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Everything posted by Joe98

  1. Joe98


    You are using the GPS to navigate, not to shoot the enemy. As you are moving and navigating, you may well have the GPS out and stop every so often to look through the scope into the distance. In other words it is realisic to have both out at the same time - so long as you are not firing at the enemy. -
  2. The controls confuse me when I am a squad leader in command of (say) 4 men. To give an order to any man requires much pressing of keys. In the heat of battle my men and myself die simply because I cannot issue the orders fast enough. -
  3. I too have difficulty aiming the grenade launcher. One time I fired at a group of enemy. They stupidly had bunched up. I fired and the grenade went off in the middle of the bunch and I knocked down 4 with one shot! I was thrilled! I have been useless with the weapon since. -
  4. Joe98

    Why is this game not more popular?

    I am still a newby having has Operation Arrowhead since about last October. i was immedaintly impressed! I recently completed playing roth through the Armoury and i recently ddiscovered the "My Missions". Wow! This is the game I have been searching for since I got my first PC back in 1988! I expect I will enjoy this game for 10 years and as major improvrments come along my money is ready! -
  5. Joe98

    How to use bags in OA? Other questions.

    Press "G" for Gear. One of the items listed will be a backpack (if you have one). Not every soldier has a backpac. In the list, click on the backpak At the bottom of the screen appears a button "open backpacK" Open the backpack. Now you can move things from the back pack to into your hands -
  6. In “My Missions†I had the AI set up on an airstrip and gave the AI opponent aircraft. But the AI doesn’t fly the aircraft. They just sit on the runway. -
  7. Joe98

    How to improve with training.

    In the Armoury, you can use the map to measure a distance accurately. Place your man adjacent to a building. Using the map, walk a precise distance such as 300 meters Then you can fire at the building and watch your fall of shot. This can be done with any unit that has a range finder. If you dont have a range finder, you can pace out the distance as a human would. -
  8. One of my soldiers is carrying a rifle with a RPG slung over his shoulder. How do I order him to use the RPG? -
  9. You are right they are not. But they are still grenades propelled by another means. -
  10. I thougt RPG means "Rocket Propelled Grenade". The US army propelles grenades with the M203 -
  11. In the case in question we were at a range of about 500 meters The enemy had sniper rifles with a range of 600 meters. I had hoped Ivan would use his RPG. -
  12. Joe98


    If you are hiding in a building, they will enter to look for you but they will not climb stairs. -
  13. I have Operation Arrowhead – stand alone I have found the key bindings for most actions of the game. However there are some I cannot find. Commander orders driver to: Drive fast Commander orders driver to: Drive normal Commander orders driver to: Drive slow What are the names of those key bindings? Once I know the names I can find them in the list and assign a key. -
  14. Joe98

    Vehicle commander key bindings

    How do I attribute the Commanders ( me as Commander) orders separately from those for the driver (me as Driver)? -
  15. Joe98

    Need help about usage of unit orders

    How can I have troops fire at a spot where there are no enemy? -
  16. I am a vehicle commander. I open the map and give an order to "move there". The driver drives there but never takes the route I would have preferred. I suggest multiple way points on the map. -
  17. As you hold down the button, a red spot appears on the ground ahead. This is the place a grenade would normally land if you let go right at this moment. Also a green circle appears on the ground around the spot. Although you are aiming at a specific spot, in real life nobody is that accurate. Therefore the grenade lands somewhere in the circle at random. The same idea can be used with weapons that fire grenades. -
  18. What is the size of the patch exactly This determines when I will do the download. -
  19. Joe98

    "Video Playback" what indeed is that???

    But what is the feature exactly? -
  20. Joe98

    Vehicle commander key bindings

    Driver wishes to Drive fast - "E" Driver wishes to Drive normal - "W" Driver wishes to Drive slow - "Q" Commander orders driver to: Drive fast - No keybinding Commander orders driver to: Drive normal - No keybinding Commander orders driver to: Drive slow - No Keybinding -
  21. Joe98

    Headshot didn't kill an AI?

    I am still new to the Operation Arrowhead. I play in the Armoury and nowhere else. I play on the Recruit level. I need to be hit multiple times before I am killed. I often see my rounds striking the enemy and blood going everywhere and they don't go down. Why is that? -
  22. Joe98

    Tank "dead ahead" and other stupidity.

    Is the controller connected to the PC with a USB cable? Does it interfere with the keyboard / mouse? Do I need to remove the controller if I am not playing this game?