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Posts posted by mycatsaid

  1. Need some advice from other server admins or just people who know about securing servers.

    I run a domination server and no matter what I do, we continue to get a script hacker in the server every now and again.


    I've followed that. Changed the files around, renamed, moved out of dir ect. Still no luck.

    I do however still use verifysig 1 because I can't get 2 working correctly, it continues to kick people who try to join for some reason. I just want to add common sound mods for people to use such as VOP and JSRS ect.

    But yeah, any additional help would be great to help secure my server!


  2. ;2000892']I'm actually pretty sure the pilot only bug was fixed in a later version of 2.60. like h or i. We're on k now. What version are you running? Have you tried emptying the arrays as suggested? Try different things' date=' its all about trial and error.[/quote']

    I think I'm on OA 2.54 cos it was the one I used when I made my map which was the current one. I read there was a lot of bugs with the other recent ones :/

  3. You do seem to be attacking your problems in a roundabout way. Why didn't you ask for a fix for the "only pilots can fly" problem?

    By the way, have you looked in this thread? It may already have the answer your looking for, doesn't contravene forums rules and might help you to do other stuff.

    Well I did infact want to remove the bonus vehicles, that was just why I needed to remove them, I thought it would be a easier thing to take out.

  4. Right, but that's not the major issue right now is it?

    If I understand you correctly, main missions, or side missions, I can't see which you're saying, aren't ending properly?

    That's what it seems like when I replace the missions with the hint text Grimes gave.

    The main issue I have with the bonus script is that I run pilot only server and when the bonus vehicles get spawned, anyone can get in, it seems like theres some issue with the pilot only scipt with global air vehicles, I have it all setup correctly but it will only work with vehicles that I have set in the client.sqf or w/e it is where you can set the air vehicles with markers ect.

    If I could get the pilot only to fly working for all global vehicles I wouldn't need to get rid of the bonus vehicles.

  5. Ok well I found the code I needed. Basically did what you said Grimes in the first part.

    Then found the rest of the code in x_dlg\SettingsDialog.hpp

    		class [color="Red"]XD_PilotCaption[/color] : XC_RscText {
    		x = 0.35;
    		y = 0.75;
    		w = 0.3;
    		h = 0.1;
    		sizeEx = 0.029;
    		colorBackground[] = {1, 1, 1, 0};
    		text = "[color="Red"]Pilot (player names)[/color]";
    	class [color="Red"]XD_PilotTxt[/color] : XC_RscText {
    		[color="Red"]idc = 2011;[/color]
    		style = 16;
    		lineSpacing = 1;
    		colorbackground[] = {0.643, 0.5742, 0.4102, 0.4};
    		x = 0.358;
    		y = 0.82;
    		w = 0.5;
    		h = 0.04;
    		sizeEx = 0.029;
    		text = "";

    Also instead of d_only_pilots_can_fly (which infact needed to be set as BAF_Pilot_MTP not the name of the pilot or when a pilot got in the heli he would be kicked and told you cannot fly since my servers runs pilot only option.

    I had to create a new line in the i_client.sqf and add the following

    // is pilot
    d_is_pilot = ["[color="Red"]bravo_2[/color]","[color="Red"]alpha_5[/color]"];

    That being the name of my 2 pilots alpha 5 and bravo 2.

    Just to say the 2011 part is the given number and eng changed to pil we also talked about before.

    Added that code then worked :D

    Should be end result. (Althought I only put Pilot instead of Pilots but meh xD)

    Thanks for ya help first of all Grimez!


  6. Hello, I need some help with the domination status menu.

    I've already added the code to this file to add a pilot class in x_client\x_settingsdialog.sqf - (Thx Grimes)

    _str = "";
    _[color="Red"]pil[/color] = missionNamespace getVariable _x;
    if (!isNull _[color="Red"]pil[/color] && isPlayer _[color="Red"]pil[/color]) then {
    	if (_str != "") then {_str = _str + ", "};
    #ifdef __TT__
    	if (side _art == playerSide) then {
    	_str = _str + (if (alive _[color="Red"]pil[/color]) then {name _[color="Red"]pil[/color]} else {"(Dead)"});
    #ifdef __TT__
    } forEach [color="Red"]d_is_pilot[/color];
    if (_str == "") then {_str = "No human players are pilots"};
    __ctrl([color="Red"]2011[/color]) ctrlSetText _str;


    Basically need to add an extra box there for the pilots to show up. If anyone knows it would be a great help.

    Many thanks!

  7. ;1998605']To not get SM bonus:

    x_server\x_f\x_serverfuncs.sqf - Line 798

    		case 2: {GVAR(points_west) = GVAR(points_west) + (GVAR(tt_points) select 4)};
    [color="Red"]		execVM "x_server\x_getbonus.sqf";[/color]
    if (GVAR(side_mission_winner) in [-1,-2,-300,-400,-500,-600,-700,-878,-879]) then {

    Whats in red is the file to give you SM bonus vehicle being executed it. Just // it out or delete it' date=' and done.

    To not get MT bonus:

    x_server\x_target_clear.sqf - Line 79

    GVAR(intel_unit) = objNull;
    sleep 0.5;
    if (GVAR(current_counter) < GVAR(MainTargets)) then {
    [color="Red"]	execVM "x_server\x_gettargetbonus.sqf";[/color]
    } else {

    Same deal, the red part is how MT bonus vehicles are spawned. Replace with {}; or hint ""; or delete it. You've got options.

    All untested, just give it a go.[/quote']

    Thanks again Grimes!

  8. ;1998303']Honestly I've never used this shield before and I have actually taken it out of my version of Domination :P Seeing as to how it is actually a vehicle' date=' I do not believe you can change its size and shape. That is not known though, so keep lookin'.

    What I do suggest though is changing that red number I pointed out to 0.75 or 1 and just place multiple of those shields, and use try and error to position them right. To make it even easier, just name each of the helipads for the helicopters hp1, hp2, etc and then make the position..

    _position = getPos hp1;

    and that will put the shield on the helipad itself. For the A10, just make a H Pad (Invisible) where the A10 spawns.

    Demonized Event Handler method would work in Domination, just gotta get it into the init of the vehicle after respawn.[/quote']

    Thanks just did that then, will give it a test run, no noobs should be able to destroy vehicles now hopefully ;)

  9. ;1998109']Really not much of a script' date=' its actually a vehicle ingame ;)

    _position = anything here to get the position of where you want it (ie getPos vehicle, getMarkerPos shield, etc)
    _shield = "ProtectionZone_Ep1" createVehicleLocal (_position);
    _shield setObjectTexture [[color="Red"]0[/color],"#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0,ca)"];

    That is what you would put in an sqf file, or even just init. If you put it on a vehicle position it may act weird with respawn, so I suggest markers. Since you are using Domination specifically, I suggest putting that code at the bottom or near the bottom of the init then make a marker somewhere at base, and just test it all out. Also, the number in red in the code can range from 0 to 1, 0 being invisible and 1 being a pure red color.

    Good luck!

    Edit: After saying and reading Domination multiple times for whatever reason it just now fully clicked :P All of the above still applies, except instead of running it through init.sqf, find _shield at the beginning of x_client\x_setupplayer.sqf and x_server\x_setupserver.sqf and put your new code under the one already there. This makes sure it is executed on every client and on the server, and will not have any respawn problems.[/quote']

    I got grimes script working I was wondering if it was possible to change the shape to make a rectangle and change the length because the one grimes gave is a circle.

    I tried say adding something like the trigger has when you turn it from a circle to a rectangle and it gives you code like





  10. that code would be placed directly in the init of the vehicle, you need ofc to reapply it when respawned.

    main thing, this is the vehicle name.

    vehiclename addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {

    you can use it differently on all vehicles.

    for example all helis have distance from their helipad 1 -10

    a10 have 500 distance from a base marker etc..

    if ((_veh distance (getMarkerPos "base")) < 500 AND (side _sho) == west) then {

    for where to place the code in the scripts of domination i dont know, Grimes [3rd ID] method would be far easier then if it works.

    Hmm actually, the shield thing Grimes talked about might be easier tbh, because with the method you gave the vehicle is hit still which ends up moving the vehicle sometimes if its a rocket, if I could get grimes shield version working it might be a better idea because that stops the round hitting the vehicle altogether.

  11. you could just make it easy with HandleDamage eventhandlers wich only allow damage from friendlys when so and so distance from base, now enemys can destroy as usual, but griefers cannot damage vvehicles in their base parking spot

    edit: something like this:

    this addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {
    _veh = _this select 0;
    _sho = _this select 3;
    _ret = 0;
    if ((_veh distance (getPos helipad1)) < 100 AND (side _sho) == west) then {
    	_ret = 0;
    } else {
    	_ret = _this select 2;

    now if vehicle is fired upon by a west unit and the vehicle is less than 100 from helipad1 it will get no damage.

    if enemy or its more than 100 away from helipad it recieves normal damage.

    Hey many thanks for the reply, where do I add this? Also can you add multiple helipads? Also about the A10 it's not on a helipad so how would you stop that getting damaged?

    Also thanks for Grimes [3rd ID] response as well.

  12. I need some help! I run a domination map, I'm having issues with noobs destroying or shooting the helis and vehicles. I would like to know if anyone can get the spawn shield to appear in these areas I've marked in red on the map. I don't really want to extend the shield across the map or anything just kinda need it in them locations because the enemy attack the base and would make it impossible to fire back.


    There is a spawn protect/shield script already in the new version of domination so if anyone knew how to do it with that would be great as it just stops people from firing when in range of that.

    Many thanks to any response!

  13. unrelated but set to:


    you need to resign all addons that lack v2 signatures yourself with your own new key(s)

    (and use the latest beta patch as player to avoid issues with the BI DLC)

    Thanks for reply!

    Can anyone else give a more in-depth description? A little how2?

  14. Hello, I run a server and I'm having a nightmare getting the verifying signature to work correctly.

    Here is my settings.

    // some ArmA specific stuff - signature verification
    // Enables signature verification for addons
    // This will prevent pbo hacks by only allowing pbo's that pass server's public key checks
    regularcheck="{}"; // Signature timeout fix
    //list of files to check for identity
    // some ArmA specific stuff - signature verification
    onUnsignedData = "kick (_this select 0)"; // unsigned data detected
    //onHackedData = "ban (_this select 0)"; // tampering of the signature detected
    onDifferentData=""; // data with a valid signature, but different version than the one present on server detected
    // If set to 1, player has to use exactly the same -mod= startup parameter as the server.
    // Anti-cheat
    battlEye = 1;

    I upload publickeys such as VOPsounds from that OFPEC website and it is still kicking me from my server. I'm just sick of all the hackers that can come on when you don't have any verifying script method. Is there anyway for me to also make new ones for other addons I have, I tried that DSutils v2 release (signatures) and can't get it to sign my addons just says ERROR after I try to sign them.

  15. What kind of ban command are you trying?

    #exec ban [player number] = the normal game command or you can ban true the GUI (interface). In the server folder should be a file called banlist.txt or something that will hold the PID's of the banned players. Banning with BE is slightly different..

    Hey, I tried from the ban server control menu and I tried to ban people by the name with the same command you used and the ID as well. I added a banlist.txt.

    Also BE is on and so is verifysignatures.

    Still it doesn't let me ban.
