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Everything posted by TeTeT

  1. TeTeT

    how to include OA/Arma2 islands?

    Yes, but I do not think that "I allow the use of all my islands" translates to 'I will release them separately for ToH'. However, I think the statement "If you have a trouble lemme know and I'll release an update so it works with ToH, too." gives reason to indicate that IceBreakr is interested in results of people trying out his islands in ToH. I might be wrong, like so often, though.
  2. TeTeT

    how to include OA/Arma2 islands?

    I had some success with integrating Arma, OA and Lingor so far. First I used the command line linking tool mentioned in this thread before, but then Sickboy made me aware of: http://schinagl.priv.at/nt/hardlinkshellext/hardlinkshellext.html. I followed this procedure: Create Take On Helicopters\@arma2\AddOns\ Link all files from Arma 2\AddOns\ to Take On Helicopters\@arma2\AddOns Create directory Take On Helicopters\@armaOA\AddOns\ Link all files from ArmA 2\Expansion\Addons to Take On Helicopters\@armaOA\AddOns Remove everything starting with 'ui' from @arma2 and @armaOA Create a junction for all mod folders in ArmA 2, e.g. everything starting with @ to Take On Helicopters Modify shortcut to load the needed addons for Lingor The RPT still contains a bunch of warnings, mostly because of missing entries. Probably the 'ArmA 2\Common' contents need to be linked as well? The most common warning I encountered was 'Sound Oil_pump not found'. Any ideas?
  3. Cheers, here's the bug report: http://dev-heaven.net/issues/27207 Thanks a lot, but be aware that this is a low priority issue, if any priority at all.
  4. Hello, is there a tool to discover all the classes defined in a mod? Lately I've been looking at the unsung mod and haven't discovered any class documentation on their site and wonder if there's a generic way to export the class structure of a mod to some sort of text file, probably using any markup language. I guess one can unpbo and unrap the config.bin's and then parse the config.cpp for the needed information. Or use a class viewer from arma itself and use the rpt file for copy'n'paste. Does a tool that automates this already exist?
  5. TeTeT

    how to include OA/Arma2 islands?

    Is there a howto on integrating arma2 islands into ToH? I'd be interested in Vietnam: The Experience and Unsung Vietnam mods.
  6. Good to know it's being fixed! I've got another error in the rpt, which is probably caused by the on map mortar pieces: Cannot load sound 'vehicles\gun_elevate.wss' I use these two vehicles: #define MORTARVC "Uns_2b14_82mmMortarVC" #define MORTARUS "Uns_M252" There's also a graphics glitch with the trees, there are white spots all over the place, but only at certain angles it seems: A preview on the mission is up at http://tspindler.de/arma/missions/uns-ch/. [edit] Also, are there any US repair, refuel and reammo vehicles? I'd like to use them for a maintenance shop at base. Right now I use the NVA truck and a MTVR... [edit2] Is there any chance to add larger icons for huts and buildings to the map? On the editor it's quite tough to find the location of the buildings and place a LZ accordingly.
  7. Guess it depends on your Windows install. I've picked the Combined Ops approach, e.g. Arma 2 and Arrowhead combined. I copied the complete directory from c:\program files\bohemia interactive\arma 2\ to my Ubuntu running laptop, including all the mods I eventually want to have in the server. For copying I used winscp, which provides a neat interface. On the laptop I then renamed Arma 2 to arma2, all lowercase. In that directory I placed the server binary for Linux, I went with the one with beta support. Included in the server files is a readme.txt, which explains the setup process. You need to have gcc installed, probably 'sudo yum install gcc' will do the trick on CentOS. For me it was running the install script with the tolower tool. As I had the same directory in upper- and lowercase spelling, the tool would fail and I had to manually move some files around and delete the uppercase directory. Note that the server will fail if it encounters any upper case directory or files. For a quick check if all is lowercase, I use 'find . -name [A-Z]\*' from the arma2 directory. After that I modified the arma2oaserver script and added the mods I wanted on the OTHERPARAMS line, adjusted the ARMA_DIR variable. The file also contains a reference to CONFIG, by default server.cfg. Here you can choose a startup mission like that: class Missions { class Chernarus_warfare { template = "gossamers_warfare_v3_04d_co.chernarus"; // template = "tetet.chernarus.pbo"; difficulty = "expert"; class Params { teamSwapKick = 0; }; }; }; This is also the file where you can check if the mission continues running without player connected (persistent=1) and BattleEye support (BattlEye=). On the arma wiki there should be some docs for the file. Last I copied the modified arma2oaserver and server.cfg to a safe place for backup. As the zip file with new server binaries will probably overwrite those.
  8. This is the release of two helicopter transport missions, based on Workhorse by BTK. As a transport helicopter pilot the player has to fullfil several randomly assigned tasks to complete a shift. One is named 'Hip Hip Hooray' and takes place in Chernarus. The player flies a Mi-8 Hip MTV from Krasnostav airbase. This mission is basically a 1:1 copy from Workhorse, albeit swapping the equipment between west and east. There are a few new tasks. The other is named 'Chickenhawk' and takes place around Dak Seang, Vietnam. The mission needs the Vietnam: The Experience mod. While following the gameplay principles of Workhorse, it's all new under the hood. The player flies a UH-1H transport helicopter out of the Special Forces camp at Dak Seang. The missions are all new, though of course you either transport people or cargo. Armaholic gladly mirrors them: - Hip Hip Hooray (@) - Chickenhawk (@) You can also d/l them here: Hip Hip Hooray: http://tspindler.de/arma/missions/hiphiphooray/ Chickenhawk: http://tspindler.de/arma/missions/chickenhawk/
  9. I've put together a first test for Chickenhawk using the Unsung Vietnam mod. The distances on the Ia Drang map are quite high, so the overall shift of four tasks will take a bit longer than on Dak Seang from VTE: http://tspindler.de/arma/missions/uns-ch/ Note that your RPT file will be filled with errors caused by some problem with grenades in Unsung.
  10. I'm trying to convert a mission to the unsung mod, but I get those errors in the rpt: "UPSMON started" 0:36:19.679 (0:00:03.526) cba_diagnostic - WC Array: [PlantationPos] Error in expression <// Correction for custom throw weapons i> Error position: <// Correction for custom throw weapons i> Error Invalid number in expression 0:36:19.841 (0:00:03.670) cba_diagnostic - End Init.sqf Suspending not allowed in this context Error in expression <sleep 0.1;> Error position: <sleep 0.1;> Error Generic error in expression Error in expression <// Correction for custom throw weapons i> Error position: <// Correction for custom throw weapons i> Error Invalid number in expression Suspending not allowed in this context Error in expression <sleep 0.1;> Error position: <sleep 0.1;> Error Generic error in expression ... The sleep 0.1 comes from UPSMON and R3F Arty and Log, but no idea what the custom throw weapons is about. If it's of any help I can try to reproduce this with a minimal mission and post that.
  11. I guess the dump file is just too broken. I re-ordered a dozen classes so the inheritance order is respected, but then I bump into this problem: Processing mainhash Proc Proc2 Processing WeaponAim: Pos10Vector Processing Level0: Pos10Vector Processing Target: Pos10Vector Processing Velocity: Pos10Vector Processing EventHandlers: EventHandlers Processing AnimationSources: AnimationSources Processing ViewPilot: ViewPilot Processing Turrets: Turrets Processing LEFT_TURRET: MainTurret Processing AnimationSources: AnimationSources Processing Turrets: Turrets Processing MainTurret: MainTurret Processing ViewOptics: ViewOptics ConfigParser.rb:164:in `find_class': stack level too deep (SystemStackError) from ConfigParser.rb:165:in `find_class' from ConfigParser.rb:161:in `find_class' from ConfigParser.rb:307:in `proc2' from ConfigParser.rb:91:in `each_pair' from ConfigParser.rb:91:in `each' from ConfigParser.rb:91:in `each_pair' from ConfigParser.rb:300:in `proc2' from ConfigParser.rb:310:in `proc2' ... 19 levels... from ConfigParser.rb:273:in `parse!' from ConfigParser.rb:580 from ConfigParser.rb:578:in `each' from ConfigParser.rb:578 There are a dozen or more definitions like 'ViewOptics : ViewOptics' - I suspect this means inherit from the upper class? I checked the other dump I have and there are the same definitions, but processed without a problem. Probably there's some sort of circular inheritance setup with the unsung mod, class a : b, class b : c, class c : a, or something alike. [edit] I removed the 'ViewOptics : ViewOptics' declarations for a test and then I ran out of stack space upon 'NewTurret'. Even after setting stacksize in ulimit to 100k, it run out of stacksize. Guess the config is just too broken :(
  12. Seems the parsing of the unsung config fails: File CfgVehicles.hpp, line 24602: /Root/CfgVehicles.LAND_uns_shopOld_01: Undefined base class 'LAND_uns_bar' Config : some input after EndOfFile. Error reading binary file 'config_tmp.hpp' W:\C\El\ParamFile\paramFile.cpp(753) : Class destroyed, but still locked ConfigParser.rb:359:in `initialize': No such file or directory - config.xml (Errno::ENOENT) from ConfigParser.rb:359:in `open' from ConfigParser.rb:359:in `read_xml' from ConfigParser.rb:254:in `parse!' from ConfigParser.rb:580 from ConfigParser.rb:578:in `each' from ConfigParser.rb:578 The config.hpp is available at http://tspindler.de/arma/config.zip [edit] Seems the ordering of classes is important, e.g. if a class inherits from one that is defined later, the parse fails. Do you parse in one pass? I guess to support the config I got for unsung one needs to use two-pass parsing, first getting the names, then constructing the object tree and in the second pass putting the data in.
  13. Works! Thanks a lot for all of your help, wouldn't have gone anywhere without it. How would I now use one server instance for multiple configs? E.g. one for VTE, one for Unsung? On the 'not my day', trust me I know exactly how that feels and I had plenty of them!
  14. Still no joy, wants to access a non existing method, I'd say: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/772232/
  15. Thanks for your help again! Unfortunately even with the new trunk pulled, it still fails with RuntimeError (Called id for nil, which would mistakenly be 4 -- if you really wanted the id of nil, use object_id):. Maybe something is still not configured correctly? I've changed the properties of cfg_vehicles and cfg_weapons in administration > setup > controllers / actions. In that menu I also see some missing classes: main, modpermissions, repositories, serverpermissions, servers, sixgroups, sixusers.
  16. I've now used a different dumpconfig script, found on armaholic (dumpConfig.7z) that dumps the config into the rpt and can be parsed. I had to change the newline chars with "tr -d '\15\32'", so the rpt could be used with trimconfig.rb. When converting the config.hpp I discovered that I need a 2 GB virtual machine, as the system was running out of memory with 1GB. The subsequent 'rake sync' took quite a while, I'd say around one hour or more to complete. Probably because a sqlite db on a vm is not particularly fast. Now the data seems to be imported, but I cannot access it. In the setup of goldberg I found some cfg* pages and made them publicly available. However, when I access cfg_weapons I get this error: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/772078/. As it mentions ACE and ACEX I wonder if I need to disable that somehow, as I hadn't had it loaded when doing the dump. Is there a way to setup the browser to use a different port? A grep revealed that there's a setting in vendor/plugins/goldberg/db/SystemSettings.yml. I would love to have two servers running, one for Vietnam: the experience, one for the Unsung mod.
  17. trimconfig didn't work for me, so I skipped it. Probably the dump output I copied isn't of a format that the parser understands? Here is the dump I try to process: http://tspindler.de/arma/UNS-classes.zip I called trimconfig like this: ruby trimconfig.rb config.hpp tmp I'll try the recommended setup for the server next, thanks.
  18. Thanks, I added a script named ConfigConvert.exe to my path, but the parser calls cfgConvert. After renaming the script, I got a config.yml. But they only contain a few classes it seems. Maybe because almost all entries are saved to 'other.hpp'?
  19. Tried load_bootstrap, even after deleting the db again, but had no success. I haven't really found any good README on how to get this goldberg stuff running ... [edit] I just did a plain goldberg / ruby install and it worked: 3716 rails toast 3717 ls 3718 cd vendor/plugins/ 3719 ls 3720 cd goldberg/ 3721 ls 3722 cd rai 3723 ls 3724 cd toast/ 3725 git init 3726 git submodule add git://github.com/lardawge/goldberg.git vendor/plugins/goldberg 3727 ls 3728 find . -iname goldberg 3729 vi config/database.yml 3730 rake goldberg:install 3731 rake goldberg:theme[goldberg] 3732 ls 3733 ruby script/server ---------- Post added at 06:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:40 PM ---------- I skipped the server setup for now and tried to convert the hpp to yaml. But this failed also: $ ruby ConfigParser.rb config Parsing ConfigParser.rb:359:in `initialize': No such file or directory - config.xml (Errno::ENOENT) from ConfigParser.rb:359:in `open' from ConfigParser.rb:359:in `read_xml' from ConfigParser.rb:254:in `parse!' from ConfigParser.rb:580 from ConfigParser.rb:578:in `each' from ConfigParser.rb:578 I then created an empty config.xml file (touch config.xml) and the next error popped up: $ ruby ConfigParser.rb config Parsing Processing mainhash ConfigParser.rb:523:in `process_element': undefined method `attributes' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) from ConfigParser.rb:266:in `parse!' from ConfigParser.rb:580 from ConfigParser.rb:578:in `each' from ConfigParser.rb:578 I have those files in the working directory, plus dozens of empty artefacts from the failed parse: -rw-r--r-- 1 spindler spindler 521 2011-12-15 10:55 mysql_utf8.rb -rw-r--r-- 1 spindler spindler 14650 2011-12-15 10:55 ConfigParser.rb -rw-r--r-- 1 spindler spindler 4815439 2011-12-15 18:12 config.hpp -rw-r--r-- 1 spindler spindler 2304 2011-12-15 18:13 config_template.hpp -rw-r--r-- 1 spindler spindler 1494 2011-12-15 18:13 CfgDefaultWeapons.hpp -rw-r--r-- 1 spindler spindler 38713 2011-12-15 18:13 CfgDefaultVehicles.hpp
  20. Thanks, one step further. Now it fails with 'undefined method `site_name' for nil:NilClass'. I guess I missed another setup step. Given that I've actually never touched rails and ruby only on the surface, no surprise it's a bumby road. BTW if you're low on time, this is certainly not a pressing topic at all.
  21. Cheers, thanks for providing the additional scripts! So far I had good success with using all sorts of Windows arma tools with wine, for example cpbo, extractpbo, texview, unRap are all working. But I cannot even get the rails server up, as it's missing some goldberg table. I guess goldberg is responsible for the layout? I followed the info in vendor/plugins/goldberg/README.rdoc and run 'rake goldberg:install' and 'rake goldberg:theme[goldberg]', but still get this error when connecting to localhost:3000: spindler@meteor:~/Work/Arma2/tools/six-configparser-web$ ruby script/server => Booting WEBrick => Rails 2.3.12 application starting on NOTE: SourceIndex.new(hash) is deprecated; From /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/rails-2.3.12/lib/rails/vendor_gem_source_index.rb:100:in `new'. Cannot find or read /home/spindler/Work/Arma2/tools/six-configparser-web/config/newrelic.yml => Call with -d to detach => Ctrl-C to shutdown server [2011-12-15 14:16:16] INFO WEBrick 1.3.1 [2011-12-15 14:16:16] INFO ruby 1.8.7 (2011-06-30) [x86_64-linux] [2011-12-15 14:16:22] INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=25126 port=3000 Processing Goldberg::ContentPagesController#view_default (for at 2011-12-15 14:16:30) [GET] Goldberg::SystemSettings Load (0.7ms) SELECT * FROM "goldberg_system_settings" LIMIT 1 ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (Could not find table 'sessions'): /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/httpserver.rb:104:in `service' /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/httpserver.rb:65:in `run' /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/server.rb:173:in `start_thread' /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/server.rb:162:in `start' /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/server.rb:162:in `start_thread' /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/server.rb:95:in `start' /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/server.rb:92:in `each' /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/server.rb:92:in `start' /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/server.rb:23:in `start' /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/server.rb:82:in `start' Rendered rescues/_trace (26.8ms) Rendered rescues/_request_and_response (0.9ms) Rendering rescues/layout (internal_server_error)
  22. Thanks for the pointer! I used the dumpConfig script from http://www.ofpec.com/forum/index.php?topic=35236.0 and now got a all in one config file. [edit] Cloned your browser via git clone git://git.dev-heaven.net/six-configparser-web. Now on to setting it up locally, no idea if ruby on rails works fine on ubuntu 10.04 lts...
  23. I also discovered that upsmon, which is based on ups, would alter my markers regularly, basically multiplying x and y coordinates by -1. I've replaced the calls to 'upsmon.sqf' with a function of my own, that first creates a temporary marker and then call upsmon.sqf. Just a work around, though, here's the code. Needs the CBA functions or you have to replace INC. The variable markerSuffixUPS is global and initialized with 0. INC(markerSuffixUPS); _markerSuffix = markerSuffixUPS; _group = _this select 0; _marker = _this select 1; _command = _this select 2; // copy marker _markerName = format ["%1%2", _marker, _markerSuffix]; _pos = getMarkerPos _marker; _tmpMarker = createMarker [_markerName, _pos]; _tmpMarker setMarkerSize (getMarkerSize _marker); _T = [_group, _tmpMarker, _command] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf"; _T
  24. Sure, can do that eventually. What's the best map in Unsung mod for flying? I tried one, but the trees had an eerie white outline when flying over them.
  25. I think I fixed the problem with the cargo lifting. I've added [_cargo] execVM "R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG\R3F_LOG\objet_init.sqf"; to the missions that use the lift script, replacing _cargo with the variable that holds the missions cargo. Probably it needs some more testing, if interested, a new version is at http://tspindler.de/arma/missions/hiphiphooray/. I've also created a similar helo transport mission for Vietnam: The Experience (VTE), beta available at: http://tspindler.de/arma/missions/chickenhawk/ Now I need to figure out how to port all of this to ToH :)