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About tommo8993

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. oh, did as you said and now the campaign is also there... it wasnt earlier... Thanks anyway
  2. This may of been mentioned but i cant find anything. Ive recently upgraded my pc. So i go to steam and install my copies of ARMA 2, OA and the dlcs that ran fine on my last PC. But now I have no "launch combined operations" option when i start the games up. Any help appreciated.
  3. didn't know their was a falklands mod, do you need any help. I have excellent knowlege of 20th century british military history.
  4. WOW, i hope you do a release for dunkeque and the battle of france.
  5. tommo8993

    Real life.

    I dont think i'll buy this until there is a decent real life mod or addon.
  6. tommo8993

    Finding evidence.

    nevermind, i just captured chernogosk and they came back, but thanks anyway:)
  7. Ok, i need to find evidence of chadaki atrocites. How do i find this eveidence, where is it. I'm really lazy lol, i cant be botherd trapsing round the map trying to find mass graves ect ect.
  8. tommo8993

    Sandbox missions.

    ok, ive found the seize zones maps, they are pretty much what i was after. Is there anything similar to them?
  9. tommo8993

    Sandbox missions.

    I dont know the term used to refer to them, but is there any user-made missions that are like war welcome or freedom fighters, with the base building section and squad buying ect ect.
  10. I dont get what's supposed to happen i'm in the chopper on the BAF 1st mission, then missile alert and it hits, i crash and die.
  11. I plan to buy this game but i think it would be 1000 times better if it was a real life carrier e.g. nimitz class and set in the present day. Now i'm not asking you to change the whole game but will it be mod-able to make this happen.
  12. I'm new to the site and i was wondering if their were and campaigns/ missions about the british army, i have the British DLC but i was wondering if there was a falklands mission or campaign, i know there is a map for the falkands but thats all i could find.