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Everything posted by Coffeecat

  1. Video of my Sp Mission Mountain Warriors, not made by me.
  2. Biki says "no longer relevant for Arma2", so is there a new command or cant we hide the notepad on the mapscreen no more? http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/showPad
  3. ah didnt know that the first number is the layer, works fine now thank you!:)
  4. _showtime = [ [2009,10,9,4,30], //--- Start time [2009,10,9,5,10], //--- End time 50 ] call bis_fnc_showTime; sleep 5; exit; this is working fine in my sqf, but how can i make the time disappears again?
  5. Yea i tried to cut it with RscCuts but that doesnt work. Would be nice if you could see how it worked for you, ty!
  6. Coffeecat

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 78188

    Yes, i can confirm that. Empty vehicles and obstacles which are placed are not seen by AI drivers. I placed a wreck on the street and the UAZ was repeating to crash into it instead searching a way around it.
  7. You dont have to uninstall the game. it will not help. start the game as admin and it works;)
  8. while {player distance AA1>=10} do { gun1 doWatch target1; sleep 2; gun1 fire "D30"; sleep 10; }; if (player distance AA1<=10) then {aa1 action ["Eject", gun1] AA1 doMove getMarkerPos "marker1"}; Exit; AA1 is a soldier who fires the D30 Artillery. Problem is, he ejects when im close, but he doesnt move to the marker. After ejecting from the Gun he moves for 2 secounds and jumps into it back.
  9. I dont know what went wrong somehow my thread is duplicated, pls delete one... while {player distance AA1>=10} do { gun1 doWatch target1; sleep 2; gun1 fire "D30"; sleep 10; }; [color="Red"] if (player distance AA1<=10) then {aa1 action ["Eject", gun1] AA1 doMove getMarkerPos "marker1"};[/color] Exit; AA1 is a soldier who fires the D30 Artillery. Problem is, he ejects when im close, but he doesnt move to the marker. After ejecting from the Gun he moves for 2 secounds and jumps into it back. Im just starting with sqf scripting, so excuse noob failures. After the red marked condition is true, the script is ended right?
  10. i added the semilcon but for some reason he still gets back into the gun doing nothing.
  11. What i want to do is simulating AA Fire from a ZU32 and artillery fire from a Chdkz Grad. I tried several things but nothing, only fire the weapon blind works. 1. I created a gamelogic in the height 100, called it "target_1". Then i placed a Zu32 Chdkz and called it AA_1. What i tried: AA_1 doFire target1; AA_1 commandFire target1; _handle =AA_1 fireAtTarget [target1]; i tried it via trigger and also in a sqf file which i called with null=execVM"script.sqf"; Nothing of the stuff works, what im doing wrong?:confused:
  12. Thanks! that allready helped me pretty much. Im using Zu32 doWatch Target1, where Target one is a civipad in the height of 100. then im firing the weapon blind and it shoots in the direction, in this case in the air:) but it would be cool if we had invisible targets added for vanilla or at least be able to fire at gamelogics! i also dont play with addons...
  13. Coffeecat

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 78183

    Is the new SimpleFirstAid Module broken? If im squadleader and sync it to myself the units i command cant die
  14. Coffeecat

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 78183

    Hey suma, some time back i read that there will be fixes for broken/wrong voices in the Harvest Red campaign. Related to this voice sample problem, it would be nice if you guys could look into the SOM Module issue: http://dev-heaven.net/issues/14278
  15. Coffeecat

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 78183

    My first impression of this beta is good. Textures seems to pop up much less then before, specially when looking through scopes. What does stronger signature check mean? ty BIS!
  16. I want to place RU Mines in the Editor and have the task to disarm them, about 10 mines. Is there a way to check via trigger if the 10 mines are all deactivated? I searched but i cant find any solution? only found the action commands for disarming mines. Thanks..!
  17. thanks! i understand the concept of checking the vector of the mine, also i can place the mines via code. now im curious how exactly the code to check the vectors of like 10 mines with name for example:mine1, mine2 and so one would look like
  18. Coffeecat

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 77819

    http://dev-heaven.net/issues/17462 Choppers are wobbling nose up and down in autohover http://dev-heaven.net/issues/17493 Minor bug but annoying in cutscenes, should be fixed in 1 minute vote pls!
  19. Yea copying the link worked also now, ty & sorry for my newbness:rolleyes:
  20. yea it works in sqs cutscenes, thanks my fault;)
  21. Im using this code in a trigger, which works pretty good so far. i just have no clue how to change the size of the text. help would be really appreciated...! 0 = ["Make the text bigger!!!",0,0.84,5,1] spawn bis_fnc_dynamictext
  22. there was no message that i have to activate it, but i dont got a activation mail also. if i click onto the link i get in my box with a new message but the send to field is empty for some reason...
  23. Yea i did that. For some reason im get linked in my mailbox on googlemail but i dont have your email adress in it. Im not familar with the googlewave stuff, but i created a livemessage where your post said reply here. The problem is that i created a account on dev heaven, but i cant login, it says wrong pass/user.