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About n00bd00d

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  1. Ahh... I thought it said somewhere that although not strictly necessary, you could use one to direct mortar fire more effectively (thinking about it: indirect fire, why would the mortar team need laser guidance...?) And so I haven't called in any mortar fire yet. Duuhh... ok. Question answered then, thanks.
  2. Yeah yeah, I know that. Re-read the post. But getting the laser requires two clicks/actions from the player and somehow I didn't complete (thought I did). Since I had a good campaign start I didn't want to restart all over again, so I thought 'wth, I'll just restock or find another one somewhere'. Only I haven't been able to so far, which is why I'm posting. Now I'm deeper still into the campaign and would reeeaally prefer it if I didn't have to restart but at the same time the loss of the laser is becoming a serious problem. That 81 mm option can be quite useful and tempting at times, you know, the reason why mortars were invented in the first place I guess.
  3. Got the game recently (had to wait this long for a computer able to run it - anyway, two years later I'm still so very impressed). I had forgot to run the patch and had to restart the single player campaign due to a bug. I must have been a little sloppy because somehow I didn't pick up the laser designator in the first mission. Now a bit later into the game, I could REALLY use it, but I can't find a new one. Anywhere (specific) I can get it?