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Everything posted by babylonjoke

  1. whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!??!?! enigma!!!!!! u havnt got arma2!!!!!!! how do i kill you on multiplayer gameplay now?? im sad.
  2. uhm...darkest blue should be better anyway...this is what i like to see..yeah baby...ah oh, and cockepits? p.s. fuckin great work
  3. this would be great see the infantry uniforms...i saw there only airborne uniforms(and i like) =D...maybe its a surprise?:confused: ehm i just reviw the beton vid about omaha beach, trenches looks awesome and i think create the same on the ground of normandy is a great idea...
  4. babylonjoke

    September 1939 Mod

    thanks all for the great job you are doing...very great stuffs!!!
  5. hello guys, its long time i dont see wip ...and i am worried please let us see something or ill never sleep tonight!:D
  6. Should be great create a very little city for MP footage.:don 11: Anyway ... im just waiting that
  7. congratulations for the new vehicles! and finally new maps! How big are them?
  8. babylonjoke

    Hell in the Pacific MOD

    hey guys whats up?i got a quest, are you making the lvt too?(and some cargo ships?) ... anyway....some new wip? ;D
  9. to blow up the telephone poles before the invasion ... and help allied in to the invasion...ah.. cant wait to see the list of features :dancehead: Any infantry wip???:803:
  10. No comment. Incredible... i cant wait to fly with my spitfire under the Eiffel Tower...rotfl
  11. babylonjoke

    Hell in the Pacific MOD

    pls donnot forget the P-40 :o
  12. OMG Paris!!THAT'S THE WAY AH AH I LIKE IT so, i will try learn to use the map editor....so ill make for you a map one day...on my honor :)
  13. babylonjoke

    Hell in the Pacific MOD

    ohu, well , surely only be kept on the infantry is like masturbating and stop before having an orgasm. It would be much better to have a Carrier with "Wildcat" "Sdb" or "Corsair"...or at least have the naval battles, where the map is made up to 80% water and 20% of land .... here, this would be like masturbating with compressed air...:j: So,pls answer XxEnigmaxX's quest!!!:D
  14. babylonjoke

    Hell in the Pacific MOD

    Bruma!!!! im masturbing
  15. babylonjoke

    Hell in the Pacific MOD

    Good island , good texture and good 3d models.Will you make other islands?Will be there playable airplane and boats(or ships)??Is this mod in collaboration with FoW? Pls answer. p.s. I am excited at the thought of playing online with this!!!!Good work.
  16. Happy new year FoW team!!!i waited a long time now i can finally say 2011, the year of the relase has arrived(i hope)=D
  17. ahahah good rip...its one of the wrost tank i have ever seen on arma... ahahahahha that's like "army man"(the game for playstation1)...aahhahahahhahaha...but i think u have made new one now...you've had an experience
  18. congratulation rip! very great city :)do not forget the bridges..LOL
  19. Great!!! so will you replace it with a good trexure?? ah...who is workin on the map?? beton??? I would like to congratulate him!!!!!I think the city needs a bit of animation .. type benches fountains and some other varieties....
  20. I am very happy to see Nebelwerfer =) i think there is something wrong in the map ...i think atmosphere or ground trexure...uhm....however the units are fuckin greats !!...thanks for these gifts