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About l4rs1988

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  1. Hello! I'm trying to import the shapefile for some roads into my map but the resulting splines are always all over the place and with the wrong size. I've used the SHP generated by Game Terrain Tool for QGIS and others created manually by me in QGIS with the same result. I think that's probably caused by the wrong CRS but I can't figure out what my map in Enfusion is using. Any help? Thank you!!
  2. l4rs1988

    How do i make shell craters?

    Maybe you can sculpt the terrain down by pressing Alt with the Sculpt tool, or you can create a custom model of the crater
  3. Hi, when I go under "Official" tab in the launcher the page keeps loading but don't show anything. The page "Internet" shows thousands of servers as always but if I filter "official" in the search bar it shows nothing again. I've noticed that the ingame server browser shows the Official servers correctly... Any idea of why the launcher's not working as intended? I've already reset the settings and cleared the Steam download cache. Thanks!
  4. Ok I think I have finally fixed the problem: I've requested a static IP to my ISP and so long it's working as intended. Thank you all for the help!
  5. I've checked and it's correct. I'll try to connect another pc directly to the modem and see if the problem persists, otherwise I don't really know what to do. I've read that it can be related to the NAT tables but I'm not an expert at all...
  6. Unluckily I can't test with another wire because it's fixed, but I don't think that's the problem, when i'm ingame everything works flawless, it's just the damn server browser. I've done this test: http://www.dslreports.com/tools/pingtest and it says that everything is perfect (A+)
  7. I've connected my Pc directly to the modem, bypassing the router, but the problem it's still there.
  8. I've already disabled the DDos protection but sadly nothing changed. Actually the PC is connected with the ethernet cable, I'll try wirelessly maybe
  9. I have noticed that I can fix the problem setting the "max pings per minute" value to 250, but than it takes ages to fill the server list. What I can't understand it's how a high end router like the ac5300 can't handle this...
  10. I've noticed that using the server browser in the Launcher completely kills my connection and I must exit the launcher and wait a couple of minutes before it goes back. The problem seems to appear when the list reach 1500 or so servers, before it seem fine but not always. I've tried pretty much any fix I've found without success (lowering max ping/minute, setting CafeRate in the registry, contacting my ISP, changing router firmware). My router is a Asus Gt AC5300 so it's pretty powerful, and have the DoS prevention function disabled. Any ideas? Thank you for your help!