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Everything posted by Joe98

  1. Joe98

    Camera Script

    First place a soldier on the map. Place an aircraft on the map. Set the height of the aircraft to say, 200 meters. Give the aircraft a way point so it flys past the soldier. Hit preview and watch the aircraft fly past.
  2. Joe98

    Camera Script

    In the mission editor there are parts: Intro Mission Outro Select Intro and make your 5 second mission You need a trigger that causes your mission to end after 5 seconds
  3. I don't yet have Arma 3. In Aram 2, if you name a scenario Red Widgit for example it will show up as Red%Widget. My solution was to name it Red_Widget.
  4. What is a bait car ??? Does it allow, for example, an infantry team to assault another infantry team?
  5. Find below a link to a ZIP file. This is a demo mission made by somebody else. He put it up on an Arma 2 web site for people to download. I have forgotten where I got it from exactly. Have the soldier run from the ammo box up the road to the other ammo box. This fires the trigger. You might choose a different method to fire the trigger. And you can move the target to any place you wish. It is a little orange square a bit north of the soldier. http://users.tpg.com.au/sueyoo//Arty.zip As you would know every weapon in the game has 3 class names. The class name of the weapon The class name of the magazine The class name of the individual round. Notice the script uses the class names of 2 individual artillery rounds: _types = ["ARTY_Sh_105_WP","ARTY_Sh_105_HE"]; /// Array of Explosions These are white phosphorous and high explosive. As a test I changed these class names for a whole bunch of other things. I tried mortar rounds and even hand grenades and it works just fine! In the Iron Front game I tried other things too: HE rounds from a Sherman tank, German stick grenades, HE rounds from a Pak40, HE rounds fro a Russian AT gun and they all work just fine! Hope this helps. . .
  6. 1. Instead of a real mortar would you be happy to have a virtual mortar? When the trigger fires the virtual mortar fires at a target of your choice. I can help with that. 2. If you are a commander and have a rifleman under you, you could also have a mortar under you. Order the mortar to fire at a target of your choice.
  7. Regarding setdamage As far as I know it is not "ON" and "OFF". Instead it is a sliding scale between 0 and 1 Select a value between 0 and 1 and test.
  8. You need to understand the modern generation. Backwards is the new forwards! .
  9. I place an AI squad of 5 men on the map and set them to wedge formation I set the AI leader to face north and naturally the whole AI squad faces north. This is not my squad. I am standing nearby watching. The enemy will approach from the south. I want one of the men in that squad to turn and face south. What is the scripting command for that? .
  10. Thank you for the response. I originally searched under "F" for "facing". I never thought to look under "S" for "set direction" :) I named the soldier blue1 and used the command "blue1 setDir 180"; Then changed that number a few times. He always faces north. I did research and learnt the function was removed about the time Operation Arrowhead was released. If this does not work in Arma2 I wonder if it works in Arma3 ? .
  11. Joe98

    Where should I start scripting?

    There are 3 parts to scripting - the simple, medium and complex. An example of simple - in the editor select a soldier and add write a short command to add or remove weapons and equipment. This command is written in the soldiers "init" field. An example of medium complexity: Place 6 soldiers on the map and name them. Place a box on the map. In the init of the box write 6 commands to add or remove weapons and equipment of all 6 soldiers. An example of complex: Leave the map empty and write a script that adds 6 soldiers to the map. Your script will position them just so and add or remove weapons and equipment of all 6 soldiers. Start with the simple. Place soldiers, vehicles and boxes on the map and write short command in their "init" field that does various things. There are hundreds of commands. Get the hang of the commands before you start scripting.
  12. Joe98

    Arma 2 OA. Update MP

    www.arma2.com The last official patch is dated July 2012 patch 1.62 If you require a later patch there is a beta version of 1.63 used by only a few people testing that patch .
  13. I can't answer that. But in your example blue7 is a human so he will do what ever he wants. Your script cannot make a human player to get in that mortar.
  14. No. When you write a script only you the author can see the script. Unless you send to others by email. And when you are playing the game you cannot see the script. Now place 7 units on the map. Make yourself blue1 and name one of them blue7 Now preview Which one is blue7? The answer is that it is impossible to know. It is a flaw in the game. . . ---------- Post added at 12:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:41 AM ---------- If the unit is controlled by the AI, my solution above works. If the unit is controlled by human, you need to order the human to do something. Call him on the radio. If you want a script to give an order to a human, eg the human fires a trigger and you want him to man a mortar then when the trigger fires, write a command that places words on the screen: Blue7, please get in that mortar.
  15. No there isn't. However I too have tested this. In the editor, place a series of soft sided vehicles in a row. Use the range finder to set them at 50 meter intervals. The front should be facing you. Then from your firing line, fire at the head lights. You will see your fall of shot as the rounds strike the vehicle above or below the headlight.
  16. Place a unit on the map. Look at the top right corner and see a list Rank Unit Special Name Skill In the Name box type a name. I like to use blue1 and red1 for blue force soldiers and op force soldiers When I have a team I might call them: blue11, blue12, blue13 A second team might be named: blue21, blue22, blue23 That way things are organisd. ---------- Post added at 10:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:23 AM ---------- I name a soldier blue7 I name a mortar mortar1 Here is a mini script. I am "calling' blue7 and have him get in that mortar. blue7 moveInGunner mortar1 .
  17. Suggestion: When you place a vehicle on the map, you can set the health of the vehicle to zero. Or, if you place the vehicle by way of a script, within the script there is a command that sets the health of the vehicle. Find that command (sorry I don't know it). When the script fires, the health of the vehicle is set to zero.
  18. Place the aircraft/vehicle on the map Set the health to zero The vehicle will burn for a while. After the fire goes out the smoke will eventually stop as well. The vehicle is now a wreck. .
  19. Oops I meant "group" instead of "synch". I have now edited the post above. I am not familiar with Game Logic. I have used very small objects. In grass they are invisible and on a hard surface you would not notice unless you looked for it.
  20. Place an ammo box on the map and name it box1 Place 9 markers on the map Group the markers with the box Every time the mission starts, the box will start either in it’s original position or on one of the markers. ie: it will start at one of 10 places at random Use 19 markers and you get 20 places at random Name yourself blue 1. In your init: blue1 setPos (getPos box1) Every time the mission starts your character starts on the box. To position other members adjacent to an object = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = You don’t want all your team starting on the box. You need to position them to the left or right of the box and in front of or behind the box In this example soldier blue2 starts 20 meters from a box named box1 blue2 setPos [(getPos box1 select 0) +20, (getPos box1 select 1) +10, (getPos box1 select 2) +0]; +20 = right side -20 = left side +10 = in front of -10 = behind Using this formula the soldier is positioned 20 meters to the right of the box and 10 meters in front of the box. In this way you can position every man in the squad relative to the box. Once you have learnt this works, change the box for a small object. Small objects can be hard to see and when the mission starts you will not notice it.
  21. There is no benefit in starting with Arma 1. It is older technology and you will not learn anything that makes Arma 2 any easier to learn.
  22. Joe98

    Trigger activation: player

    The altis life saver was never popular. Myself, I always preferred the tangy Life Savers.
  23. Joe98

    New to ARMA

    I think he is not playing Arma2 and is on the wrong form. He asked "how to BUILD planes and artillery". Clearly he has some other game.