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Posts posted by the1krisrob

  1. Hey don't get me wrong I'm really not complaining about the size or anything of CUP. I realise I chose to go with a cheap option for my first server (it's only for me and a few mates so $11/month for an 8 slot server here in NZ seemed fine to me)


    If anything I'm thankful for the solid state of the maps, we had a great time delivering freedom to Takistan and are now working in the "All our bar gates are 90 degrees offset" land of Sahrani and having a blast. The bar gate thing isn't even an issue, it's more a running joke with us.


    If anything my annoyance is that I can't stop steam automagically updating workshop addons, so if CUP updates we basically have to postpone our gaming session that night while I upload the update to the server. The 2 edged sword when it comes to steam workshop. But it's my choice to do it that way so I cannot complain one bit.


    You guy do any amazing job though with CUP and the community can't thank you enough for all the work you put in. Please keep it up.

  2. Is there any up to date video tutorials to show a complete noob how to set up an insurgency on any map?



    I second this.


    I learnt a lot from the ALiVE mission templates in this thread http://alivemod.com/forum/1059-mission-templates


    Also I'd suggest downloading Spyders Insurgency mission linked in the first post of that thread. It's very bare bones, but shows you exactly the simple framework for a solid insurgency mission. I'd also suggest finding Spyders Addons from the workshop. It's designed to work with ALiVE and gives a much better civilian interaction system.

    • Like 1

  3. You certainly should not round up all the civilians and put them in an internment camp so the insurgents have no recruiting base....


    Damnit I knew I forgot something. I've actually got a "rehabilitation area" in my current mission. I was meant to put a 1 hour period repeating trigger in that area and do something like 

    [getPos trigger1, [side player], -20] call ALIVE_fnc_updateSectorHostility;

    to try and bring them back to civilian status, but I can't find what the scale is. Like at what point are they friendly/neutral/hostile? Is it a 100 point scale or how does that work?

  4. When I try talking to civilians, they always say something like "This person is not interested in talking with you" or "This person clearly doesn't want to speak to the likes of you.".

    Their hostility is set to low towards my faction.


    What do I need to do, to get them talking? What kind of information can you actually get out of them?




    Honestly I'd do a quick search for Spyders Addons.

    They're designed to tap into ALiVE give you much better civilian interactions. Of course they can still refuse to talk to you if they hate your face.

  5. So it seems Alive ist spawning Units. But sometimes vehicles where spawn in an "shelter". In my case I mean the preplaced shelters on Takistan. Is it necessary to Index the Map Takistan, according to http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php/Map_Indexing. If an Index is needed, does anyone have one for Takistan? 


    Not 100% sure I understand what you mean here, are you trying to stop vehicles spawning in the hangers etc at the airfield?

    If that's the problem you can fix this by placing a marker over those buildings. Then I name it TAOR_NoSpawn (but you can call it what you like) then add that marker name to the blacklists and no units will spawn in there.

  6. And this is probably the most important thing, even if someone manage to create some type of realistic system which scales across all available calibers & bullets in the game, good luck on trying to get everyone to agree to use it ("No way man, a .40 is always better than a 9 mil!" "5.56 sux, its a var'met round!!!") or accommodate it in their mod. It would be amazing to see something like this in the game (for anyone who goes back that far, remember the old JAM "Joint Ammo and mags" for Operation Flashpoint which was one of the first mods that allowed ammo commonality based on caliber / platform (so M-16s could use the same mag as a CAR-15 and vice versa, same with AKs and RPKs). JAM was very widely used in OFP modding and was huge when it came out (among other things it had a HD "High Dispersion" ammo to help simulate inaccurate fire that you'd expect to receive from poorly trained militias / conscripts vs the pinpoint aimbotting that was far too often enemy fire in OFP.

    JAM was amazing, and I always thought that would be something that would be great if it was baked into CBA or something. Standardised rounds and armour values all balanced properly. That's why I actually keep going back to vanilla, at least you know everything has been made/balanced under the same set of "rules"  

    • Like 1

  7. Sort of off topic but relevant to the addon....  Is there a more effective method to upload this to a server?  My personal up to Gameservers.com is really bad and the entirety of this project will take for ever.  Apologies if this goes elsewhere but it seems like a good place to ask because those using this mod on a remote/hosted server will frequent this forum area.


    I just went through setting up a server this weekend, and faced the same issue. Downloading CUP isn't a problem, but uploading it to my server took a ridiculously long time thanks to NZ's ultra slow upload speeds.

    I emailed my host about it to see if there's any way to go straight from Steam to the server and they said in a "one off" type scenario they could do it manually for me. I just persevered and finished the upload myself. Now I dread the day steam automatically updates CUP for me and I have to go through that upload process all over again,  

  8. Just one thing I added a 

    deletevehicle _target 

    to the end just so I didn't have random guys standing around the base.


    I have noticed when I team switch into one of the recruited guys in my squad, sometimes they get booted from my squad is there a nice easy way around that?

    I'm currently playing your Insurgency ALiVE mission with a couple of tweaks (basically adding your addons for a little more immersion) and having a blast, as well as learning a lot for some missions I'm working on. 

  9. Hey Spyder, I just picked up the mod, and it's awesome, I've always used Bon's recruitment script, but your recruitment module and the vehicle spawner are amazing. 

    Just one quick thing, though, I've been through the thread and didn't see anyone else ask this, but is there a way to dismiss (despawn) a unit you've recruited? If not is that something you could include?

    It would be awesome to recruit some guys for one mission, then return to base and dismiss some of the units so you can head out in a smaller vehicle or something like that for your next mission.


    Thanks again for all your work, no this and in ALiVE

    • Like 1

  10. Just thinking about exclusion zones again because I'm stuck at work and what else is there to do besides think about ARMA?!?!


    If you create a trigger, set it repeatable, and OPFOR (or whatever side your have your zombies set to) present.

    Then in the activation field you basically say any unit OPFOR unit that enters the trigger gest setpos'd back say 0.2 or so, would that not be a VERY crude way of creating an exclusion zone?

    Basically you'd have any zombie that entered that trigger pushed back as if they hit an invisible wall.


    Would they keep bumping into it or eventually turn and walk a different direction if you have them set to roaming?


    As I say I'm stuck at work at the moment so I can't really test it but it seems to my feeble mind that it could work.

    Could also use markers + script I guess too? 

  11. Damn that's disappointing, although I had a sneaky suspicion that would be the case.

    I was hoping you could attachTo a game logic or something. I would have thought that would be the way to put radio chatter in vehicles.


    Maybe I just forego using 3DSound and just spawn a sound that follows the player and edit the sound in Audacity to sound like it's moving side to side at least to fake some 3D movement.



    *edit actually just using the voice option on a trigger and moving the trigger around the player works ok. Not as well as I hoped, but it'll be enough to disturb the player I hope :p

  12. I'm having a little trouble with a script I pulled from the forums which is uses the playSound3D command to play a sound local to the player.


    The script is simply 

    [-1, {
    	sleep 10;
    	MISSION_ROOT = str missionConfigFile select [0, count str missionConfigFile - 15];
    	playSound3D [MISSION_ROOT + "sounds\crying.ogg", player, false, getPos player, 5, 1, 75];
    ] call CBA_fnc_globalExecute;

    And it works fine when I call it from a trigger using 

    [] exec "creepycrying.sqf"

    Except that I get a code error when the trigger runs saying 

    Error generic error in expression

    So after some research I found this is because I should be using execVM or using the spawn command instead of the call command at the end of the script.
    Problem is if I change either of those the script just never seems to run. 

    Maybe I'm just not seeing the obvious solution, but that's because I'm still trying to get the hang of scripting, and get confused when there seems to be 2 commands for doing the exact same thing (I assume they're not but for a newbie it does seem that way at times)





    While I have you looking at the script how can it be modified so that the sound moves around the player? At the moment it simply "spawns" on the player's location at the time of the script running and stays there.

    I'd really like it if the sound could spawn to the players right (for instance) then if the player turns right to face it, the sound moves to his left, and then behind him etc etc if you get what I mean?


    Thanks for taking the time to look at my problem.


    When I first envisaged what I wanted I thought I'd be able to just use a trigger to play the sound, and then move the trigger around the player. But you don't seem to get the same customization with triggers.

  13. I noticed all the sounds appear listed in the trigger module.


    Yeah I tried that, but for some reason (probably my own incompetence) they never seem positional and you can often hear them even before being triggered.

    Maybe I just need to look at my triggers again



    Oh and I managed to get a zombie walking around on fire using the help I got in this thread

    Probably not the most CPU friendly way of doing it considering I attached 3 fire emitters to him, but it was a cool proof of concept I thought.


