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Everything posted by Joe98

  1. I export men from the arsenal to the map without losing anything. Are you sure you are using the correct method?
  2. Place an enemy commander on the map. Place an enemy mortar on the map. Group the commander with the mortar. When the commander spots you the mortars will rain down.
  3. I don't get it. If I buy through BIS, how in the world does BIS connect my BIS account with my Steam account? .
  4. Joe98

    Launcher reload script

    There is also a command for unlimited ammo (sorry currently on the mobile).
  5. Joe98

    Software for screenshots

    Where are these screenshots saved?
  6. Create a series of separate triggers for each possibility. When the variables are met the appropriate trigger will fire. .
  7. removeallweapons this: Then add the specific weapon. You must add the magazines before the rifle. Other wise the mission starts and the weapon is not loaded. .
  8. Joe98

    Weapon sway removal

    I am typing this just so I can find the thread
  9. I was working on a totally unrelated problem and I found that if the commands were executed in the obvious order the whole did not work.. By changing the order it all worked just fine.
  10. Considering your convoy is on a road, what do you mean by a random waypoint? If the road is 5,000 meters long then the random waypoints would fall where? It seems to me the waypoints would all be somewhere on the 5,000 meters. .
  11. I found the answer. The command is: triggeractivated Trigger1; .
  12. I have 2 triggers on the map named Trigger1 and Trigger2. In the Condition field of Trigger2 wish to say: Trigger1 has already fired. Then, if Trigger1 has not fired, it is impossible for Trigger2 to fire. How do I add the condition: Trigger1 has fired.
  13. The condition finds that the aircraft is above the ground. How do I write it so that: The condition is true therefore do not fire the trigger. Assume I want blueforce to fire the trigger and I have a bluforce aircraft named air1 and I don't want him to fire the trigger. .
  14. Joe98

    [RELEASE] Sandstorms

    BIS has a wiki with instructions. Sorry I don't have the link. It might be in the Arma2 section.
  15. "It activates" I have to presume that "it" means the second trigger. The conditions of the second trigger must be: Player is present AND toolbox is not alive. You must have both conditions. .
  16. Your first step is complete. When the man is dead the trigger fires. You need to add another command to that trigger. Place a small item like a sandbag wall or something, way over on the other side of the map. Name it .. sand1 Add a command to the first trigger : deletevehicle sand1: So, when trigger 1 fires, the sand bag is deleted. Now for trigger 2: Add a condition: sandbag1 must be alive or the trigger will not fire. What you get: Kill the man and trigger 1 fires. Walk to the other area and trigger 2 fires. OR: Don't kill the man, walk to area 2 and trigger 2 will not fire. .
  17. Place yourself on the map and name yourself blue1 Place an enemy on the map and name him red1 Way over on the other side of the map, on an out of the way road - place an independent and name him green1 Place a trigger on the map near to green1. Make the trigger repeatable. Give green1 a series of waypoints so that he constantly runs through the waypoint, it fires, he turns around and runs through it again and so on forever. In the trigger place this code:........red1 move getPos player; red1 setCombatMode "RED"; The trigger will fire over and over again and the enemy will come chasing you. If there are 3 or more enemy you have little chance of escape!
  18. Place a table on the map and name it table1 Use various methods so that the table always starts at a random location. Place a chair on the map and name it chair1 You want the chair to ALWAYS be 5 meters to the north of the table chair1 setPos [(getPos table1 select 0) +0, (getPos table1 select 1) +5]; You want the chair to ALWAYS be 5 meters to the south of the table chair1 setPos [(getPos table1 select 0) +0, (getPos table1 select 1) -5]; You want the chair to ALWAYS be 5 meters to the east of the table chair1 setPos [(getPos table1 select 0) +5, (getPos table1 select 1) +0]; You want the chair to ALWAYS be 5 meters to the west of the table chair1 setPos [(getPos table1 select 0) -5, (getPos table1 select 1) +0]; . .
  19. Joe98

    How make a trigger react on mines?

    If each mine has a name, then when it is placed in a trigger area the trigger will fire.
  20. The thing is that a tank has more than one weapon. Why would this code apply to the tank main gun rather than another weapon? . .
  21. So, place a trigger on the map. As the mission starts the soldier fires the trigger - and the marker is set back to it's normal size. From the player's point of view - there is no marker visible in the briefing but it is visible when the mission starts.
  22. It does not matter what size it starts at. You can always set it to zero. .
  23. Or: set the size of the marker to zero and that makes it invisible. Afterwards set it back to its normal size.
  24. Give the soldier a name. Give the truck a name blue1 moveInGunner truck1 Every passenger seat is numbered. Instead of move in gunner you can assign him a specific seat or make him the driver or what ever. . .
  25. I have no interest in DayZ, zombies or science fiction. . .