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Everything posted by engima

  1. allowDamage only works if player is not in a vehicle.
  2. engima

    [CAMP] Chasing Grim Reaper

    SaOk! I just recently downloaded this campapign and tried the first scenario, and it really looks promising! I like the sense of quality and immersion, and I will definitely try this out for real! Just one thing: I don't know if I just had really bad luck, but the only time i died everything went "red". I waited to see what would happen, and some minutes later (maybe one of the AI healed me) I seemed to be on my feet again, but everything was still "red" like I was injured, I could fire the gun, but I had no options and I walked very slowly. Like I was in some state och a living dead... I had no option but to end game and hope this will not happen next time. Anything you know about?
  3. My guess is that your trigger condition starts the script every time it checks if it's true, and therefore it's always evaluated to false. Your second condition does not start the script, and therefore it works. Try your trigger condition as a waypoint condition, checking the script handle instead of starting the script.
  4. I've heard once that you can put a laser marker anywhere, and when a jet sees it it will attack. I have never tried though, so I don't know if it actually works. Another way is to record a bombing run of the hill and then play the recorded sequence in your mission.
  5. Use a global numeric variable, increase its value for every evidence found, and use a trigger with condition var == 3
  6. You can have a global array on the server: civKillCounts = []; civKillCounts set [0, [p1, 0]]; civKillCounts set [1, [p2, 0]]; ... And then you increase the second value that corresponds to player killing a civilian at first index.
  7. Look into scripting and you will find a whole new world of possibilities! It takes some time to learn if you are completely new to it, but it's definitely worth it!
  8. Yes, that rule appiles. If the player unit would not be local to current client it would be victim to server lag. Also, if a player drives a car, the car becomes local to the player for the same reason.
  9. I agree that this could be better in the editor. I hope that the Arma 3 editor will have these kinds of improvements. But for now unfortunately we have to stick with this individual unit management in the editor (unless we use scripts as mentioned above of course).
  10. engima


    Correct! I've run into this several times to, but starting to learn. The theory is this: Until a variable is initilalized (by being assigned a value) it is regarded as "uninitialized" (isNil "variable" == true). If an uninitialized value appears in a condition, the condition is regarded not true nor false (so an if clause would not be executed, nor its else clause). In an ordinary simple trigger this is not a problem. You usually only have statements to execute if the condition is true, and nothing to execute if it's false or uninitialized. But in your exemple you need to be aware of this.
  11. "respawn" is not a command that makes the squad respawn. It only informs the UPSMON script that the squad is created dynamically, because it handles something (for me unknown) differently on dynamically created units. You must implement the respawning yourself (script commands createGroup and createUnit), and then start UPSMON like: [_leader, "pp", "respawn"] execVM "upsmon.sqf";
  12. Hi there! I need help with my paradrop script. The enemy AI units ejects, but some of them doesn't seem to have parachutes, so they just falls to the ground and dies. Their parachutes actually opens later, but fall empty to the ground. I use the following code: { unassignVehicle _x; _x action ["eject", _chopper]; waituntil {vehicle _x != _chopper}; sleep 0.5; } foreach _dropUnits; I've read about a few who have had similar problems, but no solution yet solves the problem for me. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong, or if there is a good workaround for this? Thanks!
  13. Yes, fencr0c. That's exactly what happens. After some tests I can see that this often happens on clients when there are a lot of scripts running, but it doesn't seem to happen on server (hosted). The computer that paradrop units are local to seem to handle them quite well. This must be a bug. In the script I try to find the units that does not have a parachute: if (vehicle _unit == _unit) then but to no avail. Server seem to think that units are attached to parachutes. I will try to find some kind of workaround...
  14. Maybe a solution would be to set units in different groups with their own guard waypoints. So they all attack. Script commands nearTargets, reveal, knowsAbout can probably be used to solve your problem in a "quite simple" way if your familiar with sqf scripting.
  15. Hi Only thing I see right now is your default value. It should be 600 or 1200 (one of the values in the values[] array). If you do not set it explicitly, and default value is 1 as in your example, I guess the current paramsArray value will be undefined. And also, the paramsArray is not accessible in SP mode (when you preview from editor). It is only accessible in MP, unless you code for it. There is a code snippet that enables paramsArray in SP mode. Look at this thread: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?90605-F2-paramsArray-Not-guaranteed-to-exist&highlight=set+default+params
  16. Try condition "vehicle officer == SUV". I'm not sure about the "in" command, but I think that is only to check wether an array item exists in an array, and in that case you cannot use it as you try to. Condition "{alive _x} count units group _hostage == 1 && alive _hostage" is true when the warlord is the only one alive in his group.
  17. Mi-8 comes when you are detected and your position is reported in to enemy HQ. If you are quick enough when breaking out, noone reports your position, HQ doesn't know, and chopper stays on the ground. The old russian choppers in Chernarus need refuel often (I've heard) so they will hunt you for some minutes (random) and then return to base to refuel for some minutes (also random), and then come after you again (flying to somewhere near your last known position). When I play, we usually run like h*ll from start, to get some distance between us and prison, and lay prone when chopper is above us. Often he doesn't see us. When chopper looks for you at some distance, you know that he has lost track of you. Difficulty has not been increased, but anyway you can set enemy skill and number of enemy units in mission lobby. One thing I have thought about is that road block units are quity aggressive. Maybe I will make them a little less agressive, and just have them guarding their road segment. Sometimes I think there are a little too much armor running around, and traffic and enemies are quite plenty anyway. Anyone agree?
  18. That's not my stuff. Most of it seems to originate from the Ambient Civilians module. I don't know how that works (or if it works) on Lingor and other islands. I recognize the R_GOTHIT_ARRAY part. It's UPSMON. Something goes wrong when spawning units like I do, and I haven't found out exactly what's going wrong. But everything seem to work despite this little script error. And I have also noticed that a lot of log information originate from ArmA itself. Not anything I recognize in your dump right now, but often there is. A map that doesn't support the Civilian Module maybe need some kind of edit to add them. Maybe NeoArmageddon has any valuable experience here?
  19. Ok, here's another idea. Maybe the code never reach the lines that spawn the guards in InitServer.sqf. First the ammo depots and communication markers are created, and if that failes the execution will not proceed (also in InitServer.sqf). Have you added comcen markers? And are they at anough distance from each other? Try to add debug info to see if the whole file is executed. (I still havent had a chance to look at your code).
  20. I'll check when I have a chance. A lot in RL for the moment... Have you added the Functions module in editor?
  21. Glad you liked the mission! I cannot check your mission right now, but I've been a little lazy, so I have not set up an AI HQ. So there must be at least one AI for each side (OPFOR and CIVILIAN) already on the map placed in the editor. For what I've heard there are no Lingor Units for the new Lingor island. Isn't it so? Or will you port it using Escape Chernarus original units? (I have no opinion, I'm just asking).
  22. Thanks! I'm happy to hear that! :)
  23. Hello everyone! I'm sorry about all problems with server lags! I should have tested the 1.7 a little better. However, now I have had time to fix it, and right now I released the version 1.72. The only things fixed are the server lag and I also reduced the time it takes to hijack a communication center. For the ones of you who port this mission to other maps, replace the following files with the new 1.72 files in already ported versions: - All files in Scripts\DRN\VillagePatrols - All files in Scripts\DRN\DynamicGuardedLocations - Scripts\Escape\Hijack.sqf - All files in Scripts\DRN\MilitaryTraffic (a minor fix not mentioned above) Thanks again for feedback! I hope you will enjoy the Escape Chernarus gameplay again after this fix!
  24. What is your approach this far? Du you try to do it in the editor? Or in a script? One way to do it is to use the BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle function. Read about it here: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle
  25. Ok, that's interesting. Can you please give me some more information? Are you running hosted or dedicated? When does it happen? In the start of the mission? Is it possible that it has something to do with initialization of things? The more information the better, and then I can look into this...