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Posts posted by mycatsaid

  1. Steam is always super slow, currently slated for tomorrow around 18-19:00 GMT+1. BIS' own store is usually quite fast, I think ArmA 2 was released pretty earlier the day before.

    Does the BIS store just give you a key and allow you to download? There isn't any like download manager or any funny install system. I hate things like that.

  2. Weather script: Try disabling internal weather system in description.ext.

    Spawn shield: Try using the object name itself rather than GVAR(ProtectionZone). I don't know why he did that when it's the only one of its type, but the actual object class is "ProtectionZone_Ep1".

    Hey that fixed my shield problem, thanks! But I searched in i_common and I think it says this.

    #ifdef __OA__
    GVAR(ProtectionZone) = "ProtectionZone_Ep1";

    Could change that to CO? But it's fixed anyway by changing what you said.

    Also I already tried that disabling the weather system in the description but didn't fix it unfortunatly.

  3. I've had no answers on the offical thread pages so I'll ask here since I run a domi mission.

    Wondering if any of you can help me with these problems.


    Does anyone know how to get this script working with domination? I think the script conflicts with the weather/time system already in the game. Does anyone know how to fix this?



    Did anyone ever get this working with this script?

    _box addAction ["Save gear layout" call d_fnc_BlueText, "x_client\x_savelayout.sqf"];
    _box addAction ["Clear gear layout" call d_fnc_BlueText, "x_client\x_clearlayout.sqf"];

    Would be good to get it thanks.

    Also I created a new mission on Chernarus CO and for some reason the spawn shield don't work. I have the same code for the spawn shields in the playersetup and serversetup but no luck with getting it working even though it works fine with the same code on my OA Takistan map.

    Example shorter one I have it set on helipad1.

    #ifndef __A2ONLY__
    if !(__TTVer) then {
    _shield = GVAR(ProtectionZone) createVehicleLocal (position FLAG_BASE);
    _shield setDir -211;
    _shield setPos (position FLAG_BASE);
    _shield setObjectTexture [0,"#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0,ca)"];
    _shield = GVAR(ProtectionZone) createVehicleLocal (position helipad1);
    _shield setPos (position helipad1);
    _shield setDir -211;
    _shield setObjectTexture [0,"#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0,ca)"];
    if (GVAR(ShowBaseSafeZone) == 0) then {
    	_shield = GVAR(ProtectionZone) createVehicleLocal (position FLAG_BASE);
    	_shield setDir -211;
    	_shield setPos [getPosASL FLAG_BASE select 0, getPosASL FLAG_BASE select 1, -28.48];
    	_shield setObjectTexture [0,"#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0.7,ca)"];

    Sorry for long post but need some help urgently.

    Thanks for anyone who helps!
