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Everything posted by visceralsyn

  1. visceralsyn

    Linux server issues

    The default watchdog script: a correct OTHERPARAMS line is read by the script, at ${OTHERPARAMS}, if that section of the script is configured correctly. Then the script reads the OTHERPARAMS every time. No need to junk up the script, adding stuff all willy-nilly. The mod line that was being used, was an example. After several copy and pastes, formatting has added spaces, and doubles.. etc... ...Syn...
  2. visceralsyn

    Linux server issues

    Since the documentation for configuring the Linux deddy server is vague. There is a lot of hit and miss. I've never had the 'Watchdog' not re-read the entire script, and yes, that means it reloads mods with the server. Not a 'AFIK' ...Syn...
  3. visceralsyn

    Linux server issues

    Erm, incorrect... It re-reads the script restarting the server. What makes you think it would not re-read the script, after a crash? Hell, that's half the reason for the script! ...Syn...
  4. visceralsyn

    Linux server issues

    Your 'quiet nonsese' is quite not making any sense. But if you say it works for you, I'm just not goin ta smoke from the pot, you are smoking from. ...Syn... ---------- Post added at 11:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:12 AM ---------- I also do not edit the 'Watchdog' Section of the script. I edit the script where it says to perform editing. There is not a limit to how many extra 'OTHERPARMS' declarations. You could do one for each mod if you want, the above is just cleaner.
  5. visceralsyn

    Linux server issues

    there is no limit on how many 'OTHERPARAMS' declarations. Will not work. ...Syn...
  6. Warfare 2 Manual @ ArmA²-Wiki ...Syn...
  7. Limited Warfare, supplies run out after some time. So whatever assets you build will be all you have. Co-Op, if no humans join the opposing team, they start with more resources, and money. Supposedly to make it a challenge. A search on the ArmA² Wiki, for Warfare Manual, provides these answers. ...Syn...
  8. visceralsyn

    Linux server issues

    The quotes do not belong there either, i do believe the space in that particular one was due to formatting. ...Syn...
  9. visceralsyn

    Linux server issues

    I'm not at home to check my script, the wiki has the correct syntax for it. I can't access the wiki from work to link you to it as well. ...Syn...
  10. visceralsyn

    Linux server issues

    if ./server works as you intend, then run with it. The script however provides some redundancy.
  11. visceralsyn

    Linux server issues

    correct, SHOULD NOT have spaces. ...Syn...
  12. visceralsyn

    Linux server issues

    Doesn't not look like: also, none of those folders filenames can have spaces. Linux isn't windows, if you do do not follow syntax. Nothing works.
  13. visceralsyn

    Linux server issues

    post your arma2server script. ...Syn...
  14. visceralsyn

    Linux server issues

    Script should look like this: You should be configuring this script there, add the following: ...Syn...
  15. You have no choice but to find the answers to your questions by experimentation. In the 10 years since the release of Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis, BIS has never clarified anything. Oh yeah, its using UDP ...Syn...
  16. The servers' basic CFG file, while being 100% contextually-vague, is understandable. If you know your bandwidth, configurable packets allow you to scale to your bandwidth. Download speeds are not related to serving, its all about upload speed. Do note, that while packetsizes for guaranteed and non-guaranteed are configurable. It blatantly states small messages will be packed into larger frames, and that means a frame will not be larger than your MTU. Typically on ethernet MTU is 1500, over the internet you will find MTU's in the range of 1400 to 1472. These two are the bell-ringers. You surmising one being for guaranteed and non-guaranteed, would be incorrect. The guide blatantly states, MinBandwidth setting is for how much bandwidth the server can use. And MaxBandwidth, what the mysterious maximum, it will never reach is. Some other sites, not mentioning no names, use strange numbers for these two settings. But should you opt to test, you should get best performance using your actual maximum upload speed for MinBandwidth, and a reasonable MaxBandwidth setting. I have found this site invaluable, for getting MaxMsgSend, MaxSizeGuaranteed, and MaxSizeNonguarateed to optimal settings. In LAN, and or on my piddly 2.2Mbps upload speed. ...Syn...
  17. Make sure tolower is used, and configure arma2oaserver script. Doublecheck permissions. Then use arma2oaserver to launch server, not ./server ...Syn...
  18. Dedicated Servers do not use video nor sound cards. High frequency CPU and goo-gobs of ram are whats needed in servers. ...Syn...
  19. If the server FPS is 15 or less, according to the readme for the dedicated server, it would not be running fine. ...Syn...
  20. visceralsyn

    Servers benchmark

    Do not run script-heavy missions. ...Syn...
  21. visceralsyn

    Stock OA ONLY server this way>>

    Dare I say, most of the community doesn't have the standalone ArmA² Operation Arrowhead. There's just soo much more content in having ArmA² & ArmA² Operation Arrowhead ( AKA Combined Ops ). don't worry about the 'LOLZORZ', its not even funny, nor close to witty.... ...Syn...
  22. You might want to re-read the readme BIS released with the Dedicated server, loooong ago. MaxBandwidth is total bandwidth, not per client. If you read his first post, he has a spare machine doing server duties. And, yes 1Mbps is more than enuff for the 2~4 clients he says he has. ...Syn...
  23. I would suggest: MaxMsgSend=192; MaxSizeGuaranteed=512; MaxSizeNonguaranteed=128; Which should use 768Kbps, that gives you a little headroom. ( 192*512byte packets = 768,000bps ) For me, lowering MaxSizeNonguaranteed help the most in warping AI. Sadly, it doesn't fully, ever go away, I've had it as low as 32. ...Syn... tool I use for calculating MaxMsgSend Tool
  24. If you want it to work reliably, Change your MaxBandwidth from 10Gbps to your actual upload speed, and your MinBandwidth from 128Kbps to 92% of your actual upload speed. MinErrorToSend=0.001; is the lowest it gets and it does make a difference. If you set your bandwidth correctly. to derive a useful MaxMsgsend, divide the MaxBandwidth by the MaxSizeGuaranteed, that value will be the maximum packets that can be sent using your actual upload speed and the max size of guaranteed packets. 192 ~ 320 usually works better for CTI styled missions. DM work fine on 128. 512Kbps upload is more than enuff for 2~4 clients. Visceral_Syn
  25. visceralsyn

    Which ports to open for MP play?

    No ports need to be forwarded for playing the game. 2302~2305 UDP for hosting. ...Syn...