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Posts posted by engima

  1. Thanx for the replies! Please correct me if I'm wrong, but if a unit is 100 m away from me and facing the other direction, isn't its knowsAbout value 0 until he turns around and detects me? It's units like that I would like to reveal myself to immideately. And if its knowsAbout is 0 I cannot use knowsAbout. I want to find out if he potentially *can* detect me, not if he has already.

  2. Thing is, I want to manually determine if the enemy units can see the player group before I reveal player group to them. Right now, upon detection, I reveal player group to all enemy groups within 350 meters. I want enemies to react, like they heard the sound, even if they were not in the group that actually detected the players. My solution works fine in daytime and clear weather, but as you understand it works badly in conditions of bad visibility (like heavy fog). So in my script, in some way, I need to know how far the visibility is. The game does this all the time, so I wonder if there is a way for me to get that "visibility value" too?

  3. Hi!

    I am looking for a way to find out how good visibility AI (and player) have in "current ciscumstances". What I want to do is reveal (script command "Reveal") player group to all enemy units within visual distance, but that distance is a variable distance, depending on current ligth/darkness and weather conditions. Is there an easy way to do that through some fancy script command, or do I have to test all possible conditions (different time of days, fog and rain) to se how good visibility there is?

  4. y4mbkzsx5nfFzJiufH_zr2XD9QmodKzxbUlLkBlK

    Operation Black Bio

    by Engima

    (Download it at Armaholic)


    This is my first mission that goes on to release. It's a well tested mission that I have worked on for a lot of time, so I hope you will enjoy it! All feedback you can come up with is very welcome!


    Government Army of Lingor (GAL) has for two months had an agent placed in Conoteta to spy on a suspected BIO project, by the americans called "Black BIO", on a compound built by the rebel group Armadas Revolucionarias de Lingor (ARL) some months earlier. There is a great misgiving that project Black BIO is an attempt to create a new powerful terror weapon. Especially since recent sources seem to prove that the project has some very powerful as well as unofficial stakeholders. A week ago a group of american pilots arrived to Lingor's southern airbase to participate in a joint exercise with GAL.


    Escort Freebird along the eastern coast to position Alpha. Once there, the escorts are to move in over the island to find the agent's exact location, and to clear the island from any enemy units that may cause a threat to Freebird. It's hard to tell exactly where the agent may be hiding, but according to his message he should be somewhere near position W. However, this is dependent of enemy troop movements and his current possibilities to remain hidden. Our agent will notify you of his presence in some way, probably with some colored smoke, and when you find him, report the position to Freebird. On go code Alpha Freebird will assume the path is clear and move in to pick up agent. As soon as Freebird has agent on board, return to base! If anything goes wrong, then improvise!


    • 4 spots. AI enabled or disabled.
    • Respawn SIDE (No respawn or respawn into AI units)


    Put the .pbo-file in you MPMissions folder in the ArmA game folder.


    ArmA 2 Combined Operations

    Lingor Island (v1.1)

    Lingor Units

    Credits & Thanks

    Tophe, Milton & Tobias of Östgöta Ops

  5. Daza, I'm currently having exactly the problem you describe. Did you find out what was the problem?

    ---------- Post added at 09:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:09 PM ----------

    AHA! Problem is encoding. My intro.sqs was saved with UTF-8. Saved it as ANSI, and now it works perfectly! First characters in a file stores the encoding, but ArmA2 probably reads them as part of first line, which generates the "invalid number".

  6. Ok, now I know a little more! I've tried a lot of different things, and found out that the unit's objectives list that I see in end debriefing belong to the unit which I played when mission started. I mean, if I started mission as player "p1", then switch to "p2" and then finishes mission as "p2", then I will see p1's objectives list in the end debriefing screen. And if p1 dies before I end mission (and I am p2), then i will get a blank screen.

    So conclusion is, the game itself somehow keeps track of who was my initial unit. Question is, is there a workaround if I still want to see the whole list of objectives no matter if my original unit is still alive or not? Anyone?

    sxp2high, you said that the tasks are for players only, but I think they actually should be assigned per unit. You see that if you switch unit and check tasks on map (or by just pressing 'J'). Thank you very much for your efforts!

  7. Thanks, but that solution doesn't work. Using your code adds a new task to the unit each time i perform a team switch into it. So I get duplicate tasks. And the main problem still remains. If I team switch, kill the leader, wait until a new leader is assigned and then end mission, I get a debriefing screen with an empty list of objectives.

    Viper, I did use the search a lot. And there are thousands of briefing threads, but no one seem to have had this very problem. I find it a bit strange, because it would be a problem for every mission with playable units and possibility to team switch between them. Maybe I'm missing something very basic, but please someone, help! I really need to learn what is going on here...!

  8. Dear ArmA2 editing friends!

    I'm about to release my first mission, but I need assistance with the tasks. I've encountered the following really strange behaviour:

    I have made a test mission with three playable units and one single task (Move to the barrel!), and I run it as Preview from the editor. The task is assigned to all three units like this:

    unit1task1 = p1 createSimpleTask ["Move to barrel!"];
    unit1task1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Move to barrel!", "Move to barrel!", ""];
    unit2task1 = p2 createSimpleTask ["Move to barrel!"];
    unit2task1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Move to barrel!", "Move to barrel!", ""];
    unit3task1 = p3 createSimpleTask ["Move to barrel!"];
    unit3task1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Move to barrel!", "Move to barrel!", ""];

    The mission has one end trigger, and when it triggers I am usually presented with the debriefing screen that contains a list of all tasks (objectives).

    Now, if my character (who is the group leader) dies and I team switch to another unit in the group, then I will get the correct objectives list only if the group has not yet been assigned a new actual.


    However, if the group has been assigned a new actual (which happens automatically in a matter of seconds), then the debriefing screen will be just blank.


    How can that be, and what am I missing here?

    Thankful for any help!

  9. Ok, I've checked, and you have two errors. On line 23 you should use double qoutes (""we're ready"") instead of single ("we're ready"). And on line 14 you have entered the erronous "tskobj2" that should be "tskobj_2".

    If you're not using Squint for editing (an editor that notifies you about such mistakes while editing) you can start ArmA2 with parameter "-showscripterrors" to see script errors when mission starts.

  10. That's almost exactly how I do it too. Only difference is that I use arrays.

    But my problem is not during the mission. Everything works just fine until mission ends and I see the debriefing screen/dialog. If I don't die during the mission, I see all tasks/objectives, succeeded or failed or whatever and everything is fine. But if I die and team switch into an AI team member, and then finishes the mission, then all tasks seem ok *until* mission ends and the debriefing dialog shows up blank. Why is it blank? All tasks for the current unit is obviously there just a moment before...?

  11. Ok, now I do the task stuff in another way. I simply create all tasks for all players on all machines. And when I update a task state, I do it on all playable unit's on all machines. Everything works great, including team switching, but if I die and then team switch I get a blank task list (objectives) in the debriefing screen. Why? Before mission ends my tasks are perfectly updated. Isn't it the tasks referenced by my local variables that shows up in the debriefing task list?

  12. Hi!

    I have almost finished my first co04 mission, but before release I must solve one last problem concerning the tasks.

    The tasks are initialized in init.sqf (task1 = player createSimpleTask ["xxx"]), and I use respawn "SIDE" in description.ext. Problem is that a player who dies, and by that respawn into another AI group member, lose all his tasks, and the task list ('J') appears blank for that player. I want each player to have their tasks with their current task states, regardless of how many times they respawn. How can I manage that?

    Thankful for any help!
