes. You can use the HALO script to make your units drop, but if using the HALO script make sure its higher altitude than 200 meters. If you've got more questions, (i know this sounds like advertising myself but I just wanna help) refer to my manual: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=112633 I'll try to find information on scripting a bomb drop like you said before, I want to know that too :D
  8. For those who don't think downloading the manual is worth it because they don't think they'll find what they need, here's a list of the most distinguished advanced features: - HALO jumps - CAS and Artillery - Cutscene creation - etc.
  9. ARMA 2 Editor Manual UPDATED TO NEW VERSION, CHANGELOG BELOW Here peeps, I know a lot of people (including me) started out from scratch with the Editor. I also know it's a huge pain to google every single bit about the Editor that isn't logical. And it's more of a pain to go through all kinds of forum threads and wikis before you finally find your answer. So i present the answer itself The ArmA II Editor Manual - Mustknow Guide for ArmA II Editing The guide from the simple to more complex features of the ArmA II Editor. It contains large (by large I mean shot on a 1080p res) screenshots, coding for dummies and all external links and tutorials to get you started creating fair enough ArmA II missions. (doesn't contain all answers, but 45 pages isn't bad, is it?) Anyway, here is the download link http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=13109 Changelog - Added links into PDF file - Changed annoying yellow/white colors to blue/black colors - Other minor edits I will provide the actual Word file on the Armaholic webpage (unfortunately I do not have the time to support the manual anymore) so the community is free to edit, update and translate it as they wish, as long as I'm credited for the original file. Thank you for the support.