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Everything posted by ozonearmafrek

  1. ozonearmafrek

    Cook. American Big City

    this is looking 2 be a great map mate keep up the good work
  2. ozonearmafrek

    Russian radar systems WIP

    :ohi mate nice mod can u tell me the name of the song in the clip??? the 2nd one
  3. ozonearmafrek

    Invasion 1944 v2.5 (CO)

    sorry im using dvd version 4 both arma2 and coops and they are fully updated
  4. ozonearmafrek

    Invasion 1944 v2.5 (CO)

    hey guys ive just dl this mod and this comes up wen i start the game sorry and it wont let me in the game bin\config.bin/cfgweapons/I44_piat/I44_piat/opticsmodes/ironsights/: cannot find base class 'ironsights' can some one help me plz :(
  5. ozonearmafrek

    Project RACS

    will the racs mod ever be release for arma2 or co :[
  6. ozonearmafrek

    Project RACS

    hi guys i was just want to no wen will a racs mod will be released for arma 2 or co
  7. hi guys im trying to get a ai to Carpet Bomb a town with no one in it b52 im using can someone help me plz!!!!!
  8. ozonearmafrek

    C-130 Carpet bomb script

    dos some1 no how to get ai to Carpet Bomb say for e.g. a town