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Everything posted by TeTeT

  1. The keys were indeed missing, here they are: http://tspindler.de/arma/arma3/nimitz/Nimitz-0.93arma3.05-keys.zip The missing zodiac object is a known bug, see the readme. The zodiacs seem to be built into the model of the zodiac room and need to be replaced by the classes from Arma3. On the low resolution textures for the area around the wires, I noticed that too, but would be lost on what is going on there. Adding a plane to the NimitzPlanes array can be done via the init line of the plane: NimitzPlanes = NimitzPlanes + [this]; However, this is a temporary work around, I want to add a module that you can sync to your plane to. Thanks to John_Spartan I have a skeleton for that.
  2. Please have a look at http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23056 The 05 release contains the fix for the bmp.p3d object error and the change of the crew to existing models. Frontpage of this thread will be updated soon. The next release is planned for coming Friday. On the roadmap are: Updated deck textures Proof of concept rescue module for player swimming around the carrier Proof of concept ambiance module for populating flight deck and hangar Solution for towing problem on dedicated server Updated elevator script for smoother use Anyone interested in testing this before the public update on Friday, let me know. If you want to contribute, get in touch as well :) TeTeT
  3. Rory_pamphilon, thanks for the mission link, I'll check it out. But I'm certainly no Top Gun pilot :) Abshire, can you try the sample missions (link a few posts above) and see if these work for you? Do you get the blue tailhook entry when approaching from stern? ProGamer, I'm quite happy that there is at least a static carrier. I have no plans to work on that, as I have some doubts it can be done with the Nimitz. Diesel5187, the Nimitz does only work once on the map. It uses global variables for its systems and that breaks when placing multiple carriers.
  4. Elena, the tailhook works: The plane must either be spawned on the carrier or be added to the array NimitzPlanes. Have you tried the sample missions? And do you load CBA as well? With the F/A-18 you should have two tailhook entries, use the one in blue. [Edit] I started to write some documentation for mission makers, please see http://tspindler.de/arma/arma3/nimitz/html/ It's not much but a start.
  5. Quick update, after a good nights sleep and some fresh coffee I found the mistake that I made that caused the missing bmp.p3d object. Seems that one cannot simply comment out missing model = in the config.cpp and expect it to work ;) I've also followed Sealife's hint and replaced the crew with B_crew_F. It worked today for me without crashes, so I added a bluforce test mission to the download. The download is right now at: http://tspindler.de/arma/arma3/nimitz/Nimitz-0.93arma3.05a1.zip I named it 05a1 with a1 being alpha 1, as I hope we can fix more stuff in version 05. In the beginning I want to do weekly releases, every Friday, so 05 should come next Friday. After a little while, maybe end of October, mid of November, this should revert to monthly releases. [Edit] Changelog: T
  6. Diesel5187, take a look at the MP sample mission: I set an empty helipad to the deck height (approximately) and use that; see onPlayerRespawn.sqf. The Functions\vehicle_respawn.sqf file contains [EVO] Dan's vehicle respawn script, works as well out of the box. The missions can be downloaded here: http://www.armaholic.net/chili/addons/vehicles/USS_Nimtz_examplemissions.7z or here: http://tspindler.de/arma/arma3/nimitz/ T
  7. Przemro, please add the ship from the empty side for now, that should prevent the crashes, at least when launching with CBA_A3. Sealife, thanks for the pointer. Somehow I did all the tests with missions from the empty side and didn't catch that. [Edit] Just did a quick check with using a crew from Arma3, unfortunately there are still crashes when spawned as blufor vehicle.
  8. On the dedicated server, the process that works for me is quite awful. Maybe it works for you, but mileage may vary: Create dedi with needed addons including Nimitz Launch client with same addons Connect to server Wait for client to crash / freeze Kill client Launch client a second time, connect Server works (kind of) But for real, the missing bmp.p3d error needs to be overcome... T ---------- Post added at 06:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:04 PM ---------- Try these: http://www.armaholic.net/chili/addons/vehicles/USS_Nimtz_examplemissions.7z You can also find them here, I'll update the MP mission this weekend with some more targets: http://tspindler.de/arma/arma3/nimitz/ T
  9. You can use the UGV as an ad-hoc replacement for towing the F/A-18 by John_Spartan/Saul, check out the sample missions. On the explosions, how do you place the plane on the carrier? Do you use setPosASL with the deck or hangar height? I haven't encountered any random explosions so far, only once when using the cat.
  10. TeTeT


    A small mission showing the different locations on the Nimitz: http://tspindler.de/arma/arma3/nimitz/%5bSP%5dNimitzTestLocs.Stratis.pbo It's meant for testing and also somewhat documenting the existing points for scripters.
  11. TeTeT


    Sounds interesting, but right now I still wouldn't know where to start with that. Yesterday I experienced two anomalies in the current mod, first my jet exploded when moving into the cat position and then I fell through the 'cracks' in the room on the way to the hangar, where the picture is located. I guess it's best to iron out any issues with that before starting to work on automated landings and such. In the aft section of the Nimitz there is one briefing room, with chairs and a whitetable. Close by is a second room, unequipped. While I had some hope to equip these from scripts, I'm not sure if that's feasible with the engine. In a sample mission I noticed some pretty weird hickups with placing planes in the hangar that are not present on the deck. There is an unequipped room in the tower in the under construction area. I think that's the best bet for such a room right now. Anyone interested to provide the equipment for such a room? Not sure if the Stratis tower objects can be utilized easily. Interesting idea to tie the IFLOLS to an object that's placed in your inventory. While not terribly realistic, such an object could enable carrier ops for any plane vehicle the player uses, namely the IFLOLS and tailhook. Right now the scripts that add these action entries are run at initialization time and through the client_deckCheck script periodically during operation. Thinking out loud, I wonder if this system can be replaced by a broker that deals out these actions. Planes that support the broker will request them in their initialization (probably), other planes can be supported through the above mentioned object, working as a sort of proxy. T
  12. I just ran into this issue with a whiteboard and custom image. Works fine in SP and as host in MP, but not on dedicated. I tried calling it via BIS_fnc_MP but it didn't help.
  13. TeTeT


    The Zodiac has already been replaced by B_Boat_Transport_01_F in the scripts.
  14. TeTeT


    I think that would be best left to some scripts, maybe residing in Nimitz_fnc, and providing a basic API to the carrier's places and functions. For placing objects a call like ["flightdeck", [10,20], object] call Nimitz_fnc_setPos; would be nice to have. Hmm, maybe just try to add a handler like that to the plane: _enableArrest = _jet addEventHandler ["LandedTouchDown", {_this execVM "\JDG_carrier\scr\arrest.sqf"}]; The handler is added to planes on the Nimitz via the client_deckChecks.sqf script. In theory one could add this handler to any plane with a tailhook point in the model, if there's a way to check if an object's model contains one. I admit to have never used the landing auto pilot, so I know next to zero on the subject. Any takers? Having a command station would be great, agreed. But first the briefing rooms. T
  15. TeTeT


    Thanks for the heads up, JDog. I'll check the scripts this week once more and see that they work nicely in Arma3 singleplayer. I still get a missing bmp.p3d object error on start, which hopefully can be fixed eventually. I guess then it would be a good time for a preview release for Arma3 with the updated scripts and the lights. Once that is done, I'd be interested in writing a reset script for the CV to re-initialize the systems, in case they get stuck. After that remaining issues with multiplayer on hosted and dedicated need to be addressed. For example, the towing on dedicated and probably on hosted is not working correctly. The plane being towed seems to 'belong' to the server and will snap back into place after detaching (and looking weird during towing). When the player that tows enters the plane, it seems to work nicely. I guess the locality of the plane changes when a crew member enters. Is there a way to force the locality of the towed plane to be the same as the towing script? Or would the script need to run on the server instead? On the CV textures, it would be great if new hull textures could be found that give the vessel a slightly weathered look, like here: http://www.navsource.org/archives/02/026800.jpg. Also it would be awesome to re-decorate at least one of the interior rooms for briefings, maybe an air operations room and a naval operations room. T
  16. TeTeT


    Towing support for the F-18 and the UGV has been added. Only the UGV B_UGV_01_F is supported right now. The towing is a bit bumpy, the plane doesn't follow the UGV smoothly, so drive carefully. Scripts available at http://tspindler.de/arma/changedScriptsConfigs.zip.
  17. A question on the inner workings of the model: The dll_tow script used in the USS Nimitz utilizes data from the model itself to find a point to attach to. However, for the F/A-18 it reports a constant as distance between the axis (10000, arbitrary value). I've set the offset for front axis and wheels in the configuration naively to [0,0]. Any advice on which offsets to pick here from? The code that calculates the position is in the spoiler tag:
  18. TeTeT


    I have no interest to hijack Jdogs good work on the Nimitz. I'm impressed by the many functions and possibilities he added to the vessel. From the readme it states that all scripts and textures are under the CC share alike license. So there should be no problem to polish the scripts so they work in Arma3 as well. Mind you, the few changes I made to the scripts are just patches, this is not even a derivative work. Anyway, here a video on the working of the Nimitz in Arma3 with CBA and the F/A-18 on a dedicated server. Some issues with missing/duplicated actions, but otherwise quite workable: If you're interested in the sample mission for this, PM me. Some technical detail: the Nimitz uses a dozen or so global variables to tell the states of the various subsystems to the game world. As these globals are manipulated at times by a few scripts rather than one, so it is a bit difficult to determine the state of the overall system. The main interface to the vessel are the different action menu entries, that get added to players and objects upon init and at times later on. However there are some variables in objects that are queried by the scripts of the Nimitz, so it is possible to exclude planes or other objects from getting the actions added, I believe.
  19. TeTeT


    I wanted to use the UGV as towing tractor. Would be kind of nice to control it from your pilot seat. But I found two problems: First, it's engine doesn't start all the time; second, it cannot use the weapon's elevator.
  20. TeTeT


    Some changes to the scripts that should make it possible to run the Nimitz on a dedicated server. I tested it with one and I got duplicated entries for tailhook and launch, but otherwise it worked. If you don't get a launch action after landing, get out and in the plane and see if you have two then ;) On the problem with the duplicated entries, I suspect the reason is the use of 'player' in the init eventhandler. In multiplayer it's not initialized, or at least not fully and so some checks don't seem to work. It makes me wonder how workable the approach is to put all the logic for the vehicle in the addon and not in a separate script package supplied with the addon? If you check the code, give me some slack, it's the second time I do multiplayer scripting for arma ;) So any hints on how to do better are welcome.
  21. TeTeT


    Are these nicer lighting models than the one on the stock Nimitz, possibly using advanced features from ArmA3?
  22. TeTeT


    I don't think so, the animation for the crane (or however it is called) seems to be just fine for a zodiac. The larger minigunboat probably will not fit in as nicely.
  23. TeTeT


    The Zodiac station kind of works too, at least locally in SP. The original scripts use nearestObject, so I added a new global variable for the boat. Question is: does it work in Multiplayer? I use 'vehicle player' to get to the current boat at the water side of the station and don't know if that's safe to use in MP. Anyway, MP should be broken until you provide bmp.p3d to the server. Maybe via AiA? [edit] On the hook, I get two menu entries, not sure if they can be synchronized somehow?[/edit]
  24. TeTeT


    I've uploaded the changed scripts and config to http://tspindler.de/arma/changedScriptsConfigs.zip. The catapult start works now, as does the tailhook. Note that when you use the F-18 for Arma3, you have two tailhook entries. Use the one in blue. Also note that it's best to land from stern, as the script takes a while to start slowing down the plane. The other action is also available, also I have not much of an idea what it does ;) Note that you need to add any plane you want to provide the actions need to be placed in the NimitzPlanes array, for example from the init: NimitzPlanes = NimitzPlanes + [this]; I added this work around as the nearestObject function used in the original script does slow down ArmA3 considerable, including a complete freeze. If you want to test and experiment with the scripts, unpbo the carrier pbo and replace the scripts found in the script. Changelog:
  25. TeTeT


    I changed some of the scripts and haven't got any script errors on loading so far, but not sure if the carrier works completely. I removed the extra crew config, as I could not find a working base class for the soldiers. Any advice on what to chose for this?