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About eLectryx

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Hi all: Looking for a bit of help on something. I have a trigger called gotoprison. The cond is score player < -50 and in the activation I have prison = [] execVM "go_to_prison.sqf"; The trigger and script fire just fine. The problem is in the script. Basically I am trying to check if a player is inside a vehicle, and if so, move him out before doing the attachTo. If not, just do the attachTo. Now when I had just the attachTo and removeAllWeapons in the trigger, it worked fine UNLESS the player was in a vehicle which is why I went to a script solution instead. Basically, I can't even get past the if statement. Any assistance appreciated. _player = (list gotoprison) select 0; _vehicle = vehicle _player; if(_vehicle != _player) then { hint "recognizes I am in a vehicle"; unassignvehicle _player; sleep 0.3; _player attachTo [prison,[-0.0,-1.5,-0.6]]; removeAllWeapons _player; }; else { _player attachTo [prison,[-0.0,-1.5,-0.6]]; removeAllWeapons _player; };
  2. Hi madbull: Using this script for our public server as we love the extra realism it brings to the table. I'm wondering about a way to deter griefers who may go into the computer and compute and order fire missions for say 999 rounds and so have several questions: 1. Is there a way to prevent more than one mission at a time being ordered to any particular AI or player? Example: Player orders 3 AI gunners to fire 999 rounds, then sends another order for 999 rounds etc. 2. Is there a way to limit the number of rounds may be fired in a mission? Thanks, -e
  3. eLectryx

    Map Grids

    Thanks Nou. You know us artillery types, a little anal about maps and grid references ;)
  4. eLectryx

    Map Grids

    Hello: I apologize in advance if these questions have been answered somewhere, I have looked around and not been able to figure it out. Given this: class Grid: Grid { offsetX = 10240; offsetY = 10240; class Zoom1 { zoomMax = 0.15; format = "XY"; formatX = "000"; formatY = "000"; stepX = 100; stepY = -100; }; class Zoom2 { zoomMax = 0.85; format = "XY"; formatX = "00"; formatY = "00"; stepX = 1000; stepY = -1000; }; class Zoom3 { zoomMax = 1e+030; format = "XY"; formatX = "0"; formatY = "0"; stepX = 10000; stepY = -10000; }; }; My questions are as follows: 1. Is the zoom level relative to the map size? 2. Is the offset above indicative of the map size in px or is that meters? 3. If I wish to allow players to zoom in on the map but only wish grids to show at maximum 00,00 (therefore having to use the ACE protractor to work out the 6 or 8 digit grids) how do I modify this accordingly? Thanks, -e
  5. Is there an updated server key available for 179? Thanks, -e
  6. Hi all: I've noticed that when I use a teleport script on a mission there seems to be a bit of an issue. After I teleport or on map load there's a delay on getting any scroll-wheel options on any objects. I'm sure it's related to addaction but I just can't seem to figure out the issue. Any ideas? Thanks, -e
  7. eLectryx

    ARMA 2 Patching FAQ

    Unfortunately not, but thanks for the reply.
  8. eLectryx

    ARMA 2 Patching FAQ

    Hey there: I have a buddy with the following: Windows 7 Premium Arma 2 1.10 from the disc version in Program Files/Bohemia Interactive/Arma 2 Arma 2 OA from steam. I downloaded the 1.05-1.11 patch and extracted it to his Arma2 folder. When I run it, it extracts and then I get an error that the installation cannot be found or the installation is corrupt. However, Arma2 does run with no issues showing the 1.10.xxx version. I don't see the extracted files anywhere. I ran the patch as administrator. Any ideas? Thanks.
  9. Thanks for all the help fellas. I tried the trigger a couple times, can't see what the issue is. I just wrapped up my spawn script in the loop from Twirly and it works great. Thanks again.
  10. Ok, done. Still just fires the once. (Thanks for your help btw)
  11. Right. So it only fired off the once. I have it set to BLUFOR Present, Repeatedly with a radius of the entire map.
  12. Well, it fired it off on map start which is good. I got my first 24. But it only fired the once. (I changed the trigger to Repeatedly) How long in between checks?
  13. I thought I'd add onto this thread as it had a great title for what I am trying to do. Here's the situation: I have a BLUFOR base that will be attacked by randomly spawned groups of 24 OPFOR. What I need is a trigger to call the spawn. What I am thinking is that I never want more than 72 OPFOR on the map. I've scripted the spawning, but I need help with the trigger. I was thinking of a trigger that counted the number of AI OPFOR on the map and when the number went to ~50 or so it would fire off the script, spawning another 24. Any ideas? Thanks, -e
  14. The code below works just fine. Tested with armoured and wheeled vehicles in A2/OA and Ace2. this addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {false}]; Put it in the init line of your camnet.