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About Ssential

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  1. Ssential

    Farooq's Revive

    Great script, thanks! Is there a way to revive AI in MP sessions? As it is you can only revive AI in SP. Is there something preventing it to work in MP?
  2. First and foremost, thanks for this awesome tool! However I currently have a problem. When I say for example "Everyone, hold fire" it recognises that command but doesn't execute it or rather it executes it in a wrong way. Rather than ~ 3 1 it seems to do ~ 1, skipping the middle keys. The same happens when I say "Everyone assign team green" which results in ~ 2 instead of ~ 9 2. Another one is "Everyone, go prone". Instead of ~ 7 8 it does ~ 7, forgetting 8. "Everyone" by itself and any number like "Two","Three" etc. work, just not the combined command. Anyone have any ideas why this might happen? I do have the newest Articulate version and run it as admin. EDIT: I did the "obvious" and it worked after that. I deleted articulate completely from my system. Important: Delete the Articulate folder in AppData as well! Simply uninstalling Articulate won't do it. After I reinstalled it everything worked flawlessly. It was probably a remainder of an older articulate version which didn't update properly.
  3. I tried to create an "infinite" CAS training mission with Alive and took the MP version of Foursome as a base, especially for the new Jets (and the Hornet mod). However when I fly over the red squares shown on the map not a single enemy spawns. Only when I land somewhere and exit the vehicle I get quickly surrounded by enemies. I tried to fly slowly over the landscape (~120 km/h) and even then nothing spawned. This happens only when flying jets though, enemies spawn when flying helicopters or driving vehicles. Not really sure why this happens. Having such a CAS training mission would be pretty cool as it would create very unpredictable scenarios. Anyone else experienced this? I didn't change anything in the Foursome mission other than changing infantry and vehicle respawns for myself and the jets when they get destroyed.
  4. I've tried the SP showcase mission 'Foursome'. Everything works fine and it definitely shows the potential ALiVE has. The only problem is that there's just no way to save the game. Is saving disabled because it wouldn't be compatible with how ALiVE works or can you somehow enable it?
  5. Yup, I think they want to provide a consistent gameplay experience which is totally fine. It won't split the community up into hundreds of smaller communities with their own little mods trying to get enough people to play on their server with this and that mod and this and that gameplay rule etc.
  6. There actually are German servers in the PR mod for BF2 so if the player base is large enough for this mod it sure will have German server, but not all the people in there speak German, not at all. I think your best bet would be to find a german community playing PR:Arma2 and join their squad when they play. I don't think there will be german-only server, but there sure will be german-only squads ;)
  7. Heh had the same problem. Stupid ULB just won't stop flying in circles :rolleyes: This game would be so much better if there weren't all those bugs... Mission Timer isn't a bug but it's still stupid. There was no warning, I did not even know why the mission failed so I definitely didn't want to try again. So what did I do? I restarted and crashed the chopper somewhere. That's the spirit!!! Same on the One Week Later mission. I didn't know why the mission failed. I had to look on the forums to find out that you have to cripple your reinforcement so the chopper won't kill them. LOL It's still a good game but I just can't stand things like that. It makes the game so nonprofessional... And there's also the AI, drives me nuts. Can path-finding really be so difficult? I mean 15 year old strategy games did it better. Both in 2D and 3D :-(
  8. Ssential

    One Week Later

    Yup, that's the solution. Did the same, worked for me and others. Kinda funny what Arma2 bugs make you do.
  9. Yup same problem. In ULB it says Ammo: 0.0. It doesn't change anything when I rearm back at the base ... It seems like I have to kill those stations on foot ... :rolleyes: EDIT: Found something You might want to check this thread out: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=103381