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Everything posted by tryteyker

  1. You should head over to the Official DayZ forum for such questions because they probably know that stuff better, and it has nothing to do with the original ArmA2.
  2. tryteyker

    random items in ammobox

    Maybe a double-switchstatement? One for _weap_type which defines what content the ammoboxes have and one which defines _weap_type. I guess that'll work out.
  3. tryteyker

    random items in ammobox

    Technically it was to prevent unnecessary if-statements because originally he had like 20 weapon choices for each weapon category (pistols etc) which he processed with an if-statement each. I don't see why a switchstatement wouldn't work within an if-statement.
  4. tryteyker

    random items in ammobox

    Try changing from _weap_typ to _weaptyp (the MAIN variable)
  5. tryteyker

    random items in ammobox

    Only thing I can think of is that the weapon names are wrong. Do you have the RH weapon modpack?
  6. tryteyker

    random items in ammobox

    How do you execute the code?
  7. Alright my head is kinda fried right now regarding this issue, but I'm sure there's an easy way.. I need to count all units on the map and add an action to a specific type (ATV_US_EP1). That's all. This includes ones later spawned in the mission but a loop will fix that, I'm stuck on the counting part, that's all. I tried typeOf, isKindOf, countType and such but I couldn't get it to work, just got Generic Errors everywhere :( Edit Talking about empty vehicles here.
  8. I managed to fix the issue (altho not entirely sure how, I'm at school). I'll update how I fixed it. //Edit I don't even know how I fixed it, I simply adjusted the if exitWith statement. I guess I prevented the script from executing by creating certain variables that won't match up when condition of exitWith is true (example: I use nearestObjects to find the two ATVs, and create different arrays selecting from the main array. Obv that's not gonna work if only one of them is present so the ATV(s) won't get attached)
  9. STMovement doesn't place any requirement on your mission, it's a client based addon. I'd be wary of using huge mods like JSRS (especially JSRS, this places a requirement on your mission) and other sound mods / visual mods. These tend to place additional requirements which kinda ruins missions immensely (I have a huge mission laying around waiting to be released, but it needs like 10 mods :(). So be wary of huge mods, but ShackTactical's mods don't place mission requirements.
  10. tryteyker

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Was about to release my mission for JSRS 1.4.3, glad I waited. Gotta try this out.
  11. tryteyker

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    In regards to M6, I was going to confirm that I don't hear any radio when picking up the Intel on M6, but I have general issues with M6 (I didn't get the A10 to work yet :(). Was going to leave that out because I thought it's not supposed to be voice-acted, but since it's a bug, thought I'd confirm.
  12. If you're experiencing problems with doorways n' stuff I can only recommend STMovement, fixes that issue perfectly.
  13. while {true} do { if (player in thisList) then { //code }; }; Constantly checks if player is within trigger area. Only works within a specific trigger.
  14. Sadly didn't resolve the missing ) error in my if () exitWith statement. :( I officially have a fried brain. Fixed it by removing "vehicles".. /E Yeah okay, so I need it to ignore the rest of the script, which it doesn't exactly do with exitWith. Terminate has caused CTDs for me in the past and I don't have a proper scripthandle for it to work.
  15. Alright got the first part working, thanks Sel. Now to the second part, exiting the script if another ATV is in close proximity. I got everything set up and just need to link the scripts together, BUT: if ((count vehicles ATV) > 0) exitWith { hint "exit"; }; won't work. D: ATV = nearestObject [_unit,"Car"]; Only counts one object. The error it gives me above is a missing ).
  16. Hey, title pretty much sums this up, I need to make a video and I'd like the camera to be at a certain spot and start filming whlst I fly. Is this possible, and if so, how?
  17. I don't think I'm grasping the basic concept here. How does the camera work, will I be able to fly the chopper accordingly whilst it is filming?
  18. I don't exactly want it to look onto the helo (which it does, atleast what I think it does by looking at your script), but I want it to look down the backside of a Chinook. Basically it should be attached to the backside of the helo and film the ramp. I haven't tested your script so I might just have to adjust RelPos but I'm not sure.
  19. if (side _x == civ) then { {_x addEventHandler ["Killed", { //code }]} foreach units in thisList; }; }; Would be my first guess.
  20. What did you put in the masterUIDArray? ###### isn't a valid UID.
  21. Hey, got a quick question about locality. If I use this in an MP environment, will it work?: waitUntil {vehicle player != player}; hint format ["%1",(driver chinook)]; detachATV = (vehicle player) addAction ["Detach ATV","detach.sqf"]; I originally wanted to be specific (that ONLY the pilot of the Chinook could use the addAction) but this does not work because units inside vehicle apparently can't access actions. :(
  22. tryteyker

    random items in ammobox

  23. Well the script doesn't necessarily have to be called in the init.sqf. The major difference between calling a script in the init.sqf and calling it in the mission (via trigger or init fields) is that you don't include a script handle (the nul i put infront of the script is a script handle). Just make an init.sqf and include the line I provide above in it, and see if it works.
  24. You need to call it with execVM. Init sqf version: [] execVM "dead.sqf"; In-mission version: nul = [] execVM "dead.sqf";
  25. Na, just the pilot. I'm just worried about MP locality since I cannot test this. But I'll implement your idea, thanks.