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About Bakfyr

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  1. Bakfyr

    Very Unprofessional Assassins

    To support Walker's speculation that counter-ops may have been involved please consider the following. Beginning at 4:55 Clip 2, Kevin leaves hotel and grabs a taxi. Notice the man from right of screen that follows up behind Kevin. Large heavy man, with bulging chest. He has no travel bags. This man's entire head is 'blurred'. The only other blur was the tourist that exited the elevator/lift in Clip 3 at 2:56 and was delayed by Kevin while the other team tried to execute a write command to the target's door card lock device. Notice the similarity to the features of both men that are 'blurred' out. However, their walking gait is significantly different. Regardless, of whether these men are or are not the same individual... the question must be asked... why are these men being 'blurred' when nobody else in all three clips were? By the way, they failed to blur the mirror image in the elevator door. Clip 2 http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=dubaisesslon&annotation_id=annotation_425824#p/a/u/2/K8XDhnEJ-N0 Clip 3 http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=dubaisesslon&annotation_id=annotation_425824#p/u/3/RWxjxTaWytE