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Everything posted by babylonjoke

  1. Indeed, it's not :/ Let's hope for better air simulation on A3 have fun
  2. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?134440-Unsung-Vietnam-War-Mod-Version-2-5-Discussion New thread about the next release
  3. Very nice, I like those models so much!! Am I wrong or those faces are from A1?
  4. Very nice gnat but what you mean with "real turrets"? By the way I really enjoyed myself during the beta test... awesome mod ! Awesome mission! Awesome pinky sweety balls!
  5. babylonjoke

    Hell in the Pacific MOD

    A bit strange mesh and texture :j:
  6. babylonjoke

    Hell in the Pacific MOD

    Actually no one is working on destroyer ship, so if you have time you could start with that one,we would be pleased... and would be perfect for the maps we are going to release for first .. We don't care so much about take features private, actually we are showing most of the features of the mod :). The secret features are the hypothetical features, that we can't confirm yet :) Thank you :D
  7. babylonjoke

    Hell in the Pacific MOD

    Thanks Raptor I guess we already have an LST under construction...but we don't know yet the status of the model, I guess Gachopin or Kudo are working on it. Everything you want to make that is in relation with the pacific theater during WW2 is welcome, so yes, why not? USNS Mercy It's a bit too much recent, not really ww2 period..But would be cool to have the balsa wood life raft. We have a couple of them low poly as static on the attack transport ship made by Waxbutter. So would be nice have them as drivable raft and a bit more high poly. The priority by the way goes all on the USN , because actually the maps we are going to release for first, are all about US beach landings. (But indeed if you want to make a IJN ship you can! :D) And definitely yes, the ships need to move :D
  8. Love your works fox..now I'm waiting arma 3 more excited! :D
  9. Oh my god, thats great!!! Is this gear selection only for british? or will be possible to costumize also Us/German soldiers in some mission?
  10. babylonjoke

    Hell in the Pacific MOD

    Holy sh** that looks awesome, check PM mate :D
  11. babylonjoke

    Hell in the Pacific MOD

    All the ships and all the planes used during the war. eheh Why are you asking that, do you want to help us? :) All 3d artists ,scripters ,mission makers or anyone that can help are always welcome! :D
  12. Hell yeah! Amazing sounds!
  13. babylonjoke

    Submarines and Naval Battles

    As gnat sed, walkable decks that's what arma series really need from vbs (and the gore but it's offtopic) I see pretty usless a frigate without any chanche to walk on or inside... Anyone know if they are going to increment the size supportable for oxygen?as I know it's a pain in the ass work with proxies, don't have those kida of updates wouldn't help modders jump over the sea battles...
  14. babylonjoke

    AH-64 Pack

    I know that probably would increment the polycount, but maybe if you mirror , and then add some variations with insigna, or bullet hit, or wreck thing with a plane applyed on the mesh with an alpha channel would be the best. But all depends on the actual polycount model. Bad compromise, more resolution but more polycount too, or less resolution with less polycount.
  15. babylonjoke

    Hell in the Pacific MOD

    Some crate screen, there will be more, like bazooka rockets, explosive crate, grenade crate, mortar crate etc etc. Each weapons will have their crates As you can see, there is also the 1 pound block demolition charge, with a variaton of 3 of them attached togheter for a total of 3 pound demo charge, for a nice epic blast. Also working on the torpedo bangalore which will include 2 variations : 1,5 meters and 3 meters, with different blasts, with of course his personal crate.
  16. babylonjoke

    Hell in the Pacific MOD

    Small update on the M1A1 Thompson, Resized,Added holes in the wood, and improved textures. Here is some render. (if the images are too big please report it, I can't actually see the really size on the web, but on my hd are around 97kbs) I have started work on some US ammo box too. To give more immersive supply, I will create different crates for different ammo and (almost) historically correct. All suggestions and feedback are always welcome!
  17. babylonjoke

    Disabling TAB lock

    I guess this is wrong section mate , go there :D ---> http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?93-ARMA-2-amp-OA-MISSIONS-Editing-amp-Scripting
  18. babylonjoke

    Hell in the Pacific MOD

    Small Update Thompson M1A1 WIP, still need to finish the normal map. @Simcardo, unfortunately we are not able to say any eta. I hope soon also because I want to play! :)
  19. babylonjoke

    Does jogging and running seem odd?

    aahaha that's exactly what I thought...I guess and I hope it's not the final version... Btw all the others new animations are perfect...just this run animation it's a bit...strange
  20. Nice one guys! I really like the new foliage...
  21. babylonjoke

    Operation E3

    One day instead of Call of duty big wall poster in E3 there will be BOHEMIA INTERACTIVE ARMA 4. You will have a big room, and call of duty will heve this tiny spot. Becouse actually that's what you deserve. Keep it up guys
  22. babylonjoke

    Ragdolls = In .... Realistic wounds ???

    Check VBS 2.0 video in preview page...VBS did a big jump forward there. VBS and Arma are sharing contents ... right? Why Arma3 then don't have this kida of stuffs, this kinda of wound system...that's something that I don't get...clarification anyone?
  23. babylonjoke

    Ragdolls = In .... Realistic wounds ???

    I say yes to the gore, much more immersive...if they put dayz (which as nothing to do with arma) as official part of gameplay I don't see why don't put gore at this point...or not? :)