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Everything posted by crazyirish93

  1. crazyirish93

    Realistic AKs

    surely theres a ticket or something on dev-heaven on this by now. im goin to check the sights on my deactivated ak tomorrow and see what they are like ill try post a pic of how it looks down the sights
  2. crazyirish93

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    the reason why back ups are important
  3. crazyirish93


    ^^ yes a flash light like that would be a very nice addition
  4. crazyirish93

    What's next after Arrowhead?

    free bis made maps including more western European style maps on the scale of cherno and taki would be nice
  5. crazyirish93

    Russia, return or someone new?

    Russia with a proper spectrum of weapons and units and being able to play from the Russian side and not special forces at least at the start
  6. crazyirish93

    6 DLC Suggestions (incl. USMC) POLL

    i would prefer a fully fledged expansion updating the Russian and USMC factions and possibly adding the PLA for a three way cluster****
  7. severely disappointed with this dlc