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About Matrix2k20

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  1. Hmmm... place bushes and tress...pack everything..check..and do all again...oh no. i guess i need months for that :( ...and after weeks im sick of all these Afghanistan map working..i think i stop the projekt and make a China Conflict map, with lot of trees, gras and stuff like that. i make a zip and give it for free...the map based on real datas and is a good start for everybody.neeeeext! :p
  2. Hi Community, my Map with sat image and mask are finished...it is possible to see grass clutter in visitor/Buldozer?? how? http://shareimage.org/images/0m1o0x1o71316eqtq9.jpg 400 kb http://shareimage.org/images/x8zd2b30knkkj1p1fu.jpg 403 kb http://shareimage.org/images/15xc43nbt8de35d05.jpg 417 kb http://shareimage.org/images/yzj9h42r0hnxrlyvkvr.jpg 590 kb somebody to help me out..:confused:
  3. Matrix2k20

    Black Textures..Help!

    Problems gone..now everything working fine..yipieehh..(proud) i habe a pgn converting (Color) Problem from Corel Photopaint to Arma2 Pgn Format. I try some settings (Interlace, transparence settings, Color settings)in Corel..and now it works and looks amazing. Now i can do some optimizations on the sat map and do the next step. and my sat & Mask are both 24bit and not 8bit! thanks to you all...next time some pictures of the north of Afghanistan with hd Sat maps and real ASTA Data :bounce3:
  4. Matrix2k20

    Black Textures..Help!

    Hi Bushlurker, every Tutorial i use say something different to Colordepth on sat & Mask...very confussing :confused: my sat & Mask are in 24bit..if i use the sat in 24bit and the mask in 16 or 8bit the visitor crashes. sat/mask 8bit??? only 256 color? why are the maplegend.png from BIS is in 24bit. hmmm.... i try it...
  5. Matrix2k20

    Black Textures..Help!

    my Layer config: class Layers { class skalni_sterk { texture = "Matrix2k20\A76\data\76_skalni_sterk_mco.paa"; material="Matrix2k20\A76\data\76_skalni_sterk.rvmat"; }; class polopoust { texture = "Matrix2k20\A76\data\76_polopoust_mco.paa"; material="Matrix2k20\A76\data\76_polopoust.rvmat"; }; class hlina { texture = "Matrix2k20\A76\data\76_hlina_mco.paa"; material="Matrix2k20\A76\data\76_hlina.rvmat"; }; class plevel { texture = "Matrix2k20\A76\data\76_plevel_mco.paa"; material="Matrix2k20\A76\data\76_plevel.rvmat"; }; }; class Legend { picture="Matrix2k20\A76\source\mapLegend.png"; class Colors { /// color names should correspond to surface layer names skalni_sterk[]={{255,0,0}}; polopoust[]={{205,114,0}}; hlina[]={{0,255,0}}; plevel[]={{255,255,0}}; }; }; i use the Takistan Textures co.paa mco.paa nohq.paa nopx.paa .rvmat my sat image is correct converted under folder "layer"..only the textures are all black!
  6. Matrix2k20

    Black Textures..Help!

    I use the standard maplegend.png from BIS... i try to download it again...it must be something with the mask_ico.png or the BIS Textures...another tip for me? the layer.cfg is 100% ok...
  7. Hi, i use the Takistan map Textures, but after import of the Satimage and Mask File i get only black images under the Layer folder. Only the Sat Images are correct. Why?! i rename the Textures and change the folder in the RVMAT File....anything else i must know? Maskfile is in 24bit RGB 8192x8192 Sat Image 24bit RGB 8192x8192 all folders in the Layer.cfg are correct...Arrrghhh!!!:( please help! gimme a tip! i use the search in the forum, but found nothing that can help
  8. Matrix2k20

    maps under construction:

    oh...thank you pal! 30m Aster is perfect:yay: ..and the 90m Data looks already perfect in bulldozer...now i try to use the better Aster data. Any tips for me with the sat image resolution? i have data you see every house and any details..and a other with lower resolution. what view distance recommend you..20m over terrain..50m, 1km?? I use Global Mapper 12 for all the Texture and GEO stuff.--what a nice tool :D i capture the Airport in the valley and the northers small villages parts of Fayzabad...the whole city is too much. Grüße von Darmstadt nach Hamburg! :cool:
  9. Matrix2k20

    maps under construction:

    another Afghan Map.... Feyzabad in northern Afghanistan with the surrounding Mountains. Wintermap -Terrain done with 90m SRTM Maps from USGS - Sat Image done..i have different maps from 20m zoom to 1km (see whats best in look & performence) now i am in Visitor and load all the stuff....my first Map with Visitor (Arma)